12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 9, 2003 ,,CH warns larviciding must be done carefully Conservation Halton (CH)i s îrging municipalities to exer-cise I isu jsusi a week aller i icgiisiial t oulioil lî,ssedt a iecosin- mendation tu larvicide -kIll tiasqiites bel-ore thcy becotae adult insecîs- catch basins in nortb Haliota. 'We recugnize that West Nile virus s a sertous health concem that is being deali witb by municipal healtb depatimenîs." said CH CAO Theresa Maguire-Garber. "However, il is Iss as imaposrtattol consider the impact uf Wesi Nile virus conirsil actions on the nît- oral envîrunment." She said the Region bas a responsibility tes cisisider an apprsiach thats balanced and science-based. antahtat wîll etsure cleata streiins and healîby feresîs. as well as belp priteci residetats' health. apptlicationat' lbiolsgic:il lai vjieesu snîy inausquito tarvae ire tai- Ni tesvinusIhave ail niited t] ighî rneandl 5his ina:îs the adIteilisare isîsih iiiltltiît aand a total ut iSîtîfîl actoss flic iegis> i aay bc lariî cided. Tlae Reg iont receivecl appruval tsar a lareviditag penrmit lsroui the Ministry of« the Envirnniaent Tuesday. Tlae Region wîll hire nisîte oîaversîîy studetîts lia check tsar larvae and a private cunîpa- ny will drop fice Inrvicide pellets. CH said West Nîle viruls aftects niaI saîly hutita halîb, but alsis imapacts wîldlîl'e pospulatisons and, depetading on te esntro itîetia ods used, tatural wetlatads. Mosquito species tisund tansvetlatads are getaerally nsi the istes bhat carry lac virus, ('H slikesîeoplc said. and flic valune ot'rvet- lands tsar water qualiîy atnd vwildîtte habitat laas sang been recog- ta îed. This CH siii outbe ione caretully wth oily ste-pect' Culex a 0qLlt ewh icil are t mmo t c irs tWet Lets Cet Mobýlil! FREE BIKE! FREE PHONE E Â,- k s ~3' i ~ x '/1 some assembly requtred Nokia 3320 - 350 unlmtedfre - -l 3MNH pe 350da + evenings + & group aln UNITE per = w inese&day &incoming text mont mintes weeends messages" B lac kbe rry 950 ** 'After $100 bill credit on 2 year term. Not included in bike promotion O ROGERS ATT AUTHORIZED DEALER Offer OnIy Valid At The Following Locations Intec Cellular Inc. 439 Main St. E. Milton 905-875-1446 Intec cellular imc. 2-3245 Harvester Rd. 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Su. a large degree ot control can be achieved by eliminating the man-made breeding habitats for ihese mosquitoes and by Iocalized application of larvicides, il required. CH also argucd that draining or filling in wetlands as a way to control mosquitocs isot an ecologically sound way lu remove potential breeding sites. "Wetlands are important natural areas that support wildlite and improve waier qoality." a CH spokesperson said. CH Chair Jean Williams said CH bas just poblished a brochure lu help raise awareness of1 the danger the cnvîronmenî may be in with certain control actions. The brochure also includes helptul blinis for resîdenîs to conîrol mosquitoes near their homes. For moire infonmation un the enviroumenial aspect ut West Nîle vîmsi or to reccîve a copy of the new brochure, caîl (905) 336-1158 or vîsît www.conservationhaltuiî.onca. MS Society selling carnations at mal As part tf MS Awareness Month in May, the Halton chapter ut the Multiple Scîcrosis Society of Canada will selI camations at Milton MaIl today and Saturday. It will seIl sprîng bouquets for $10: mini-bouquets for $6 or two lor $ 10; and tour-inch puîîed camations for $5. Since the lte 1970s, the organîLation bas marked May at MS Awareness Month. Il cuîncîded with the establishment ut the MS Camation Campaigri un the Mother's Day wseekend. The campaign became a national tundraisîng prugram in 1976. Thc camnation was chosen because of its close cunnection to Motîter's Day. a Look for your Ashley Furniture flyer in todays paper e M NIYOEN- UE The Halton District School Board invites members of the public to attend an Open House and preseniation regarding a proposed temporary boundary change affecting students residîng in the Bristol survey (ands east of Thompson aud north otf Derry Road). Tuesday, May 20, 2003 W.I. Dick Public School 351 Highside Drive, Milton 7:00 pan. - 9:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for members of the public lu ask questions ut staff and provide input regarding the devetopment ut the temporary boundary change. Halton Dsrc School Board l'il 15,, 'i'i (i ,/,,, ',, il'i 13-1, 20 4 i '>4IePUI-i 4>4' .>13u, ON 1 4 7 R ;Z2 F$40/350 PLAN 'l