Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 2003, p. 21

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The Canaidian Champion, Tuesday, May 6, 2003-21 Page has lost total of 28 pounds in the Challenge *from TOWNSEND on page 10 t.C t.> iîî rî o inîî hci tit.,t Io 'I oul oi Ille c jscîlîî os slump she said shes found hersefin oser the past rnonth. The weigbt just doesn't seern to be comiîng tiff as quickly as i did nthfli irst and second months ftfihe challenge, she said. Ms Page, a marketing assistant at 'lihc Champion. hias now lost a total ot 28 pounds n the last three months and eight pounds in the past montli wîth Herbai Magic's wetghit loss program. It was frustrating, she said. when she tournd herselli losing just one pound per week for a f ew weeks. 1I feel like cbeating when Iru flot losing il as fast. What's the point'?" she wondered out loud. "But then 1 think of what Ive lost, and 1 dont want to gain tl back.' Ms Page had two strikes against bier ibis past month- Easter and a bip injuiy. The holiday presented quite a challenge because of the desserts and chocolate in the bouse. And witb bier hip injury, Ms Page said she hasn't been able to do mucb exercising besides walking bier dog. Although Ms Page said bier boyfriend is looking forward to lier finishing the prograru, she said hie appreciates the fact that she doesn't drink alcohol with the program. its cheaper for him when they go to a bar, and she can always serve as the couples desig- nated driver. Lîke Mr. Townsend. Ms Page said she's nous feeling tuiler faster. 1 can now eat a grapefruit andi l'miti .' he said, adding. '1t îsed tii scofi t guirs ssho uscdto caf ttne tiine titi]sas. 'l'Ills f iffI."' Fitttnii tîttîsotni f fier 'skiiîns cîtîtices'h,îsbeen tue f Ie btggest escielinenis if Itle fxusi rnutnth. \1ls Bacc 'aid. And Io> keep herseilf itîlutit ti. ic lits fioisd ici ,ell a.liitn tltIllie eind]of Karen Sinith \lfuîîl sîs iilttsiicusigltas tsas aIleolic tfci efil1ciiec partitcipatnts, Chamiipiotn ['ttr Katrenî Stith idut sfc 's Iifl Contfi- (lenti iat sfiîss and sicatî i s Ifle su av Ifît ci Hcaftii tti iîftutcffthé atft t-t1t00( uide tntd e\ereise ailtflec\Miltomn feistie('cuire iiitkc IIuhpin1,of ,ac'ton Sfic t s i-ice îîtuliiis iîts îîît itoini i tii ta l uuctlg l ,îss if cîghî pouinds, The one bright spoit to lier regîie s the kad ithat lier legs are beccîîîng " 'rock sîîfd" and better dcli ied, Ms Snmith saif. Sfîe said sbe nîîw finds berseif clîîîng more îîuîdoour actîvîties sucb as bikîng, becatîse the weather bas beeti so iice iatefy. In faci. Ms Smith recenîfy joined a hîksing club. in whicb she expecîs t participaie ai leasit once each week. Siielistîl go to the Milton Leisure Centre ai leasi once eacb week. Ms Smith saîd, anti sheli continue iii sec ber personal traîn- er every two weeks. A weekf y weigbî routine and siep classes continue iii be ber activîties of cbîîîce at the gym. Soup for lunch, lots nI fruit and juice make up a large part of Ms Smitb's meals. Easter was a bit of a set back, sbe said. "People gave me chocolate. I bad to eat tl." Wendy McNab An exîremely busy sehedule bas meant a lot less lime spent ai the gym tbis monîb, Ms McNab said. Beîween loîng bours ai the office- Ms McNab is The Champions advertising director- and time spent preparing ber 1ra1101-fttrs;tilimer, su tirwi, titi ai Gittidi ft- Fiinî'ss PFor '.Vnicî iut ut t oc1it ttil iiuut. utisut f fccit u\sic iýsiiig ft !is)tccit donc in different ways, site saîd. At ber traîler, for instance. 1i was workîng my buns off," Ms McNab said. When she had a bit of lime for exercising. i was mostly speni doîng some walkîng arîsind ber neigbbourbood, Ms McNab said. adding thatili doesn'î take as long as making a trip 10 tic gymi. "You need a full bour-and-a-ball f to go Io the gym). Sometimes uts just casier to do 20ioor 30 minutes ai home." More lime ai the gym is something tbat will definitely bc hap- pening soon, said Ms McNab. She bas already rencwed ber*six-montb GoodLife membership, and said sbe looks forward to exercising in an air conditioned gym on hot summer days. The weigbt is continuing t corne off, and Ms McNab said shes contînuing to feel more energetic. People bave been stopping her on the street and telling ber bow great she looks, Ms McNab said, and she had to buy new clothes - in a smaller size- lasi week. Ms McNab said while if's often a drag getting berseif to the gym, she feels great once shes there. The atmosphere of the gym, witb the TVs and CD players, adds tc, the excitemeni of being there. 'Genting there is te bard part. Being there isn't, sbe said. * ý New in town? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer by ordering a subscrip- k tion to Where To Shop! Where To Dine! ~ Community News! Professional Services! ...And more! Only $49.00 per year Phone 878-2341 or mail cheque or money order to P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 1 -800-GM-DRIVE gaadwrench.gmcanada.com toileras ol avaiable tn Thunder Day, Fart Frances. Dryden, Terrace Bay and Kanara. Other participating GM Dealerahipa may sel Individuel prices. 10F Includea up la 5L ai GM premium motar ait. Oters are validaon mosi GM vehlicles tar a limlied lima only ta retait cuatamaers. Ses Servîca Advlsor for mare dtlit..

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