i 8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesdav. May 6, 2003 New Halton Crime Stoppers co-ordinator will nroniote program in area high sehools By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion A fresb take on some existing ideas and a great appreciation for wbat's already been done. That seems to be wbat Sgt. Ray Bruce is bringing with him to bts new position as the Halton Crime Stoppers co-ordinator. "I'm excited about heing select- cd the new co-ordinator. 1 look for- ward to working with the media, the board of dtrectors and the com- muntty in general," Sgt. Bruce said, adding, -1 look forward to c<)ftifluing what co-ordinators belore me have donc." Sgt. Bruce began bis new job April 14, taking over for Sgt. Peter Payne who served as intertru co- ordinator since July. Sgt. Payne bas been re-assigned as a fraud tovestigator with Halton police. An l-year police veteran. Sgt. Bruce jotned the Halton police tn 19901 after serving lîve ycars in Toronto. He ftrst perforrned ont- fomîi patrol duties in Halton iluis and Milton before being trans- lcrred to an Oakvillc district in Si1x years ago, Sgt. worked in g a t i o n s whcre be w a s in v o 1 v ecd Sgt. Ray Bruce prtmarily with fraud and arson investigation. He was promoted f0 sergeant lasi year. Crime Stoppers is a program that brtngs together media and the coru- munity to ftgbt crime. It offers an anonymous method of providtng informnation to solve crimes tn retur lor cash rewards. Something Sgt. Bruce said he's looking forward to is promoting Crime Stoppers programs in high schools. "It's nof new, but it's neyer bad the opportunity to get off the ground." he said, adding that stu- dents will be able to create their own boards of directors on a high school level. Sgt. Bruce said he's looking for- ward to the public speaking engagements he'll be doing, and bis increased involvement with the community. "In the past. that's not something 1 had to deal with," be said. "b'm looking forward to the challenges l'm sure 1 c'at expeet." ivestigative experience is oe of the assets Sgt. Bruce said he'l be able f0 contribute to Crime Stoppers- particularly when tak- ing cabîs froru the public. "l'Il be able to draw on that expe- rience f0 get the bcst information possible." He added that bts 18 years with the police force have given hiru an overail firm grasp on the workings of the poluce department. Sgt. Bruce currently lives in Mississauga with bis wife and two- year-old son. The toîl free Crime Stoppers of Halton number is l-800-222-TIPS. St4P1uatiie Thiessen can he reached at sthiessen@Cýimiltonc-aita- dianchumpion.com. -:CAEPEI4LOORING BRMPONBURLINGTON MISSISSAUGA 13 Fisherman Drive, Unit #8 1250 Brant Street. Unit #106 734 Dundlas Street East f Hw. 10. North ut Bovaird) (aoroas from Farnous Pfay.e'of tEat of Cawthraf 1905) 495-8828 (905) 332-8388 (9051 281-8552 *Siop eadiy for bcd acelection. Stock whi vary by store. Prior orders exempt from Iis sale 36 monty insfaliments ont y. Financecharwgcs appfy. Vist i, lt I (M FREISHO -ATHOM 1-88-82-78