The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 2, 2003-9 Larviciding program may be expanded to north H-alton in on2oinv hattie avrainsl- Weç*t Nue viriiç, By JASON MISNER The Champion Halton's top public health officiais want 10 step up efforts to f îghî West Nile virus Ibis summer by larviciding catch basins in north Halton. The Regions healîh and social scrvices committee unanimous- ly passed a recommendation Tucsday to use pesticides in the urban areas of Milton and Habton His where mosquito larvac bas been deîected. Lab resulis from Heaiîb Canada. which were oni y released 10 the Region recenily due 10 major hacklogs, concluded mosquitoes caughî in traps in north ilalion lasi summer tesied pos- tive for West Nile. Thai prompted Halion's heal 1h department Io encourage councillors to expand the West Nîle iarviciding pro- gram tis year. In February, the Region approved larviciding catch basins n Oakville and Burlington. If approved ai Wednesday's regional counicil meeting, as many as 7,000 catch basins in north Halton could be larvicided for a total of 35.0(X) across the region. The Region anticipates gettîng approval for a lars icîding permîit lrom the Ministry of the Environnment nexi week. 'ie entîre Halton prograni is scheduled 10 stant the second sseek of' May. The Region will hîre ninc univcrsity stuclenis 10 check f'or larvae and a privaie company will di-op the pellets. Cornbining the larvi- cidîng, surveillance andf nionitoring portions oftthe Region's West Nile batie plan, cosîs of' ihe entîre prograni wiil likciy excccd $8(0,000. The Region wîll also lars icidc stagnanit pools of water on public propcrty. like road-side diiehes and smail ponds. throughoui Halton Ibis surer. ls*. a xsorthy initiativec Io lelp stem the spread of the poteniialfy cfeadly. mosqulito-borne sirus. said Dr. Bob Nosal. HalIon*s mccl cal off icer oI healtîs. -We ad a probleim and sse're raknil citvrserioîîîîs,li e siid a)rer the meeting. There ss re 59 hunan ciscsof West Nile niit fltonas suiner. tfsrec Irons \Itiltonl. Soi re lot r crsick. bUt nouecdiecf Thcre ss cre t7? cailis linkecf b r se \s rus ini anada I ast s car FlicHalton imbier s u\erce the h i gîest u iiiie provinc. eii t h ( Tuoronto. Anf siiutb ()akvil le i s the bot spotilfoir West N île in 201.givenil i ad tihe ulrîgbstrate ofinf iectionii in Nornh Aisserîca. TIsai 's ss fy laltio has unsdcnakcis a (Mis cf tUcfy I lueerrssîrse the pres alcuce cif thriss -u is ils 1()aks ile aUcd sOuth Burlin'tîirs residersîs. Dr. Nosal lilpes tirbas c the test r sul in01e ime riesI niorsîh tus s ec f he Region iscecîs to alter is,, est Ndle prirgrani. Whcn îî comes lis West NîL.the mîrsi pressing issue the fscalih dcpanimenr bas heard fros resîrfertss stfe corscemrn frstn(liiiîg pools of waîer. Dr. Nosal sai. He said a four-page leafler wil be mailed tir Halton resîdenîs nexî week explaining tbe Region's West Nule program, as well as lips on how 10 safeguard your propenty irons buzing m(squitoes by getting rid of stagnant waîer. LOK foe y u COE RS faya Further 10 that, Dr. Nouai urged people te, open their pools carli- er Ibis summner or 10 pump the water off of the cover t0 avoid the possibiliîy of mosquitoes finding a suitable home 10 lay their eggs. The Region is researching the potential of larviciding pool cov- ers if the pool can't be opened early, he said. Public information meetings will bc held by the Region in ail four municipalities in laIe May te, discuss West Nule and the mess- yWfth more tflan a dozen prograns choies and camp sites in te MGreater Toronto Ares, there's a ýMAcamp liti s rgitt for your cilid. 416-928-9622 or -800-223-8024 Call now to register. 0Lz Il MCGUIRE 1- 0AGERTW ta MANAGE XMENNT Iy4p 9mSat &Sun 2-00 pmm Gary Hannah SUMMIT AWARD ures 10 combat it. Larviciding is a form orf safe pesticide use involving the dropping of pellets. Catch basins are considered a prime habitat for larvae, which grow it aduit mosquitoes and risk gettîng West Nule from an infecîed bird and passing it on te, humans through bites. Jason Misner can be rear'hed at jmi.sner@amiltonrianadian- îIiarnpiofl.îr.m. Sunday May 11, lOam - 2pm Over 75 hot & cold items including an omelette station, carved roast beet, ham & a dessert table trom heaven. Tu: 3590 Wîngs, afer 4pm WotI: -II-L-Can Eai Spaghetti, after 5pm, $5.97 Thurs: kidg Dine for $1.99, 4pm-9pm Aller 9: Thirsty ThurSday, DJ with Classic Rock Fr1 t êiè <pfiWO14 f et% (*sw eai JWlsbonl Sat: Ail Pay ereakfast (lam-5pm) & Aller 9: Sun: 09 1Tg Tg 4 P4Ai WM 9E O¶ M qf Ail Pay Preakfast (11lam-5pm) & HOSTED BY JOE BRETT Every SUnday startîn7g May 18 Bad Opn ri ahH Sdt heN.Daveide ilonur Band87 -37 -Rob Farrant SUMMIT AWARD TOP OVERALL SALES 2002 Congratulations to Gary and Rob on their outstanding achievement in 2002. Their dedication to excellence and professionalism has eamed them the Summit Fleet Award in the 2002 Professionals Club Program. The Summit Fleet Award is recognition for their proven expertise in produet knowledge and consultative selling skills. '[bey have demonsîrated a strong commitment 10 customer satisfaction, and their sales performance has positioned them in the top 10% in their region. The staff and management of Gallinger Ford-Lincoln would like to (hank them for their hard work and dedication. And wish themn continued success in 2003. UALLINUZR FORD LINCOL M5 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON (905) 875-FORD (3673) Visit us at *il SeI@cted Area's . m a a