Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 May 2003, p. 7

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Meetng o dscu s epan ionThe Canadien Champion, Friday, May 2, 2003- of Milton Fair G rounds drawsOU EDR W IT e rtracted from past issues of The Champion aeid otiier public ations- (o pro- vide a window into Mltan's past. Explanatorv- comment is sometimes pro- îided ta place the situation in î-ontext. March 1900 A well-atîended meeting of members of tbe Haton Agricultural Society was held ai the town hall on Saturday 10 consider the proposed increase in the size of the fair grounds. A resolution was carried wbîcb auîborized tbe directors 10 purcbase one- and-a-balf acres on tbe south east side of the grouinds and ereci upon il a 60 by 24 foot cattle shed. The price of the land wîli be $160. and il was figured ibat $50 would caver il and the expense of building. The directors were therefore empowered 10 pay off the present mortgage on the grounds of $1.000. wiîb interesi ai 6 per cent, and give a new one for $1.500 wiîb inîerest ai 5 per cent 10 a gentleman wbo had offered t0 lend tbe money. At future fairs, the cairle and pigs wiii be exbibiîed as weii as kept in the new enclosure. Milton rejoices. On tbe receipi ibis momîng oîf ibe news of the relief of' Ladysmitb (Soutb Africa). lags ssere run up on a number of buildings and sîcam whisiles sounded in ail directions, makîng a deafening racket. Tbe young people of the Maosessood United Presbyierian Church beld a basket social on Frîday eveoîng. whicb isas a suc- cess frorn tbe 'iesspoint of' sociabiliiv. pleasure and finiance. One of' tbe churcb members. William Stark, kindlv gave the use of1 bis comrnodius bachelor quanters li-itIse occasion0 and tib e sc axed iii ibe Utmsosi by ibe tbrong tIsai .ssernbled. The sale of the baskets, which was conduied by Alex. B. Chisbolrn. caused considerabie merriment and good-natured rivalry, and realized a good sum. April 1900 During a public meeting on the need for good roads in Halton. ibere was crîîicism of the stablte labour sysîem. and support for the introduction of machinery and improved road making. A.W. Campbell, provincial road commîssioner, spoke. He bad enquired and bad found that i Halion during the lasi 10 years. over 122,000 days of statute labour had been put in and Capsules $94,000 had been expended principally on culveris and bridges equaling a total expenditure of about a quarter of a million dollars on roads and bridges. The roads and bridges of Halton were probably as good 10 years ago as they are today. Tbe large expendîture had gone merely to attempt to keep them in order. but thai much money would pay for the macadamizing of' the roads in the couniy. The siatute labour sys tem had donc wonders for the province and in a newly-settled country, no other system could equal it. However, every sysîem should be changed according to the needs and conditions. and tbe time bad corne ta make changes to tbe statute labour sysiem. the commissioner suggesîed. On Tuesday, the Toronto Presbyiery sus- tained the caîl ni Knox Churcb in Milton bo Rev. E.F. McL. Smith, B.A. of Lucan and Granton. Rev. Mr. Gregory and Dr. Robertson represenîcî Knoos Churcb and presented the caîl. wbîch was very unani- mous - 193 members baving signed il out of a possible 198. Ilssas also signed by 66 adberents. Rex. Mr. Smith bas expressed bis w illingness 10 accepî ibe cal. as il \xsas s0 unanîmous. About 4 arn. on Monday. night usaich- man Charles Dossnte disios ered ibai ibe remaining building of' ibe tannerv ssas on ire and rang the alarrn. l'lie lireL brigade tlne OUId loui p ml.,but didil't i use heir busc, as ithe lit-e bad oui ,ained bcaLks av. A lew buckeis iiiwaier put i oui. hIls as est- denîly încendiary. Ilssas staried uîside. in the ssall of' ibe building. and badn'î got insîde wben Mr. Rîtedler. the proprietor oit the tannery. and the Kenney brothers tbrew the firsi waîer on il. Tbe damage didn'î amount 10 more iban $5. The manner in whicb ibe fire origînaîed indîcaies ibat the suspicion îbal tbe destructive lire ai the tannery on Feb. 151h was incendiary was correct. Thi.s iatwerial i.î a.senthled on helialj*of* te Milto Hitorîî-al Socicts' li oi Dut, who i-attbe n'ai-led 6v t' niail ut jdill,ç(q7idirtie-toni. Dear Editor: This letter is in response ta Murray Townsend's Lifestyles col- umn ibat appeared in the April 18 Champion. Firsi of ail, i jusi wanî 10 give a shout oui toalal my bomies in the M-Dot. especialiy the new rapper in our bood. Rapper Grampy G. Just one thing thougb. il's spelied Emînem. 001 Emenem. dogg. Serîously îbough, as one of' Milton's young adulis. i found it amusing 10 sec one of ibis town's (and i say ibis wîth al-due respect) older citizens making an attempi 10 chili 10 some of our younger-sîyle beats. i didn'i agree wiîb everyihing said in Mr. Townsend's column, ie: the lyrics 10 Eminem's songs are very controversial. and politîcai. i know not everybody agrees wib them (mosi people don't>, but they're stili much more prohound ihen -ya. ya. ya .... However. I dîd fînd t somess at flaitening tu sec hîrn trying to relaie, or ai leasi bc accepting oif some (il the yoîinger population*s prelerences. For ibis i gise YOLI prutps.G. And as the scasuin drasss nearer. i tbougbt I wouid make anc more point. Every year, i read in tbe editori- ais and leiters back and forth about us young people causing trouble in parking lots and wbaî 001. l'm 001 bere ta complaîn about the lack of tbings ibere are bere for us ta, do in ibis îown, because we've ail heard il a million limes belore. And i personaliy can't corne up wîtb an effective solution cubher. Al i wanîta osay îs ibai even tbougb there are many people in ibis îawn wiling ta try ta relate ta us, like Mr. Townsend, ibere are aiso rnany people wha aren't. i simpiy ask ibat if you're goîng ta point oui tbe negatives lîke lit- iering and noisy bebaviaur, you sbould also give us credit for the gaod îbings wc do. Maybe yîîu dîdo't know ibat my fricnds were the ones wba made a citizens' arresi ai a drunk driver ast v car,,alter bc bit a I 6-year-old girl cruîssing the road on ber bike ai Laurier Avenue and Ontario Street. He bad tried ta mun. but my lrîends brîîugbî bîrn back for tihe police ta put in jaîl. Dear Editor: On bebaif af the volunteers, staff and clients af the North Halton braocb of the Canadian Red Cross Society, i would like ta express our gratitude for Use tremendous success ai our firsi annual Power af Humaniîy lunch and dinner. This sumpîuous fundraising event. hosted by Pasquaino Café & Bistro Sunday, Mar. 23, came about tbanks ta the tremendous generosity af Pasqualino Café & Bistro and many ailier local businesses. Tbanks ta you, we raised more tban $4,000. No organization cao successfuhly stage a fondrais- er U hiebis without Use ontold boors of service pro- vided by dedicaîed volonteers sucb as Leslie Goerizen, Kalhy Beaven and Sharon Power. Our thanks go ouita Ustese ladies for organiziog eveiything from tbe smallesî details ta Use bîggest You aiso probably didn't know that my friends and 1 were the firsi ones an the scene of the accident when a waman in a mini-van drove ber car ino the car dealersbip ai the comer of Derry Road and Hwy. 25 afier passing oui athte wbeel. My cousin, the daugbter of a nurse, kepi ber from choking on ber vomit until the paramedies arrived. You probabiy didn'î know ibis because when bath stories appeared 10 ihe newspaper. w weren't mentiined. Even tbougb we like ta listen ta music like Eminem, (wbicb we al hear from Mr. Townsend isn't 50 bad) il daesn't mean we're bad people. We are yaung people. And jusi because ibere's one bad seed, il doesn't make the wbole apple bad. i tbink ihat's how my mom says il. And even more impartantly, that appie doesn'i fail far from the tree. Jusi a couple tbings 1 ask yau ta cansider ibis summer. Peace! R. Nîkoich Milton ones. 0f course, volonteers need the support ai staff, and the North Haiton braocb is very fortonate ta bave tbe serices ai Ano Sbarpe, Kim Meidel and Allison Goertzen, wbose dedication ta aur commo- nity and la the organization are evideot in ail they do - boîb for special eveots and for the daily oper- ations ai Use brandi. Finaiiy, tbank you ta those of yoo ini oui commu- nity who sopported oui efforts with ticket purchas- es, raffle and door prizes, or other donations. It's good ta know Usai Use organization yoo've comte ta rely on for belp when needed cao tom 10o you for support as well. Once again, Usanks for ail your belp. Shellagh M. BorcsoI4 North Halton branch proaldent Canadian Red Cross Society Lisa Bliss Says Hypnosis is a Sure-ire Way to Lose Weight and Look Great!L~ She mefted off 30 lbs. two summers ago!f My naneiàsfiçBLss. IJama rgi- temed nw'se. Idîv-pped 301xunds Ili eighït shotmonih.s and kept it qffor msso year-s! f d ike to sJu-e mv 1 enarhle success stoy v"h you. DISASTROUS DIETING! Dfng was sone- tlhhng 1 àaded.I1 thougil il was my only way oait i ed dietp&llfiom Ih lealIh food stot. 1 and fioag bw-cak>- rie fiods % 1rve siîdk ta anything long rtîougjs ta have retsk. Tlk-ee"quick-fix"ies eent sc.îething I1coodlive wiuh long teni. Luckiy, 1 leamed about Positive QhiM gHypiicsis Cetff -,. HYPNOSIS IS DIFFERENT! 1 noed a change ini my beliavior my fi-si week I was dm*%kiig nx water aid didn't wat to ac~ak tetween n-,a& LXaisg hase fist seven days, I eSily Is 4 pourixs. I died my me301-. wthany effot wiiams- ever! 1 WORE A SEXY BIKINI ON THE BEACH! 1 wengtot my hrdiers weddîng in Mexio. I spmi a lot aif wSe on tise bech nm a bîloo I hexùwdaid cnsphsentshxs myandax fiiencs.fl'ey madeconmeîts soch s,"Wow, yon have a goeat bady!" Il mnie&nme feel ike a million doLlar! CALL IMMEDIATELY! 1em#taiically îecunnrsNiive&anwges ta anyonS who wais ta koseweightl Milton Youth should be recognîzed for good thîngs Timethey do., as well as the bad, says local teen Canadian Red Cross' North Halton branch president says thanks to ail those who supported fundraîser Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres Stress Management Stop Smoking Aicohol Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown oîieIîg" (Two doors south of the TD Bank) PstvCitieý (905) 877-2077

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