UWE wouid ike ta thank aur family for the won- derful evening they arraoged for aur 50th Wedding Anniversary. Also the dînner and l y H ~ ~ ii HI rIsgitts Iwhch were greaaty apprxciated. t was an evening we shall aiways e mbr LOREEN & DON 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 978-2881 ti6',00i Kayak [pooN l 'rikSd 1 exlit c 00 S 1-800-668-7564 2 YEAR GcG Saîrd Brch dîvîxgraom alSia hvsrx chairs. Regulan $2,800 for sale $1,200 95-8 76-03r8v5 A King Pillvwlvy Mania s Set. News iv plastic Cusr $1000 Sacrifice S45000 005-567-0459 cari dairvar APPLIANCES FPiOge. 2 avar: Slave: Mayiaij a lamatîn washer amyer Asr, apameel sel, lver v/ar- îavly inavcivg auaila 005-637-8328 BED, Avrazivg sargaîri queva vvthvpeiipifl Hari sel. New iv plastic uarran- ty S150 9055674042 usli deliver BEDROOM ver, pca char- rywaad. ea, cOcsI. dess- or mirrarigbl sands, Dovataîl constructian Nea- xi opeviea CasI se000. Sacrifice 52400 vas5-567- 4042, CARPET i have severai 1,000 yds.aifae Staîn- mater & 105% avivan car- pet mii ov ivîgrvvm & Cuit tor $380. Inciades car- pet. pad & insalaionuv30 yardis) Sleva 905-639- 2902 CEDARS for hSeas sivOt îng aI S500. 3-4 Asa back cedavi whileb tcîr whte prins Sericea 0aty mapia ash, c Oua u5rtc.a vvrusay , whte 5&Hi. rt 905-875-0830 DINING ROOM r3pca Cherry, 8 chairs. bufet hulch, sema; ,duveraîr con- struction.5h rtffin es. CasI 511.000. Sacriice $3,00& 905-567-9459 OONKEYS, temala & maie Cas deiîvr Phonre 9055 875-2101, MiSe. FARM IMPLEMENTS, Pan suie. 6'BuoshaHg rary mawor Phone 005-826- 1 099. GE Beaumurk ulove & frîdgx. mestinghause heavy duty aryen. Ail white, great shapo, For ait $400. 905-876-4444 PARROT, cockatîiland budgre beecing Saxos wth sexsto. 2 cages wth stads (ose seedo eaprîs) Cuit 905-877-6286, POLARIS morixi 340 suc- tinO pool cleasen $250. 0E Brista te cu. 5 naige wth tee maker $6005 & Inglis whte toxe $2500 905-693- 8857 or 005-601-3474. 310 For $de PRINTS. J Lumhers The SchossiHouse S500, value 50.0 Cals $1000. valus S2800, - une viSer, Grava- vISher in chairt wSpanil, cal sawrng i fshbwl, Ba- ismai Gspres S500, Liz Lespararrca5S50 Saby r-raS esi Fzgerald, 4 10 Priîishrs Provi S1000 aeriossirqaires oriy 905- 877-vers 315 Wanted $$$$ WVanrav Ail Chia iver, Crystai, Tea Cups, Royal oulilon, Suarovsii Glass. Jeweiry via Ivys. colilactiS si ates. Cail 1995 Chrysier Concorde, Excellent condition, very clean, nanoker oaed, 157k. Certredi E-tesied. Prîvate $6500 00. 0 5- 877-1676 1999 back las Alera. ex- elent condition. ivly ivad- vd wth leaiher seals. 73,000 kms, Askrvg $13500 416- 0036757 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLEI OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. aI Derry Rd. 905-878-23931 81 Ontario St. N. 400 40 ffl iftFCe Sale Vflu For Sams GORRUDSî Hunt Chrysier AUTO Jeep t r Purxhase or lease thal SALES &LEASING iew lo ou caaror uc. NEW&USED Coneein o a greadeat 410 STEELES AVE. 500 Bronte St. S. A FAMtLY BUSINESS 958628 WîTH FAMILY VA LUES 958628 Wt -t/ SlLc. cEASt 1H(ý 905-875-2277 1as wwwgdsauttgrtap.cmn carm raky c « se 509 5w0 DTtw.S Divers TRUC~K O-UAMIOR EaUIPIUJT OPHIAOR requtred for toao excovotîng compony. AZ preferred DZ minimum Caîl 90"478-9313 Drivers I Owner 510 r Operators Gn oe ~ PART TIME HELP NEEDED Naadedii mmedîateiyi 519-821-1821. * 2200-3000 mi/we FIT & P/T * adbsepae & Concierge/ parmts tilleceptionist * Ait bridge lt pi reguirad fcr tuxury 98 ar newer e/Tan- condominium dem axia Ilactor w/ comptox for seniors, sloaper req'd. Sond baume taý (800)4676016 Deanna Bradftord fax ai 905-333-9648 bearthstne.ca The Conodion Champion, Frîday, May 2, 2003-31 -The Manager& Day& RssAssistant Manaaier ,, 4 4 1 __tee Dedicatit (iiirrar.it iigisîic.s.a dii% tie rîlTh1e tJs& Ri-s Transpoirtationx Grxp i s urrenttl saakîsg applications iîor a -Transportahion Manager".tInthîs poisitionrtx pireu l imriagea ait apevis iii a sîxiai iiwxriipcraiivr basadi leai îrrrî'îîî d i edtiv ais itativerias tir arr est ivîva niîtr Yîîu areaa ,îtitoin"rt iparatrr s iti suiont g rivai maaigemenand ,îît us tirixtrs rtationitikills, Yiriiaracu,%illing Io pertirrit t sariaiy rft rîtes e rtC in teiiperatiiiti antd vidov s îîitî aiitiuisîii ,tanaxsîîrrrqr-ialtitudea. yu ru lin itxxtlI iriaxîity prj woa in u nirattiss .an iiiitperiivt andarttles i hie isirk axvîrrîmaîî, Il thîs pisi ni i litietaIoiiyîrîî.pleasivappty iii Andrea Leech, Staffing (>licer T he Day & Ross T ransportat ion Oroup 398 Main Street Hartland, NB E7P 1C6 Fax (506) 375-1183 E-mail: drrecruit@adayandrossinc.ca Sexauer Ltd. vaw hîrîng tulitme Warehouse & Counler Personnel fcr piumhîvg avd hardware maintenance svpply ccmpavy in Cakurlie Fax resume Atnc L Hall Fax 905-842-8008 or E-mail hall2@wrîmar con SALES REPS Reqiiirsd tri rsuar new tPli tory for otica sais; cOri- îîaîîy.Nsoeparîsce ncecssary. wiii train Vncde an asset Must be matura & prv(assiscai 905-319-4242 Handyman (M/F) Jack-01-All-Trades $20-$25IHour skle i i rCacHirt PISrTil 110 Fîsi rlcal CeramnirPPv ntrng Wal paper Drywail Piasisi. Flosr ruueriiîg r, 015125 Flexibls houss hicive lt SIhequs hy Piiday F0 F0 Ms i haeoaiî r s rs n1i40le tîraispoil dii H.3 10 ya lieq Caîl Mr. Athur 905-578-4405 or 905-826-0655 Kitchen Supervisor Apply in person: 270 N. Service Rd. S905-338-5800. Ail, ithe classifieds havetfle tgobeseeby 30,0N people P/T HoIp Wanted Equestrian FacIlity iD Mohlat Expenience preterred. Cai Jaaiet 519-821-1821 Herse Farm SEEKIMO FULL TIME FARM HELP. Wnrking wiith maras and tuais and yearlings salas in the tait. $9 ffv Ph 905-854-9991, Fa 905-854-0650 Vilheuls <audxlia currei, hIas an o pening.f/<e xxfull l1ne posrnein ourt DATA ENTRY DEPARTMENI. ]NI nuin li:tlliiii /r/x-asi- /rîiard (i reçwii'i il/ri/ar; xrrrici rmenisi i/e- Human Resources Iepartimenî. liatthewN Canada 1A., 550 Minlachir Iliue. Miton. Oniario 1.91 315 or faxn to 905-876-13-11. Watntod Soasonal HeIp Grounds persan for generat duties. graus cuttrvg, rak;sg, cteaning etc. 905-693-0303 Busy Whaiesaie Praduce Company is cunrentiy seeking qaaliîted Part-Timne Packer /Re-graders The successtui candidate(s> wiil *Be abie ta wcrk in a (ast paced enviranmenr *Be abie ta wark tlexible haurs, inciuding weekeaas *Hase stnang verbai communication akitis *Be custamer service orieted *Be mativautd & energetic *Have the abiiity ta litt heavy bases To obtain an application: Apply in Person At: 370 Ontario Street North Milton, ON BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH s now hiring futt rime 8 ain - 4 pin and part sixte 4 pin- 12 arn The suciessua apptic.ants mnusa be flexîibte, highty mîîaîvaaed and ablet rwrk ahe seekends. 'tour mîrrîvuionat skitts r cldearn you an average hourty wage of between t1O.00 and 't6.00/hr wirh a base pay oif 9.0/hr. Please apply in person ait 40 Chisholm Drive No phone calis please Retl a tsa eperince essential Fa, Wendy 905-353-9446. Be Your Own Manager Successtai compaay (80 empiuyeea) aeeking ENGINEERING MANAGER. Reapansîbie for ait techaîcal areas tram castomer service tao roduct design and developmeat. Must have broad exponi- ence iaciadîng weldîvg, painting, metal stamping/ tarmîng. Protîcient ut compaterized dratiag and design, Louki or tan ahanda-on, setf-starter. resaltta annetd prorn seekîag ta make an imme- diate impact. MechaoîcaI Engîneer! Tehmocan or Miwrght preterred. Sead reaume ta: Box 6406, c/o Gakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakvitle, Ontario 16K 3S4 Is Currently Looking for School 8us Irivers1 Laidians Transit is an [ quai Opportunisy Emnployer A leader in the sporling goods industry requires the tollowing: Bilingual Customer Service Rep. Responstbîlîlies include: *Pnacessing ordenu. anawerîng tetephone and dealing wîth custamer inqaîies; *Dealiîg wth custamer warranty issues: *Exceling at workîng as part at aur team. Qualifications: *Min. 2-5 pears eaperîence in customer service, *Abitity ta wark in a tat-paced enaîronmentý *Srnang arganizatianai and anaiptîcat skiis: *Excellent computer ski'ia AS400: *Knswiedge ot(heoutoar îndstny mandatary Off ice/Warehouse Coordinator (Bilingual Preferred) Responsibilities inctude: *Caardînahîng ottice and warehause actîsîties: *Caardînatîng att HR reiated issues: *Knawiedge ot ceaI accsuntîng. Qualifications: *3-5 peasaexpenience: *Excellent computet okîtto ýAS400: *Evperîence i spoting god industry mandatory. Senior Shipper/Receiver (Bilingual Preterred) Responsibilities include: *Oveseeing aul shîppîng/receîving actîvities in the wanehouse; *Schedutîng ot transportation damesîto & toreign; *Ensuring orders are tîtted accuratety and shîpped an ime; *Ensuring safety standards are foitswed. Qualifications: *3-5 years exp. in warehossng and shîppîng; *Excellent communication and interpersonai skîtts; *Computer iterate (MicroSot, Excel, AS400>; *Abîtîty t fnction effectivety as part t our team. Please reply in confidence, slating the position you are apply for, la: gdenman@canadianrec.com Fax: 514-733-6352 No phone colis please Train now for September (905) 877-2251 6,10 o«MW Holp Wanted 510 Germwl Holp Wanted