Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 May 2003, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, May 2, 2003 Ctj4ltlpiO liCL4SSIFED ROUIS: Moday to Friday 1 9:00 amr- 5:00 pz LCIS ssifiedie As ppara I I Il lu BIRTHDAY lm VO O M I I 7771 VILLAGE Parc on//ru Pond, 2 /reiroom luxer-y condo coDm- p/e/e wr/h 5 appliances, new cazrpe/ing rhroughour, park- ing. s/orage. $210,00000. Ca/r 905-693-3567 MLSD OE SEM/ DETACHED, Mil/on, J3/redroos, C A A C.,ire- 82 MILLS/DE DRIVE placeý $199000. Open House, Sarurday, /2 noon - 3 pm 700 Mdde/on Crescen/ or catil for apporormenr 905-87/r- r1&2 Bedrevm Aprs. 0376. C/ose /0 Down/swn WANTED /0 renf 3 bedroom /ouse/own/rouse, Mid Jane. Bes s/on ar Miron. 05-878-0561 a/rer h pm.FotDr ELEGANT PENTHOUSE w.eltra 100 Mil/ide Dr., Mil/on. *Sou//rwes/ facrng unir 2 /edrooms -5 appîances -2 /a/hrooms ROCKWOOD by par/r new- *Cus/om mad/e hindu and draperies p puin/ed r1 & 2 apf s srart- *2 indoor par/ing spots ing $645/mon/h iocludes -2 indoor s/orage unr/s appliances/utili/ es/parking. For personal viewing ca/I 905-693-8U89. Also commercal/office ______________________________ space 5/9856-4900. REASONABLE Industrnal Uni/s tor rent. 1,600 - 3200 sq. . Loaing docks & drive-in. Phone 1-905-2T7- 9347 or 1-905-275-6834. MARKET pour Business Oppor/anr/y tri oser 4.9 Mil- ton ad/a/rnin Onario wr/h Mero/and Commani/y Newspapems. Ca/f /oilay for rn/onmation on week/y word ail m/tes - 416-493-1300 cxi. 335 VISAMASTERCARD Lrm- i/a up/to $15.000. Bail creil- il ok. 1-866-274-5005 ent. 10. WE Fig/rt Trafic Tckets. 95%e saccesso Loment a/es.9/e MinfID es Fre connu/ta/ion, 905257- 1789. basemen/ aparrmen/ c/ose /0 ilown/own Mil/on, C/A. availa/rIe Jane lust, no chr/d- ren please, inn/ailes ap- p/ances & a/r/r/rs, aandry facîlities ext/m. 5600/mon/h. irst. ast & references re- qarred. Ca// John 905-878- 6859 ACTON 1 & 2 bedroom 5550/775/mon/h p/us eii. f/es. 519-853-5080/519- 853-5352. ACTON Vioon Semi 3 hedrooms, 51.000/mon/h p/un. Aso 1 /redr-oom apar/- ment 5600/mon/h p/as. 2 /redroom 5775/mon/h p/as atiitien. A/ne Georgetown Victonia 2 /redroom apar/- ment 5/ .000/mon/h p/as hydro. 519-853-5080/519- 853-5352. IMMACULATE 2 /redroom Apar/ment in cous/r/i home, priva/e, ai appliances, clone tri 401. No pets, no chrîdren. AvaIa/r/e Jane lur or Jo/y lst. Referencea. 5920.00. 519-856-9259. MAIN floor apar/ment oft brick home. 2 /reiroom. Non-smoking, no pets. 51050/mon/h /nclusive. Milton. 905-875-0678. 1 BEDROOM, 224 Mart/rn SI., 12 p/ex. avai/able rmmeia/e/y. $750/moo/h inldsuile O/es. No pela. Pick ap application at Bergamans Home Decor, Downiomir Mil/on. c(ana"enC»%*eMn MA/N fioor o/ house, 2/ed- roomu, 000rthot 401.5/1,250 inclusive. Avaîla/rIe Jane f. 905-875-4886. NEW Dreenpark semi. Avaia/r/e May 29/h. 3 heil- room, 2 l12 ha/hCiA CN, 5 appîrances, $/550 +v a/i- ries. Mattamny nemi avail a/r/e Jaly lust. 3 /redroom, 2 /12 /ra/hs, C/A, 5 app/î- ances. $/550 vCai 905- 854-3435. 3 /redroom /own/roase. $1200/mon/h p/asu arfi//tes. C/A. Please ca/I 905-878- 6272 Anal/a/r/e Jane lsr. Mil/on ROOM for reni, n/ose /0 amenîfres, Laandry fao/r/ty, parkrng/mon/h/p/weekly. 5450/mon/h. Female pr-e- f erred. 905-875-0865. A.1 LANDLORD for A.1 tenant. Spacloas 1 /red- room famrshed aparfmen/ wr/h groand Door wa//rDei,r oui/a/r/e for ing/e pemson. Non-smoker, no pets p/vase. 5630/mon/h. 905- 878-457/. CAMPBELLVILLE tars- house. Fa//y fumished tc,1r share wl/h ihiril pemson. Noi smoking/pv/n. $500. CaI 905-854-0959 Caaafen Cbannpo'" LARGE //edroom. modrern secieded rer-ai home 40/ Gueins Lise Al maie. aIl incusive $425 905- 854-0359 V LWorking Harder to stay #1 e 0w6Y2 ! RdM Fred & Olga Bickers 4 p.d#iip Peq~ecI Apr/i 27th, 2003 r qduel Wr/h Love ad Bes/ Wîsheh s15 8C W/-fl'O:rraeday ,~r , f George, /ar-g, /;ord and Naocy Mfichrael, S/ac, Erîka. Sarah, Jvrdan and Courtney WJfArSpring Show andSafe - e j )rrgrnau(painrrings 257-- 'I/lf#tL-h/'. fay2,Opm Spm . <im/ Ma3 0m pm - May 4, 109 am - 4 pm - - 009NS: David (Tab/ry) Wr//r hie/fami/y hy hîs si/e ar Hamilton General Hospital on Monilay, Apoil 28,2003, Be- "q/tIiIL:Op/airs uat fnb/ana , oveil /rsbavd and beor /niend of Peg. Lovîng dail of David and i rs w//e Jenorfer and \iNpîssinýq ruýd_ uriin Crys/al C/rerîs/red grandflher o/ Justin. Dear/y rememberedb i /r mo//rer Toni _________________________________ Downs and bro//rer Doug, Predeceased by lis ft//er A//rin/owns. Davidril wrIIe grea//y misseil by Peg's chi//rus John avnd Robin andl their chrîdren Meg/ran, Griffes, -I /'e/eunie-. /ree ;Oami.ssir,, Mec/relia, iris/r/i. ivo-Lyns an/ Curtis Joseph. Pnends were recerveil ut the J. Scott - i /ee, /a //i/r irrze - ar/p Fuverai Hvme, 2/ James S/, Mil/on 9905-878-2669/ yeo/erday. A PaneraI Serv- v OC - - Y- ie wri lue he/d from SI/Paue/s United Cherch on Fr/day. May 2nd //oday/ a/r11:00 A.M. - - - .. o Inlermen/ / /o ll u t /vergreen Ceme/ery, /n lieu of lomers, dosa/rons Ithe Cana- ____________________________________ dian Dabe/es Associa/ion or the c/rarî/y of ones choîce woa/d Ire appreciateil /y the j ami/y SATURDAY MAY 3RD 1 OAM-4PM AT CATHY POTTER'S 895 BIRCH AVE MILTON WINDOWS PLACEMATS, RUNNERS, OU/LTS, RUGS, ETC. DOOR PRIZES 905-878-2661 ý UÉe JENSEN, Markc & Sarah (nee Gîngell> are pleaseil f0 announce the ate arrnuai 0f Mrndla Grâce, on Marc/r 7, 2003, af Joseph Brant Hospital, weig/rîng g liab. g ozu. Miranda ru we/comeil by sfvmer, Sfacey, Krisfine and Jennifer andil a/n big brother Magnas. Prouil granilparents are Wr//O & Emmy Jensen cof OQvmille. McLEAN, Michael andl Shanna .(nev Hollowav/ are fhriled f0 announce the bir trIo their daîughfer, Kai/lin Rosali/e, 7//ru. 3 ozu. on April 14//r, 2003. KatlIn lu met- comed by granilparenis Ben andl Jim Hofloway of Mil/on, Louise andl Kevîn McLean of Georgetown, Uncle Shawn, Uncle Chous, Aun/t Sabina and couuins Riki aod Carie. A evry special ihank you iD Dr. G. Hunmer, Dr. L. Robinson and the fa/ru/mia 088 numses ai Miton Dirict Hoapi/al. Don't foregt Mother's Day* Sunday May 11, 2003 & FOR S epremaer daycare needed for Wedneuday, T/rarsday andl Frîday. 2 chrîdren, ose faull ays, ose kînderganten 1/? day wr/h pic/rpapiu St. Pc/rs Sc/roo/. Ca/i 905-878-0887. FOR Seprember dapcare needeil for Wednesilay. T/rarsdap andl Prrday. 2 chrîdren, ose fa/ililays, ose kiniler-garlen 1/2 day wr/h pic/raiutSt. Pe/ero uschool. Ca// 905-878-0887. NANNY manteil. uc/lue, oariloorsy. pe/-foienily.sas- ny reqaireil for fa/I ime lree- ouf cure of 10 monritho/in m/rai Camp/e/ville setting. Driverslicennse reqarreil. E.C.E. preferred. bar/y May n/art date. Cati 519-85 0489. Flnd the help you need with the Classifleds! Cali 905-878-2341 or Fax 905-876-2364 to place vour employment ad today! In lovg nq erory of Douglas Montgomery June 15, 1963 - May 3, 2002 We mniss tus humeur and hîs grace -e Inss niC happy smi/ing face, fHe s qmrie fronm usadr/lou soun. He wouu/d ne 40 ihis coming June Su Veiy Youuug u rery /1, ln oui hearis heu there s/i/i W re sure neh o 00/0/now wl/h God ahu vo, // youu au hear us, Deug yuu have ai/ ur love. f-e s flack in the arme of Momn Dad and Grammie The Carigie FamniIy n memory of GAETAN, RINO who passeil away May 3rd, 2002. W/rite lite goes on and r/ings do change, Our memnones of/cou remnain the amne. No longer in Dur ives/to share, but in Dur f/roughfs you're always there. Love, De/ina & famnily. n Ioving memnory of Tony Saliba Oc/aber 1925- May 2nd, 2001 Each ime we embrace a memor/i, We meel again wr//r those we love, For the heurt nener forge/s, You wi// be forener in our hearfu. Love Audrey and terni/y. Randali, Robert C. n lo/ing memory of a dear hus/ranil, father andl grampy reho passed away May 5, 2000. He bas gone acrou tire rmter, To the shore of energroen. Alnd we long I/o cee bis dearfaoe, Bult the rnerflows betineen; Someday, sometime we chalh cee, fltefaoe we loned so wel Someday ceI ekaObic ban oAnd ner sayfarewveil. Always in aur thoughts Loving ie Phyllis, Wendy, William andl Amy. Ml m il

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