28-The Canadian Champion, Frday, May 2, 2003 Ouch- that's definitely going to leave a mark Champion Townsend has some fun before being put through a tough - and often painful - training camp workout with the Milton Marauders Tuesday night at Perey W. Merry School. GREAT GOLF begins with a W7GREAT GOLF COURSE_ " Driving Range MONDAY -FRIDAY " Covered Caris $39 ,@ Tournamnent Facilities From the fui/y stocked pro SATIJDAY f& SUNDAY shop to the fine dining of $4 the c/ubhouse and the 27 $ ho/es of the best golf around, Famborough Hi/is After 2pM Speda Gof is a tru/y great course. & Senlim Rate HMY. 52, COPETOWN 905-627.1743 Take the QEW 10 the 403 West follow the 403 10 Hwy 52 ramp. Take 52 Hwy North 10 Copeiown stop hights. Continue threw the ight. We are on the lefi, WattS for the signos along the way www. fla m bo ro h i11s -g olf .co m 'cou ain 't Poi nol nxik ii' itkxi. Itiaitl1i " i gos, Ë ' icO. t otitictu w Tben double il agatn. Tbat's wbaî il feels like Io gel bit in foot- ball. You know tbose uittle birds you sec in carloons flying around sornebody's bead wben îbey gel tbeir bell nîng? i actualiy saw tbern, several limes. Tbey're bloc, in case you want 10 know. We were doing tbe Nutcracker Dril, wbicb 1 believe is narned after tbe Nutcracker Suite ballet. Nobody was wear- ing a tutu, bowever. Tbere's oniy six players - two defend- crs, a centre, the quarterback, tbe fullback and tbe baifback - in a smaii contaîned area. Tbe fullback or the balfback gels the bail. Tbe centre takes one defender and il's the job of the running back flot carrying the bail 10 block ouI tbe nîber defender. Except that yoo bave lu mccl bim head-on. il's kind of like running full spced mbt a brick waii. excepî Ibat the brick wali is coming full speed ai you. The oniy lbing i know about genting bit, from hockcy, is tbat you bave 10 gel up nigbt away and preîcnd il didn't burt. Thats about al I did rigbî. l'in pretty surc i furnbied the bail wben i carried il. Wben you gel knocked bibt te land of Oz, il's bard Io rernernber îbaî tbe mosî impor- tant îbing is 10 bang onto the football. i rcmovcd myseif from tbc running back Outi rotation after a wbile. I1rnay be durnb, but l'm flot suicidai. Or, I1rnay be suicidai, but l'm flot durnb. l'Il Iet you know whicb wben tbe utale blue birds stop flying around my head. And l'Il teli you something that no real football player would say: Il's downrigbî seary. I want to go borne, and 1 want rny Mornry. And now for a word from our sponsor. I's day four of training camp, and tbe first day of full equiprnent. Mine cornes courtesy of T. Litzen Sports Ltd., wbolesale specialists in team, league, corporate and sebool albletics, located in Dundas near Hwy. 5 and Hwy. 6 at Clappison's Corners. Did I mention that T. Litzen Sports lent rne tbe equipmenî for free? Did 1 mention ils Website is at www.tlitzen.corn? Football beirnets weigb a ton. I can bare- ly lift the belrnet, rnucb less my bead aler I've got it on. Afler a wbile, tbougb, you barely even notice il - nigbt about tbe lime every nîber part of' vuunr hob usîn bito oi nu. muu'tw Meanwbile, the rest of the guys kcep going ai Ihe Nutcracker Drul. Running back Adam MacPhail takes bis tom, rny tum, evcrybody's îum. l'rn prelly sure be likes the bitting. l'm pretty sure a lot of tbese guys like il. l'rn pretty sure îbey'rc ail erazy. i know for a fact Ibat new bead coacb Barry Erno is enjoying birnself. "Every bit is like a car collision," be tellsrne later. He's îwo years older Iban me, at 47, bol be looks like be couid step rigbt in and ont miss a beat. The former Amenican coliege linernan was on severai CFL rosIers during bis piaying days. Football coaches yeli a lot. Coach Ero's voice booms consîanîiy across the field, but it's not like, say, wben your wife yells ai you. il's like an "I care" type of yeiling or "gel the best out of yoursef' type of yeiling, wbicb lu a player is cornforting, flot irritaI- ing. Tbe players are working bard, no doubî about tbat. I've neyer seen anylbing like il, in any sport, on any tearn. Tbere's no sport more pbysicaîiy and rnentaliy dernanding Iban football. I bave more respect for a football tearn Ibat loIt every gante lasI year tban 1 ever tbougbî possible. But Ibis tearn isn't going 10 lose every garne. Coach Erno isn'î going 10 ailow il. Foiow Murray Townsend's ongoing training camp exploits with the Milton Marauders every Friday in The Champion. MoTiuns Du BRUNCHI Sunday, May llth Tu Mt u&ôet Êf ww a4wDq Full Buffet includes: Compimentary Rose for each Mom *Antopasto Bar Large assorirnent of pasta Entres - Seafood *Dessert Table Cai for resevations 90 5-878-6 5 27 Adulta $25 + tax - Children $20 + tax - 3 & Under FREE B A N Q U E T HA LL S Discover a tru/y unique and romantic experience at Ha/ton Hi//s P/ace. A perfect union of beautifu/ surroundings and exceptional cuisine make a /asting impression for any specia/ occasion. L WEDDINGS - ANNIVERSARIES *oSPECL OCCASIONS