S8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 2, 2003 OPEN HOUSES The Halton Region Health Department will be hosting a series of Open Houses throughout the Region where Halton residents can speak ta Public Health officiais, municipal and industry partners about the 2003 West Nile Virus Response Plan. The Open Houses are designed as an opportunityforthe publicto learn about West Nile Virus and local initiatives. The following Open Houses are planned for Halton Hîlis and Milton: Tuesday, May 20", 2003 Halton His Cultural Centre 9 Church St., Georgetown. Wednesclay, May 21", 2003 Milton Lions Club Memnorial Arena 77 Thompson Rd, Milton. Îw C EAINc 3 pm -8pm 3 pm - 8 pm Interlor Acrylic Latex Eggshelt wilh Tetlin 100%Acryic, vrualy odourless *F rruaed it Teflfn surfaCe pranto *Excellent adfssS toa6çyd & gbossy surfaoes * deal for bedroomis/ E vvv kds' ooms lvng & dnnvg roums 715tGalon Interlor Latex Eggsheil Our besf selling finish Ric. am fiish8h iig& dnig ro 49/Galo Intermor Latex Pearl Excelent hde Extemeyscrusbabie Very goom deo éIl~ Idea r i,.,gamhas £08 iddng famtvr oos Expires May 16/03 tiecia s sm 03/alo 340 Main fltrotMilton LLin terio rs 878-435 Krantz says issue freedom of ehoie fromn DSRs on page 1 allowing DSRs in Bingo Country and Mohawk Raceway. Mayor Gord Krantz said after the meeting that he has "no prob- lem" with the bylaw. He said nobody is forcing business owners te, build a DSR and the issue ts about "freedomn of choice." Estimates for a typical DSR range between $35,000 and $75,000. Ward 1 Councillor John Challinor, who said he supports a smoke-free environment, said the new bylaw was needed simply to create faimess. Ward 4 Councillor Rick Malboeuf doesn't buy that. An ardent supporter of no smoking in al] public places, he was disgusted by tbe decision. "This bylaw won't take us dloser to 100 per cent smoke-free but will, in fact, take us further away," he told council. A big concem, he said, is the new bylaw means Milton will be the iast municipality in southemr Ontario to, go smoke-free when 2009 rolîs around. Perhaps more disconcerting is that Milton's new bylaw leaves the Town open for lawsuits, Mr. Malboeuf said. Business owners will be required to sign a contract that stipu- lates that they will bave to remove their DSRs by January 1, 2009. Mr. Malboeuf fears that if Halton, the Province or the federal gov- emment decides to impose a smoking ban, the Town will be held hiable to compensate owners for the years they bave remaining on their contracsî. He said entrepreneurs might say the DSRs are helping their businesses, and if îhey're forced to, close themn down, the Town would be contracîually obligaîed to, pay for any profits lost. -We're iooking at a potential exposure to Milton taxpayers of hundreds of thousands of dollars." A motion, brought forward by Mr. Malboeuf, was passed by counicil to bave the Town's lawyers look at the legal issues of the signed contract. Michael Perley, director of Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco, associated with the Ontario Medicai Association, was upset by Milton's new bylaw. 1lîs one of the worst bylaws of its kind in Ontario, there's no doubt about that," he said in an interview after the meeting. He made a presentation to council explaining that their research shows DSRs aren't effective and do little to, proteet the public's healîh. A big problem, he said, was a majority of DSRs were found to eiîher malfunction or doors were lefi open, aliowing smoke to filter into non-smoking areas. Jasonî Misner van be reached atjmisner@rnilto,îcanadianc.ham- pion.corn Milton's Choice Awards Nomninee Section is C Watch the Canadian Champion and vote for your favourites to win. MPt Cý-1ibto' hie-n ce1 For more information about West Nile Virus please cali the Halton Region Health Department West Nile Virus info line at, 905-825-6187. ToIl free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866). TTY: 905-827-9833. Visit our Web site: www.region.haiton.on.ca/heaith. 11 si Bronte Rond, Cakville, ON LOU 3LI 905-825-6000 Toil free.- 1-888-4HALTON (1-866-442-0505) TlY 905-827-9833 or visit us at: www.rogion.balton.«.ca 1