2-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, April 29, 2003 <iChampi on photo nominated for award nhe accolades keep roling A photo by Canadian Champion photographier Graham Painehbas beenl nomni- nated for best feature photo in the Canadian Community Newspaper Associations 2003 Better Newspapers Competition in the circulation categoîy of 12,500 and over. This cornes just a few short weeks after Mr. Paine was named 2002 Photographer of the Year at the Ontario Community Newspaper Awards earlicr this month. The photo is up against two other nominationis for tie national award, fromn The Cbanspion's siater newspapers Oshawa/Whitby This Week and Peterborough This Week. The winning photo will be announced May 31 at the awards conference, wbich will be held in Vancouver, B.C. The photo Mr. Paine sub- mitted features two boys in their Beaver uniforms diegîne Day at thse Halton Waste Management Site. Mr. Paine has been working at The Champion capturing Milton's special moments for thse past 10 years. The Canadian Champion also received an honourable mention in the comnpetition's catcgory of General Excellence (circulation of 12,500 te 24,999)., Chad Gilmore and his wife, Amanda, didn't waste any time picking up their cheque yesterday morning. Security Deposit on ail Leases!! Lasse Rates os tleris of 24 foi 48 rnonihs See Milton Toyota for details. Ceas m u ni test mrv - awu wkunhn Toyta uM entwe su aw fer a "mnao te win $25v00011 40Steeles Avenue <nsxt to Gois Auto Group) Radaid AttanceG. 905 875-1700 www.miltontoyota.com Flaar Mata Lassias Tot9CadC"fric. 0AC, 1asldereM2a3,,lossedspssh mas 20 =oe,,e n i-,-" W. rn' a a Lel s IreghandPD e o $aï,l,soi, $1.110 S126 FtIcsPi iludad inMSRP Bu ci 6 alke m u aa rafeo I45% oridso(MOMBt3MI23Pil) i lleets Il 1a uy 'Il 51 % I o 35 4 5 oiMg(ssoiies 3 rB2PB K94Msi4P)Oe eW l.O53 $3,322,04,173 E35o Casolas Mas ir= du r de,57 Basa on 60 a masia 6OIMS( 20.eail or E I AddOoaISKM cage of$07, 10, 5i plcal e.S of $l4,as5 of , $1 30 $1630 o 112U $125 Fslace col $W0.300a5503 9% as s $W $3W5 %U%.953952 psefl or 36 month Coi, ýs$278ffll 225 241I,54572 fora tsl obabo, of $2527i%9212252425213ai12ýalx1n to iSs7asss Io509 3%ioluthss303lsg13eîIla55, fo leu ) Campbellville man rakes in $114,650 in lottery last week efrom MILTON on page 1 Corporation in Toronto to pick up thse cheque. Il kept expectmng sometbmng to be wrong with tise ticket. 1 diin't really believe (we'd won)," Ms Gilmore said. 'il don't know where to go or wbat to do. There's going to be some serious culture sbock in thc next few weeks." This is thc second lottcry win in thc Milton area ini the past week. A lottery ticket purcbascd by Campbcllville resident Stewart White, 67, for Wcdncsday's Lotto 6/49 draw tumed out to be wortb more than $ 100,000. Bought ticket ait pharmacy H-e bati bougbî the ticket at thse Champbellville Pharmacy on Crawford Crescent. 'il rcad thc wmnning numbers in thc ncwspapcr and 1 thought 1 had live rigist. 1 got my wifc 10 check Uic Intemnet to sec bow much Uic prize was. Sise askcd me if 1 bad chcckcd Uic bonus number, to wbicb 1 answered, 'No'. Then we realized 1 had Uiat, 100," Mr White said wben hie picked up bis prize of $1 14,650 from Uic Ontario Lottery and Gammng Corporation's Toroto prize office. Mr. White, a retired tool and die maker, said bie and bis wife, Audrey, haven't yet decided wbat to do with Uic $1 14,650. But there will likely be some travelling ini Uic future, bie said. Step/aanîe Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadi- anchampion.com. s-Pump malfunction doesn't afflect water By JASON MISNER The Champion Resadents and busmnesses tn part of northwest Milton dîdn't receive as much chionine mn their drmnking water as usual for a few hours Friday after a pump maffunctîoned at Kelso Conservation Area. The malfunction, wbîch began at about 4 arn. and mnvolvcd an arca norUi of Stecles Avenue and wcst of Martin Street, didn't jeopardize Uic drring watcr, said Bob McMurray, manager of aystcms operations for Halton Region's planning and public works dcpartmcnt. "'Iere wcrc no bcalUi conccmns wbataoevcr," Mr. McMurray At about 9 arn., Uic Region discovcrcd Uic chlorinc readinga wcrc lowcr Uian Uicy should be and Uic pump was immediatcly In Uic interim, water was drawn from a reservoir and from wells along Walkers Line, Mr. McMurray said. By about Il a.m. a new chiorine pump was instal-led and brought back on line by about 1 p.m. He was unture as to bow many people and businesses wcrc specifically affecîcd, but Uic major residential arca scrvîccd by Uic Kelso well is Uic Milton Heights subdivision. The original chlorine pump bas been sent away for testing to determine wby it malfunctioncd. It will be "a feso weeka" before regional officials find out Uic cause, Mr. McMurray said. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadian- chanapion.comz. (ýD TOYOTA rf Ai ïf Voti qrad[iated in Vie list 4 Vears or are qradtiatïilq ill t1le flexi 4 illoriffis... Voti coffld Recelve up to 111000 Allowance* Plus- NO Secuility Deposit ou all Leases. 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