12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1. EMPLOYERS DIVISION Majior Enoloyers - chaired by - Jim McQueen and bis comrnittee of Bryant Bastine, Andrew Siltala, Jim Douglas and Marc Dexter, contacted businesses with over 25 employees and assisted themn with organizing in-house company fundraising events, payroll deduc- tions and company donations. The largest donor in this division isi Mentor. Meritor in-housefiusd raiser Profesional E-Mlovers - were solicited for support by Dr. Paula Cassin and Dr. Ross Dawson. Financial & Public Service Divisions succeeded in 2002 with- out chairpersons. Anyone interested in assisting in the 2003 Campaign can cail the United Way Office at 905-875-2550. Direct mail to Residences was instituted several years ago due to a declime of available volunteer door-to-door canvassers. One letter was mailed to each household this falI. Income from this division decreased in 2002 3. SPECIAL EVENTS The MayoQrs Golf Tournament - this successful fun day, brought in close to $70,000. The Mayor's go1f tour committee con- ssted of Hal Watson, Chairperson, Carol McDonald, Marty CptMario Belvedere Eyey adayofgol. ! ad Bob Reid who, in Here's how it was done.... tura, were supported by other volunteers. They organized the golf toumament, sold sponsorships and obtained prizes. The 2003 Mayor's Golf Toumnament will be held Friday, September 5, 2003 and further information can be obtained on our web site www.mil- ton.unitedway.ca. under What's New?. Dinner & Auction - the theme of the auction was to commem- orate the United Way of Milton's 2Oth Anniversary. Committee members solicited auction items and services from local business- es and individuals. The committee members who arranged this event that brought ini $1 8,000 were Diane Hillier, Chairperson, Christy Babcock, Fiona & Jamnie Noms, Cindy Lunau, Patty Dawson, Heather Peck, Norma Smith, Jean Poathuma, Lesley Axford, Karen Rae and Eve Dexter. Chrisimas Houe Tor- was a success again this campaign bringing in $3 1,000. This achievement la due to ail facets of the com- mittee from the homne- owners to Use decorators and general comrmttee members as well as busi- nesses who loaned or contributed items. The addition of s Friday night bus tour and reception, hosted by Springridge Farm, added revenue of over $5,000. The next tour is sched- uled for Saturday, November 22nd, with ani evening limnited ticket, bus tour on Friday Nov. 21 st. Decorated exteniorfroms Chnstma House Tour Who decides where the money goes? Many citizens who donate to the United Way don't stop to con- sider how tbe funda are distrnbuted. Allocations Cmmiltee - Chairperson, Paul Bouchard, divides the Funding Applications between bis cornnistee members who scrutinize the paperwork submitted by Use agencies requesting fssnding. As Use United Way provides funds for progranss run by an agency, rather dthUe agency itself, the comzsuttee members ascertain Usat Use money provided is in proportion to Use services Use agency is providing to our commnunity, Usat Use agency is in good financial health and Usas Usey bave fulfilled any previous commitanenta. When applicable, committee members meet wiUs Use Agency's Boasrd of Directors and conduct a Citizen's Review, usually as Use Agency's facility. The commnittee members who worked with Paul Bouchard and provided Useir recommuendations to Use United Way Board of Directors were Marilyn Samuels, Lana Burchett, Len Lee, Ryan McVey, Paula Casson, Leslie Fitch, Pasty Dawson and Brian Miller. Unted WUy Board ofDirectors - Usese individuals not only dis- cusa and approve Use allocation of funds, but plan Use future direc- tion of Use United Way, Use Campaign, Publi6ty and Marketing, Use development of Use Planned Giving program and review Use finances of Use agency. You can alto flnd board members assiat- ing wiUs their tusse during Use falI United Wsy Campaign Kick-Off programa of local companies helping cook and serve food at Use various shift changes and gathering payroli deduction paperwork. These individuals are: Mike Primok, President, Barbara Stan, Paas President, Rosa Dawson, Vice President, Chzisty Babcock, Recording Secretasy, Melissa Hedderson, Treasurer, and Stephen Boyer, Paul Bouchard, Marc Dexter, Marilyn Samnuels, Mark Elsley, and Jason Parker Cain as Directors. And Usank you to Use many oUser volunteers nos mentioned Usas help on Use day of special events, Usose who conduct in-house campaigna as Useir place of employmnent and others who assit in various ways. A few mernbers of United Way of Milton Allocaion commiifte Wwwx mw*bm %* eod*bme«ceeod ew --àm v $A CMJ. 9054875-2550 TO INQUIRE ABOUJT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNIM SMALL BUSINSS BANKING Milton Buainas Advisory Taam 147 Main Street East Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Kim Vamashita: 905-875-ý0189 Christina Taylor 905-875-2234 Fax: 905-875-2470 "Country Squires Garden" s mW - r4" IH W4 ?ùle ,tw4 Pewe441 PLinie cm ".lllllpi dm àcluMar 2001 Berry Rond (Jeumm ofs aium Mom Lm@) __ 90&7-3199 CONTr LSSO Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhi Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 HALTON POOe N" SMAS Lsd.