4-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, Aprîl 25, 2003 -Home under construction severely damaged in fire By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champi on progress of her new Milton home Tuesday was caught by surprise when smoke prevented her from seeing through the window. She wcnî to notify a representative for the new subdivision and when she retumed, the ire had escalated. By. the ime il was put out by tire- fsghters shortl'y afler, the Bradley Terrace home -whicr< is in tme ncw Stindial Homes develop- s hso i' IC' : 'U"tîÏSd 'uiJtUU n)îtII ut damiage. The homrîowner was supposcd 10 take posses- sion in jusî Itirce weeks. The Milton Fire Department received the cati jusî afler 5:30 p.m. . Mike McConnell, acting captain. was the first person 10 reacti the scene. "When we got there, the owner or contractor advised me that the tire was in the basement. We opened the front door, and il was fully charged tiames comirsg lhrough the hasement." Fortunately, since the house was under con- struction, Capt. McConneli said he knew nobody was mn the home. But he also knew that any tire thaî's in a basemenî bas added risks for firefsght- ers. "(Firefighters) can easily gel trapped, falling through the floor," tic said. "if we were there five minutes before, who knows whaî would have happened. We could have fallen through." 0M i .i naott1() flmiutes usîog to1ain, which helps the waîer "stick 10 the surface," Capt. McComeli said. They used a thermal imaging camera, which allowed them 10 sec through the smoke so they could hetter locale the source of the ire. Don Stewart, chief tire prevention officer, said the tire was smoking-related, caused by a work- er working in the asement. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at TFather Curtis is appointed chaplain of tire department _________________________ 2002 cANADIAN CAR 0F rNcrEA ______________________2002 DESTrNEWFAMfILr C4R 2002 csrTNEW DEIGN 2003 XTERRA $390o Xterra X 00 00 WN e [cHOOSE roua AYEN 4 NT8 MONTS LEASE) 80 Don '45NewT $1,500 55WN $422,essiir 2003 MAXIMA Me ssu a xime 4 GXE cilS Atomatie $399 Or onthleae fo 48months wth $2998down' inda". dh.. - . aad dBUE»Q= - . 'g 10aflEb.9.#,rar., c.al i ,rri d .n2003ie Câar of the Y«.,350Z Truck of the Y«r...Murano ___ a.tNww sgn.5ezM Father Mark Curtis was rccently appoint- ed chaplain for the Milton Fire Department. .Thse chaplain - or padre - position requires hlm 1to c available at ail imes 10 assisl lthe fute departmnent and public at any Spring is iHere! Pamper yourself Say Goodbye le UNWANTED HAIR " Gende Long Laaning Laaer Hair Removai " No downtime " Al Slun Types Laser Vein Therapy Laser Skin Rejunenation andi Mirsdermabrasion Laser Tato Removal - Skss Car Protsi BOO eaxtede emnergency inci- dent that may arise. "The tire departmnent padre counsels tire- fighters after ail types of stresful incidents and issues," said Fir Chief Harold Penson. Mark Curtis "He is aso available 10 meet and assist in tise counselling of tihe- public aI an emer- gency incident. This is a very imnportant position tisaI requires a person that is dedi- cated and bas the trust, confidence and understanding of ail fireigising person- nel." Some of Faîher Curtis' duties may include counselling tirefighîcrs and emner- gency medical services personnel and their families, visitmng injured ireighers, pro- viding assistance 10 victirus, assisting aI emergency scenes and providing for the spirituai needs of departmcnt members and their families. Fatiser Curtis bas previously worked as an emergency chaplain as hospitals in Hamilton, Waterloo and Guelph. 1 ais aud se lpifq i Ose. I800*Ï-668 9î0 4 ( è M TAX NOTICE Ratepayers of tise Town of Milton ne rensdeti tisaItise second instaliment of tise 2003 interim biling is due on April 30, 2003. If you reqtire information about taxes, please contact tise Corporate Services (Taxj Departmenî aI (905) 878-7252 ext. 2193, 8:30 ar..1te4:30 p.m. Mozsday te Friday. Tax payments musîtice received in tise Corporate Services Office on or before tise due date te àvoid penalty. A laIe paymtent charge of 1.25 % will tic chargeti on tise flrst day of defatuit and on thse first day of each calendar monts in wiich tise default continues. Il is tise respotssibîlity of tise ratepayer te ensuit tisaItihe taxes are paid by tise due date, even lanlise evesst tIsatlise bill is flot reeeived as mailcd. Taxes maa e opi& A) By mail. Corporate Services (Tait) bepartmeat, 43 Brown Sc, Milton ON L9T 5H2 Ciseatus not-dteaitheUidue dte acaenal niecuae B) Telepisone or Internet bassking (chseck with your fînanciîal institution for details) C) By usmng the mail deposit box te tise left of tise glass doors as Town Hall (al heurs) D) Between tise heurs of.8:30 a.ms. andi 4:30> p.m. attise Cosperate Services ÇI'ax> Departsaess:, Town Hall, 43 Brown St, Milton. (Chaque or nsoney eider la preféed, rad= rdjana shai). Direc Debit aise accptd. 1)Peae onatour offcefor deals iganbing tise Pre-Autisofized ax *aymeat w ~~1 'i *1 2003 ALTIMA