22-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Apnil 25, 2003 Does lt... ie B«cyd Specie o k f9 CM& 416-30148400 1.800-572-68021 ~~ Docks * fonces Dan Nadalin Miton 05-467*804 LIEFENCE ALL TYPES 0F FENCING ePrivacy Wood a Chain Link - Wrought Iron CUSTOMIZED DECKS a PineTree Deck & Fence *creatively designed decks: pressure treated, cedar and composites *fencing: wood, chain link and iron *postholes: post digging, pont netting pager at: 416 374 7357 BWLOMA A DIVISION 0F 663189 ONTARIO INC. P.O. BOX 965, WATERTOWN, ONTARI LOR 2H0 TEL 905) 689-4654 FAX 905) 689-9811 contsctusentiiandscaping.om -www.ntiandscaping.com1 a A 9 A * A A AR DOWN LANDSCAPING INC. *Spring Clean-Up *Lawn Maintenance'w *Commercial S& Residential *Landscape Construction Cati Aluxoil) 3J1 ) Iefer FREEESIMTS I DSAPIG' WNCR LOOKING GOOD LANDSCAPING Ponds, Waterfalts Interlock, Retainin1, Waiis Steps Lawn Maintenance, Lmdscap DesignÀ Tree Trimming, BoKiat Service 'q ffl id MorCe Sern'îng Milton Dave Cook &Surrounding Area 905-330-1330 £ 9SAPN Mansewood Irrigation and Landscape Lighting mnc. Certified Irrigation Technicians "*Specialists in design, installation and h maintenance ofi att n-ground irrigation systems. " Diesign, installation and maintenance of Mansewopoa utased i itn evn i fHlo cati 905 -693-2922 for a fr«e etimate *Low Mnenance RomerBeds *Propenty Mainteance *Sprng Clean Ups e Lawn Maintenance e Decks eResdential, Industrial, Commercial eSmaIl Landscape Projeets Cail Mike 905-876-4558 Cail Bill for Lawn Cutting Tree, Shrub, Hedge Trimming & Re/iIÔi Eavestrough Ceanin ~"Residential & Cali Commercial 905-878-5309 8Byears serving Milton I I LAWNANDGRE R JR. LAWN & GARDEN CARE 7092 VNIEN R0000 CAMPSELLO LE.ONTARIO LO180 Ownor Oporator STEVE BEAULIEU - Lawn Maintenance & Snow Removai Rnsidontial, Commercial & Industrnal" " Bobcat Service - seeding & sodding " lawn mowing - general landscaoiog, " <tomer bed design & maintenance - tree & hedge trimming Loff ce tel: (905) 878-5737 WET 'N' WIRED SPRINKLERS Que"dLyer laam& tiiird! *Irnstallation Service *Openings/losings *SYstem Maintenance *Landscape Lighting Grant Bowler Celi: (416) 427-6319 Owner/Operator email: bowler@rogers.com LAW IRIATIO SUMMER US COMINO To Iook good your Iawn noeds iOiJ ta know the following important information " A good long soak is the best way to water. " Correct intervais between watering is important. " Early morning when air is moist is the night tîme of day " Water thoroughiy atter a fertilizer application. A cuatom designed spfnakla, system iw!!! AAQREWN£LAICJD take cre of ail yau, wataring needsl 1 800 361 4074 www.Creenlandirrigation.com Ilmt Power Washing "Make oid look new agal." "*Decks " Fencing Cail Ion 905-693-9839 (local) OVER 30 YEARE ___ EXPERIENCE TREER]VICE FULLY INSURE Certified Provincial Arborists * IYDRO LUNE CLEARING - AERIAL BUCKET TRUCKS -TREE TRIMMING e TREE REMOVAL - IIEDGE TRIMMING * TUREVL*CE SERVICEAVLAE JEREMY FELSBOURG TREE SERVICE 905-85"-5389 TOI Free: 1-866-711-7611 9%. . r1 1 C f1imrîhnIIsIIîm Lion- -.nsy ON LOP 1 B 0Nn FULLV INSURED / CERTIFIED PROVINCIAL ARBORIST lien & Shnab Punng Complote Tee & Stump Remoal couvi0 & Bacirg D LANDSCAPI WOODY'S For a beautiu lawn, tmg te important! Book now for a dormant spray for trees & shrubs! *Pre-emm~n cet nS i frub-gusn FcutIizilg t etar internats * Gni-contro lne Peutcinet fer unm, bee, cluuef i=euc. Tel: 905-878-0387 Email: chwood@sprint.ca L- J DECKS & FENCES 1 39 1 k- - - - --- --