The Canladian Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2003--7 Committee's recommendation to permitIf hdite parkns~ron arro~ ~ ~ro~;c ' ~c1iken cross By JASON MISNER The Champion A Town committee's recommendation to allow parking along narrow streets fitted with new curbs in a core area of town risks hasnpering the abiity of emergency vehi- cles to get around the roads, wamns Milton's tire chief. "In my opinion there should flot be park- ing (on narrow streets)," Fire Chief Harold Penson said in an interview after the Town's commlunity services committee meeting last week. Town bylaws state roads must be 8.6 metres wide to alow parking on the side, but most eore streets are between 6 and 7 metres wide. "We're going to be going into older areas with streets that are nanrow and it's going to be hard to operate tire apparatus," Chief Penson said. I feel sorry for themn (core residents), but if you 're going to, widen the road, you must do it right." The recommendation, passed unani- mously by the commnittee, could see a com- bination of roads reconstructed and side- walks upgraded and new ones built slong Garnet, Sarah and Sydney streets and Lydia Avenue, costing $779,000. The roads, which currently have soft, gravel shoulders, would have eurbs instaled. The roadways would average about 6.6 metres in width. Construction would stars at the end of lune and wrap up by early November. Town council ttil must ratify the recom- mendation at its meeting this Monday. Part of the recomimendation is tIsas the Town allow parking on one side of these narrow Streets, pro- vided there 's no impact on public safety and two-way traffie isn't serious- ly impeded. Essentially. it would be an exemp- tion to the cret Hrl Penson bya.Vehicles currensly park along both sides of the streets because there aren't any no parking' signs. The recommendation is meant to bring these roads in uine with the Town's parking policy. They would include signage to legally stipulate on what side of the road vehicles can park. Because the roads have soft shoulders and no curbs, vehicles can park far enough off the street to allow emergency vehicles through, said Peter Linn, Multon's manager of engineering services. Chief Penson is concemred the proposed curbs wil malte the streets too constrictive for parking. Ward 4 Councillor Rick Malboeuf was shocked coMmttee members didn't ask the fsre chief more questions about bis con- cems before endorsing the recommsenda- tion. 'There was no thoughs or discussion on the chief's concems," said Mr. Malboeuf, who asked thse chief bis opinion on Use Parking issue. "Mhe chief's concemns are my concerus." Last year residents were informed by Use Town of posential changes to Use streets in Use core area of Milton. Many were upset that proposed construction could see mature trees removed. They were also con- cemed about where sidewalks would be placed and Useir widUs and about street parking. For example, some residents on Lydia Avenue, between Gamet and Charles Streets, were opposed to a sidewalk being built along one side. Concems ranged from comPromnising Use character of Use older street to fearing a large oak tree would die due to construction. Currently Uere are no sidewalks on eiUser ide of Lydia Avenue. An ad-hoc comisee, called Use Milton Historical Home Owners Association (MHHOA), was formed to co-ordinate res- idents' concems and se Usat Use Town was aware of Useir issues. Many were confused about why Use Town fuît compulled to applY new street standards to an nId Part of Milton Usat was built decades ago under diffurent stan- dards. Brian Williams, chair of Use MHHOA, told Use comrnsteu Usat Use Uree major concems were protection of trees, parking on Use streut and fairnuas for how Use street Modifications would bu applied. Oversil, hie said rusidunts are 'fairly sat- isfied" wiUs Use recommendasions. But Usere are somu outstanding issues Usat hie hopes can stilI bu addressed buforu con- struction. They includu deciding on which side of Use street parking wil be permitted, ensur- ing that Use existing trees are in good shape once construction is completed and Use installing traffic control devices, lske stop signs. "I'd liku to make it clear we're pressy pluased with the process we went Urough," Mr. Williaums said. Theo Wolder, a member of MI{HOA,, told Use committeeslhe was disappointed residents weren 't invited to participase in Use projeet at the beginning. He hopes the Town "speaks to citizens before Usey stars drawing up plans because Usere can be a lot of conceru, and it can be needless." Mayor Gord Krantz acknowledged Mr. Wolder's concerus, and emphasized Usat Use Town cares about what residents think. Jason Misner can be reached at imis- ner@miltoncan, Aétivewear mc 34ffisçOn c&rYuûa Leone are Hl-appy to be serving tfLe M'ilton Community. Dancewear @ Skating Gymnastics e Fitness & Yoga B ~ Accessories sifl,îIU DflNs ACTs Eve rythingl M-Fl 0-6 32'7 Dronla St hite Oak"Plaza WedlO-8~(L UL IIW aRose Bakery) 0905-870-0320 lnfomaîon & Dealer Lisling: Cal 1400-A-NEW-POT (1-800-2639768) or websile: r à To lve longer. By walking ocross thse rood, the chicken gained a heaithier heart andiungs. and a positive attitude. Shargo _ Fture ,0 .- 1 a au -- - ---ýMWjL il il