p 6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2003 ~COMMENT Jean Charest's victory good news for Canada Los in Ihe headlines of the fali of Iraq, Mike Weir becommg the first k Canadian Masters golf champion and the frigbtening increase in SARS cases, was the welcome resuit of the Quebec provincial election. Liberal leader Jean Charest, an unapologetic federalist, campaigned for a change in Quebec within Canada while Parti Quebecois leader Bemard Landiy perfectly matched his party's philosophy - one that was both tired and beaten. For Canada, Charest's wm speils good news. Surely it bas broken the spirit of the sagging separatist movement and saved the country from yet another costly referendum. For the next five years there will, we hope, be stability in Quebec. The federal govemment would be wise to listen carefully to Cbaresî's conceras for bis province (not to mention those of the other premiers) and not become overconfident that Quebecers have totally discarded We've seen before m 1995 where that attitude almost took the coun- p We don't want a repeat. O UR READERS WRJTE I Rad*r ~ w ~ Provincial government isn 't doing enough Amwica~, on4'CIwtî.g, a$dLLb.rais aiwn~t to help low-income familles, says reader g~ ~ a~ .L r,~ - ~ ~ ** ~vu~ ~àe Pu~y ~rUufr~m~f~ J Dear Edif or: *@j~Sçt i UN The picture on the front page of The Champion Apnl Il was ~ro W.. Bush deightful. It showed smiing stu- un » boa lIur<g dents ai J.M. Denyes Public School ty md iîooâ se taking part in a balanced day proj- The rationale for this new project ~ is descrnbed as "unproving leaming iw~ ~ conditions for students." As a for- mer teacher, who wotked for sever- ai years ai J.M. Denyes, I applaud this program. lt's veny important for people to realize and act on tIse lmowledge that a child's success m school is strongly influenced by factors such as adequate physical M PIO N a heaithydliet. Uic oea ~ sons why I've become more and more concemed about tIse weIl- Tuesdey sut Fnrday at 191 bemg of chuidren whose familles s une ut The Metroland face financial difficulties. A family with both parents work- tng and eaming minimum wage would have an annual income of $27,400 while welfare for a single parent with a chuld is $13,871. This isn't enougli, in eiUier case, to pay rent and feed a family prop- eniy. Ifs not surpnsing that there lias been a marked increase in fond bank use and requesta for assis- tance. It's my beief Uiai we have a moral obligation to provide each child with tIse best possible start in life. Aside from Usai, there are alan stmng economic benefits from hav- ing a healUiy, weli-educated work force. We need to invest in children, ail chuîdren. That's why I flnd it particularly distressusg that the currenu provin- cial government isn'î takung advan- tage of money offered by Uic feder- Wendy Schau Randail Crescent E-mail ail of your letters to the editor tomiItonh~onse~j~,~ Pud by Steve Nease ai govemment that wouîd lie ai great benefit to chuidren in families wiUi Iow incomes. Ottawa lias made $245 million available to Ontario to build afford- able housing, but not one unit lias been built. Because housing cosus take sucli a huge bite out of tIse incomes of poor families, more affordable housing would better their financiai circumstances con- siderably. TIse current provincial govem- ment's policies in many areas, mcluding educanon, childcare, Uic environinent and housusg, have been detrimental to Uic chuidren of Ontario. They shouîd take their response- bilnty toward ail Uic children of this province mucli more seriously. nox 248, 191 Main St E.. Mîlton, Ont L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editonal Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Pubisher Neli Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smilh Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozler Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tlîn Coles Production Manager lb. Cingla. Cha.pIu. tiubbsbed enery Main St E., Mitton. Ont 191 4N9 <Bon 248 Pnntinu. Publishinu 5 flifrihu,.,,. -.-----n .-'. nise o uununean comparses eflîcti includes Atan/Pickenng News dîlverbuer Atiann Herabl/Courier Barrie Adoance, Barnys Bay Thîs Weeb, Betten Enterpnse. Brampton Guantian. Bullugnon Post. Businglon Shopping Bries, Ciny Parent. ut1 ut Sorti Guardian, Csulîntwood/Wantga Connection tast Sorti Mirror, trie Aitsocatr/Country tontes. ttsbîcutie Guardian, Flambsrnugtr PesI, Fureser Ynung. Georgenoien f ndrpendentntcnne Frer Presu, Hason Business limes, Huroma Business limes. Kingston This Week Lmdsay This Week. 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