Resientsprovide input on improving local parks,,, BY JASON MISNER The Champion Maureen Simnpson bas enjoyed Tbompson Park for thc two-plus decades she's ived nea it, but knows it isn't perfect So she bhs somne suggestions to miake it better. "flecwbolc park is taken care Of, but 1 want lighta in tic wooded area, tbe Maplewood Crescent resident said. flc area extenda from ber street to around tic John Toneli Sports Centre. "You cannot go through there at night4" sic said. Given Uic piles of snow still out- side, it rmigbt bave been difficuit to switch gears and tbin about parks. But Ms Sinpson was one of a couple dozen people wbo attendcd a recent trec-hour open bouse. The meeting was hosted by Uic Town to colect opinions about David Thompson, Fsy and Melanie parka. These parka are more dma 20 ycars old and Town staff say Uiey necd to be upgradcd and brought up to standards. Tbc commenta wiIl be packagcd together in a staff report sunimarizing residents' fecdback later Uis spring and used to belp make park changes. AnY cbanges will have to lic approved by town council and would bu phased in over time, said Milton's Park teccnologist Lita Vnderfliet. But she hopes tome changes could bu made Uhit sum- mer, flae Town bas establishcd four primary objectives in regards to Uic upgradct of Uithec parka, includ- tng enlaancing park cnjoymens, kecping parka safe, reducing parka maintenance and improving Uic park' cnvironmcntaj itcgnty. flic Town bas reccived question- naires from people outlining Uieir Most frcquens concerna about Uic parka, like: " Dogs not bcing on Icashes " Teenagers congrcgatiuig ai night " Vandalism of tres Elizabeth Cosby, wbo bas lived on Fay Cour for 22 ycars, wanta improved lighting and butter drainage in Psy ParkL She said Uic pathways tend to flood because of rain and makes walking on Uicm diflicuit. Residents were bappy tic Town mncludcd Uicîn in Uic parka' devel- opmcnt process. Ms Sinipson said sbu remembers about 20 ycars ago when she brought ber Urec young grandchildren to tee Uic mayor to tell bian Uiey wantcd ptayground equpmnent in fliompaon Park. T7he open bouse was a great way to gaUier input, she said. Jason Misner can be reached ai jmisner@mitoncanadianchampi- Rlght now ut '1 AIRichardson Chsvrolet-Oldsmobdie rucolvo a The Ganadiaui Champion, Tuesday, April 22, 2003-- To help prolong the lite of vo ur ti1re " an soloctod 2003 modela and FREE IR CONDITIONING on vlrtually ail 2003 modela. NO NO NO&LO)W Payent Payomnt .. t... "%Pýcu"affttw tuýnrumldl Wj,3IIiXoI5, O A .C. Seeadealer for details RICHARD)SGNl HELVRGLTUGLDSMODILE HWY 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON ~1 ~ J 1OCLE N T R D NS S WELC .93 13