The Canadien Champion, Friday, Apil 18, 2003-23 -Griffi»ns shine in New York Figbting Griflin Maniai Arts cnjoycd a remarkable hardware haut rccently in New York. Under the tutelage of Kancho Sensci Scott Hogarth, Milton-based competitors pilcd up the awards during thc International Federation of Martial Arts' year-end banquet - honouring last year'a overail champions. Particularly prosperous in Uic 15 to I 7-year-old Kyu BeIt Adva.nced clasa was Melaine Rego, who earned a special up-and-coming award due to her overail suc- cess. She topped her fighting and traditional forma cat- egories, and scored second-place efforts in open formas and self defense. Joanne Agnew was even busier ini Uic 18 to 34-year- old Kyu Belt Advanced loop and was golden in tradi- tional forma. Her fighting and self defense perform- ances were both good enough for silver, while she also took third in weapons and fourth in opefi forma. New blackbclt Tammy Hogarth dominated Uic 18 to 34-year-old division with victories in wcapons and open forma. She also took second in traditions] forma and earned furthcr distinction with the award for up- and-coming black beit. ln Uic 18 to 34-year-old Kyu Belt Advanced divi- sion, Mark Logan topped Uic traditiona] forma compe- tition and was juas one spot back in fighting. Meanwhile, Kancho Sensei Hogarth was honourcd wiUi Uic lifetiase achievement award. He becomes only Uic fourUi martial arts instructor to reccive Uiis highly-prestigious distinction. The Fighting Griflins werc every bit as impressive during Uic following day's toumnament - wiUi Uirec members collecting a total of seven gold-mcda finish- es. Tammny Hogarth snagged three of those with a dlean aweep in weapons, self defense and traditions] forma. Equaling Uiat victory couni wiUi wina in weapons, open forma and traditional forma waa Agnew - who also took second in lighting and self defense. Rego was tops in her fighting event, and was Uic runncr-up in self defense, open forma and traditions] forma. This mileatone weekend came on Uic hecîs of atrong toumnament showings in Kingston and Hamilton carli- er this year. vMadd Dawgsfall %-,woearmc» short~Di atroicil Heartbreak~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ stuc tw cYoOi a d D wg tla e k n provinia camponhp rovincLondon Firas, Miton's major bantamn boys basketball was denied pas- sage to the gold-mcdal round by Uic Hlamilton Wildcata. who squeaked by in the st two minuts to win 47-41 Sunday momn- ing. According to hcad coach Zack Alilovic, Uic Dawgs delivercdCo one of Uieir beat efforts of Uic season overaîl but ahort-circuited offensively ai crunch time - miassing a couple of Uiree-pointers and three atraight shots from Uic fouI line. G ) "We couldn't buy a shot from Uic ouside, but it was an excel- lent gamne," ss]d Milîon's skipper. Leading scorer AI Alilovic stood out in Uic semnifinala wiUi 22 points, but enjoyed little support from his fellow cagera. StilI rccling from the narrow loas an hour later duning Uic bronze-medal clash, Uic Dawgs were lacklustre for moas of Uic N O opcnmng half and went into intermission trailing Toronto Five-O by about 20 points. They came alive altcr that and acsually wipcd out the huge deficit before gctting edged 48-47. Alilovic Sr. said a couple of questionable calîs by Uic refèee at Uic cnd killed his team'a ) E bronze-medal bid - but admitted Uiaî a lack of desire carly on was cqually 10 th "Mbe kida wcre still down (af5er loaing semis). It was hard so S a o motivate Uiem,' he said. Alilovic and Dalton Olinoaki each hit double-digits in Uic battle for Uiird place. Milton tumned back challenges from Oakville, Hamilion's Blcsscd Sacrament and Toronto nic before dumping the ** £ Scarborough Roadrunners in Uic quarterfinals.6 21 3 d Ln , Finishing fourth was a major disappointruent for Uic Dawgs. 3dln ot fDry who hcadcd int lasi weckcnd'a provincials as a scrious thrcat 10 win it all afler bcating top-rankcd St. Catharines juas one week car- lier. Milton was sccdcd top Uirec for much of Uic year, won five 9 41 soumnament titîca and fiaihcd wiUi an overall record of 33-6. v ]Kandy Wînterle Sales Manager Mr. David Gallinger, General Manager, is pleased to announce that Randy Winterle has rejomned the Award Winning sales staff at Gallinger Ford-Lincoln. Randy brings back with him over 12 years of Ford and Lincoln sales experience, the last 10 in management. Randy would like to invite ail of his past and present customers and friends to cail him or drop by and visit for any of their vehicle requirements. UrAàLLINUL'R FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON (905) 875-FORD (3673) Visit us et P401M aubu(* o .1 bunmW ibogmrm, Mos - aq, 3Comt Hogh, ?,le* Logan and Joinne Agnew dlaplay th. heftY hardware haul they brfught hac kfrm5heir r , Ner v Photo by GRA4HAM PAINE We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere.