22- The Canadien Champion, Friday, Apuil 18, 2003 SPORTS --Ballard, Leacock scorch competition in Texas Long-time equestrian partners highlight spring campaign with grand prix jump-off victory By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion In Texas, it's go big or go home. Recently Erynn Ballard opted for the former. ighlighting a hugely successful Lone Star State swing in Katy March 29, Homby's 22- ycar-old equestrian advanced threc of four entries to a nine-horse jump-off in thc $30,000 Pin Oak Grand Prix. Then she and I 2-year-old Irish thoroughbrcd Leacock - who've teamed together for ncarly a decade now - delbvercd a second straight cîcar round in 30.88 seconds to reign supreme among an overall field of 29. Just winning Uic hgh-profilc event wa.s, to say Uic least, a thrbll for Uic local show jumper. But doing so with her longest-scrving parner made it alI the more rewarding. It's definitely swecter (winning with Lcacock)," said Ballard, who placed third with Esprit d'Amour and seventh with Raminique Royale. -Always he's my most important horse." Balard and Lcacock's recent triumph was thcir biggcst since taking top honours at Uic 1999 North American Young Riders' Chanipionship. "Now he's donc everytliing," she said. The life-long equestrian stresscd diat having threc horses in a jump-off of this magnitude cer- tainly got her adrenaline going. And with each horse bringing a ittle some- thing différent to Uic table, guiding Uicm al Urough back-to-back rounds offered a unique challenge. Recalled Ballard, "f ic hefirst round, cvery- thing sccmed to bc working, 1 was in Uic groove. lIn Uic jump-off, Esprit d'Amour was dlean again, but he 's a big horse and 1 nced a little more time to set hini up for thc jumps, s0 our tinie was a little slow. WiUi Lcacock. hc's natu- "To have brought hlm alon and now see hlm get to that next step is aaing."9 rally quick so 1 went as 1 could without havmng any faults. It tumed out to be Leacock's night. which was fun." Ile spcedy thoroughbrcd had enjoyed a num- ber of strong showings since prevailing at Young Riders, but hadn't won the 'big 0ne' until last month. -To have brought hlm along and now sec hlm gel to, that ncxt stcp is amazing." said Ballard. Just four days aftcr toppmng the Pin Oak Grand Prix, she and Lcacock addcd a $5,000 Open Welcome title to their resume, whjle later inthei weck thc duo had one rail down tofinish fifth in a $25,000 Grand Prix. While Lcacock was the top dog - make that horse - during dec threc-weck Texas tour, Balard's other entries showed strongly as well. Rarnirique Royale was particularly ianprcssive during weck one in Houston, taking second- place honours in a $10,000 Open Welcomc. Esprit d'Amour was cighth in this event. Ramirique Royale and Esprit d'Amour dico finished second and scventh respeccuvely aithUi $10,000 Open Wclcomc in Katy. "Thcsc three wecks arc always going to stand out and be spccial," said Ballard, who rctumcd home last weck and begins compcting on Canadian soil early ncxt month i Paigrave. Steve LeBlanc can be reached at EryntiBdm'd Wb'usy parburLmcock Ow08ai l"nainauafful sAOM WInghtO »ugh Txas twgWy They hWghilgtd " e wa..wok tour wfth a griPrix Wli on Math 29. Photo by GRA4HAM PAINE fLClarke"s Golf 2000 CARI BAG mmm0 Sm SACSw Pet Food Hors Fe y cume ana visit us & JIU, see our new showroom in Moffat aturday Api l 26 8 amto 3pm l 2150 5th Sideroad, Moffat 905-854m2242 10 i 1 [IL CANADIAN CHAMPION 7777 17 77 --l 1 ', 7'" ýww - 1 1