Town gearing up for MS walk, which starts at leiç%tirQ rentre ~Ph~ Most people rely on a cup of cof- fee 80 jump start their day. Many faithfuly read the newspaper each momning. Miltonian Mike Shepherd's morning ritual is sligbt- ly more meaningful. Every da3,, he pulls bis running shoes out of the closet and, rais or shine, takes a brisk walk to train for the MS Society of Canada 1s Super Cities Walk. The big day is quickly approach- ing. lIt juot two days - Sunday - this years Super Cities Walk will take place, with the Milton walk starting at Use Milton Leisure Centre, 1700 Main St. Check-in will begin at 8:30 am. Participants will have Use choice of walking either a 5-km or 10-kmi moute, both which travel through scenic parks and historical residen- tial streets. The event raises money to make ftndmng a cure for multiple sclerosis (MS) a very real possibility. "Its important to, be pro-active ansd suppont people living with MS," said Mr. Shepherd. "Monley from Use Super Cities WaIk fonds researeh that brings us steps dloser toi Use ultionate objective of fmnding a cure." 'Me day will provide participants with plenty of exereise, as well as ententainiment, food and family fun. "There's a real emphasis on pro- viding a full day's worth of activi- ties," Mn. Shepherd said. "Its not just about Use walk itself, but about having an incredible time socializ- ing and interactmng with oUser peo- ple affected by MS." Thle Super Cities WaJk for MS hegan six years ago. Alasost 35,000 participants are expected 80 raise more than $4 million this year, in walks held in 43 communities acroos Ontario. M. Shepherd is already halfway to bis goal of collecting more Usa $10,000. He said Use community has played an integral mile in bis fuotdraasing. "The community is fantastic when it comnes 80 supporting this charitable event," lie said. There's stili time to, volunteer in various capacities, and Use MS Society of Canada continues toi welcome walk 'participants. Walkers can show up Use day of Use event and sign up Usen, if Usey haven't already done so. The organ- ization requests Usat panicipants wiUsout pledges donate $15. For more information, cail Use MS Society at (416) 922-6065 or visit The Canadian Champion, Fiday, Aprl il, 2003-5 'r/t YYàkY~ ŽVLA 20U W per 4dr, auto, air, pw, pl, lt, crse, leather, chrome, W week root Ioaded only 11111,11a Stk#P2229 Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed iFresh stock arrives weely, over 4,000 Rtems including: Il 2M0 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarles sweets il Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, specialty flours il Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes e Herbai Supplements, Heaith Foods and Organîc Products Ct,ýdha s lamest bul food reii!F & Oli1>ý )s a4nd cr i ii 8îîk iiî,î~ 2002 Cadiiac - 'lfiIi 2002 CheV DeVille 'ii)Impala 4 or, air, pro, Pi, tilt, loadet, 4 Ar V6, pro, Pl, tilt. cruise, leather Stk#P2209 loaded SMkP2223 7302 1O154 $88 7 2001 Cadillac 00Slri1l 200Bik -02(hoe Deville ý ; 00 uck (1 iliri 4 d, Bauoai, p, , il, ruwLesabre Ltd. Caa ier 4dVt a ixl, pcp)Otcno 4d4 auo *pwpl, ftimonoot. 6016e uAtA tkIP2 60 0er kfaMIA 75,tOtm 1PM07 h00 1998 Buick 100 < i Iil-i 2001 Che9rolet Le Sabre 1),i Maliba 4dr pwplM tcruse, p. 4d. auoi pw pt, cse, seat, loadeA. Stk#P292A loaded 48,000km Stk#P1971 $8990 11 I 200 10 78) I 200 uik 00 Piliii( 20 Buick 20 Leroabre Ltd. Century aýàIc 1,2 s06A8m 10MfM 12UA' 26551im th& et 2000 Olds 10.ii 2002 Pontiac Intrigue inîîl S Grand Arn 4dr.999 V ,tt odd dVatoaip lM 2002Chev ,-( t -,i!ý ; u- 20 0... ir.Lmmy Tracker I"i, 2dr 4x4 4c , dair.4x4 V6. aopop8 ae Sik j222 33a.0km 'Stkp215 i 7 1m i ý73'-m 181lm 2000GMC ~ ? , ,. . 200Pontac Saar VanSE Montana V6, oir Pc pl p. seat, 4 capt ' 4dr, serS. air auto. clrso tully Ioaite #P2249A( 65,000 km StU#P2240 PA 89j 4,9~ i f~ 0 cepris tame ap frot, 2000 miodels up, based on 60 rotS terni 72 itti amoitizebon, ba- '4'zi m a#W 5 efflmbwed eit curt br* rate. 1900 & 1999 modm beaedo on 60 nOIr tern Se Acate lmr Actais VMUs u4 btç1 ËNU imwe r8Muivel bkiIrtWue& Nothdodu *m. '~I 7717 O, S W S. Tl05 093-92T07 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O i aU L. - -M r-2002 C he% roi( 2 te 74dr4x4, duramax 7dleather, 4dr, V8 " autopl,, , p Sm, 4 -1 r d 2242pl, pw. tilt, croise, loffl . leather, loaded, roof,