Possible uses for Percy W. Merry site inelude housing livestock or a vet's office The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 11, 2003-3 By JASON MISNER The Champion How would like to see the Percy W. Meny Sehool site used to house livestock? How about a farm produce out- let? Or a veterinarjan's office'? Now before you blow a gasket or cati Town Hall to, congratulate them, keep in mind these are just a few of the broad uses allowed for the school's site according to the Town's Officiai Plan and zoning bylaws. Ward 1 Councillor Rick Day asked staff a few weeks ago to cre- ate a report outlining possible uses of Percy Merry and the type of des- ignation - what the site can legal- iy be used for under currenit zoning iaws. The sehool is closmng its doors at the end ofiJune and Mr. Day's mntent was to find out as much information about ailow- able mntended uses of tbe building if ever il came up for private sale. 'Mat staff report camne back to tbe Town's Marcb 17 administration and planning committee and stated tihe site is classified AI, or agricul- tural. 'Me report outiined a number of potentiai uses, inciuding: " a churcis faciity " a fisis and widlife management "What 1 was concerned about was an obnoxious use of the school sneaking in under the existing zoning. But if we look at it, that's fot Iikely." .................... facihity - a kennel witb indoor animal mons - a woodlot Mr. Day, wbose ward includes Percy Menry, said be was bappy to see tbe uses laid out in front of iim. He said be wouid like t0 sec tbe building used in some educationai form, perbaps for bome-building courses. What he bopes, he said, is tisat any future use works with nearby Drumquin Park in some capacîty. "What I was concemed about was an obnoxious use of thse sehool sneaking in under tise existing zon- ing," he said. "But if we look as it, tisat's not ikely." The Halton District School Board is in the mids of deciding wbat to do witb tbe property. It must foilow a protocoi to, rein- quisb ownersbip. There's a prepared list created by tbe Province that outlines agencies tbat bave first dibs to apply for tbe property witbout baving to pay for 't. Tise board must cboose the agency that's igbest on tbe list. If none of those govemment-identi- lied agencies apply, then tbe build- ing goes on tbe open mnarket, and tbat's wben municipalities, for example, cao bid to boy tise build- ing. Tise scbool, despite opposition from parents, is closing because space is being underutilized. Under Ministry of Education require- ments, schooi boards can't get money to construct a new scisool until exceas pupil spaces are accounted for. Percy Menry students will attend Sain Sberratt Sebool in September. In tise iasst thice years, four Burlington properties bave been disposed of and one property il currently being dealt with in Oakviile by tbe public board. Thinking a little barder, Mn. Day tisought of a use for Percy Merry. "Hey, 1 got one, isow about a public scisool," ise said, cisucking. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. No new SARS cases in Halton; things seem to be calming down There are no other SARS cases to report in Halton otber tban tbe Burlington resident who's in home isolation as tise region's only sus- pected case. The number of people quaran- tined in Halton bas diopped and the number of pisone cails into tise Region's iseaitis deparimnent have decreased. Halton's Medical Officer of Healtis Dr. Bob Nosai said wben and if tise Burlington patient's symptoms subside, bis condition will be monitored for 72 isours to make sure thinga are okay. ise numnber of people in quaran- tine stood at 10 at press tusse yes- terday. Prior to that, 50 had been quarantined and cleared of SARS. The Region, whicb bad been tak- ing between 130 and 150 cails a day, are now experiencing about 75 cails a day. Even the Province's teieisealsh bottine number bas seen calis fail from 10,000 a day 10 about 7,000 a day. Hospitals in tise Greater Toronto Aiea, inciuding Haiton, continue to be under severe diiectives by the Province, like restricting patients, until fuither notice. Electrical ire at Mohawk Inn An electricai tire early yesterday moming caused $l10,000 damage 10 a meeting roomn at tise Mohawk Inn in Campiselville. At about 5:30 a.m., a heat/ai conditioning unit caugbt tire due 10 an electical malfunction, said Tim Due to changes in the composition of the nowspaper at press time, please see Photographer of the Year Graham Paine 's futi-page colour photo feature i T*dayt9 issue. Roberts of the Milton Fie Depariment. Fiiefighters extinguished tise blaze before it spread. It caused heavy smoke damage 10 tise room and some smoke damnage 10 a nearby isallway. There were no injuries. * On select modelaS. ee Milon Toyota for detiss Yu yen gr 10at U I to 4 yoar, wr â. uraimatIR lthe xt 4 Ins., dm aho Smrnote Cam... 1 *LO -, ; e e àYIý 400u Steeles Avenue (nittaGod Ato Geramp) 905 875-1700 ww.ltonsoyota.com F (ggsû