Turf Construction Crew Required For Glen Caarn Golf Club, HaIton Hifs 0 Irrigation Crew *Grow-in Crew eGeneral Labour Please fax your Resume to 905-841-7033 lamiula SuporI.tois.t Aveul MIa.,.., Couple ta supervise mnrning rqr'd 10 provido on-site dtlivery of woekend management dulies for rentaI towohouso cont- nowspapers. Reliable pion in Burlington. Must vohiclo, able o mon- ho porsunablo, tnitodly, agt/motivatt carriers. EXP9 uEN , able cutils W-.Ifsd f do leasing, repairs & ton wlend homo detivery maint. Hososty isttgrity renired. Stnd rosante: Roth positions avai. Mana or Ste. 312 in Bnrt./Fam. aiea 1111 loch Avt. W. Caîl 905-972-52 Toronto, ON M3J 2E5 H IRN forOkvle Hatliis m - A Heritaqe ef Quality, Biatf ose Hoae <et a Time Since 1978 LEGAL SECRETARY Burlington Law Finm noqoinos an eoponîencod oanttîmo/foll-time Real OUT ON A LIMB. Sustainable landucape design, Ëstate/Commercial Real nuturat Iandscaping, ponds, gurdens, tres cars. Estate Legal Secrotarp Fret estimaten. 905-690-9175. with beravies and Conoe ancer exp. Ploano rlas or oma I Brchin & Hufman ' ghnec n@bhtawflotFind the hOIl Soul it, buy perfect omploye( garage/craftt maonq = ý _iýGall905- Seasonaf festival;F sokiç ofrnr i rn-s- Respdnsibilities include but are flot exclusive to: telephono and reception, fiting, database and other retated computer inputting, greeting peopte, scheduting and confirming appointments. A minimum of 6 months experience in an office environment, computer skiffs, marketing experience an asset but not required. Candidate must be personabte, organized, motivated, read, write and speak Engtish ftuenty, able to do somne repetitive tasks and have a ptassant telephone manner. Retiabte transportation la a must. This is a femporary, fult time posi- tion, paying $11 .00/Vtr, starting May 12/03. Somne evening or weekend hours may be required. Only eIlgibIe candidlates wll be contacted. NO PHONE CALLS. Send resume by fax to: 905-878-6043 or emal: qfgdRutbma»reno or by mali to: Afin: Rhonda Mahan, P.O. Box 486 Milton, ON L9T 4Z1. LEGAL SECRETARY RIFuININI enperienced in Real Estate Fusirse anafants wat for PefleeeMjnds a e& ides (iodluding Teraview and Conveyancer) 1 cundodate Mil pounoaeeceen required by Brampton flrm. rngtIM *at aid a Urafor tatie, notai espenenc an Speigel Nichols Fox u& w"kw www.ontlaw.com lu pmm st brendon@ontlaw.com sira s.. t Nu& Sî R! The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 11, 2003-27 1 ý1ý Inside Sales Position Manufacturer of concrete products in the Royal Windsor DrivelWinston Churhili area has immediate opeoing for bright person wih good phone manners and communication skills. Computer knowfedge and basic math skills required. Please drop off or forward your resume to: email: Humanresources@permapavingstone.com address: Head Office 7447 Bren Road Mississauga, Ontario L4T 1 H3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR lThe Roidos Heritage Group of Cempanien ns ont of tht largent hoebuilding and reat estato developent operatios sn South Western Ontario, with jonoiecto actively underway at a number ot sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Collingwood and Huntsville. Contisutd growth han cneatod a rtwandisg opportoni- ty ton as ooperitnced Entimator Tht nuccesotal1 candi- date will ponnens ntrong computer okilîs aod construc- tion topenience. Exceptional onganizational and com- munication ahilities are a most. To tean mort aboat sur companien yoo cao tocate un at uww.tld&shulta.roup.em IPIas fax a mevedimg flottur Mud ameb, AI lOt, te 519-affli741 Atter.w Hum fess e m ue Supeelmo Please no phono cais On/y those applicants sebected o-i toroan intereview' wlt be contacted e" J AU TOPARK_ À,kMITSUBISHI SAI C YLTAIIT Newt Mitsubishi dtaltrship ns tookiing for highly motivated endivîduats te joie sur grewieg sales' ferce.Sales eopertence tus an set but sot requîred. Extensive trainieg sutl bo provided. Cotiege back- ground in an asset. Eocellent compensation pack- age. If you are ready for tht chaltenge. Please fax resume f0: 905-331-6444 or uend to 4315 North Service Rd. Burtington L7L 4X7 Att: Peter Cheung p you noed in mclassifueds. it, tînd that Sor just feed your sale addiction. 878-2341