2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 11, 2003 R.egional smoking bylaw issue to ignite next week Ry JASON MISNFR ihe Champion Pursuit of a Halton-wide smoking bylaw will ignite at regional council next week. Councillors will vote if local municipalities should be able to decide if they, in principle, agree that there should be a region- wide smoking bylaw. It could become one of regional council's last fiery debates before the fail election. Cotmcillors Rick Malboeuf and Jeif Knoll filed an official motion with the clerks departiment this week to get Use issue on the agenda. The motion is based on a lot of 'ifs.' It asks cotmcillors if Use Region should reconsider a region-wide smoking bylaw. That would require a majority vote plus one at Use regional table. If it passes, a comiutee will be formed by coundillors to draw up a draft smoking bylaw. tavour - calleil a triple majority - of Halton pursuig a smok- ing bylaw. If approved, Use committee would begin to work on creating a draft bylaw, ideaily wiUs help fromn Use local municipalities. The draft bylaw would Usen be presented to, regional counicil and, if approved, sent t o local municipalities for a vote. If Use municipalities voted in favour of it wiUs a triple majonity, Use smoking bylaw would becomne official. Currently, Burlington, Halton I-illa, Milton and Oakville have Useir own smoking bylaw, and Use fact Usey differ fromn each oUser bas prompted M. Malboeuf and M. Knoll to crease a Halton-wide smoking bylaw for consistency, faimness and safety to, Use public. A disappointed M. Malboeuf wanted to raise Use motion for debate at Use last regional council meeting March 26 but found out he had to, regisser it with Use clerks departmnent prior to Use meet- ing. He said what needs to be made clear is Usat councillors next to allow local municipalities to vote if Usey agree wiUs it, in prin- ciple. "Let's, at least, talk about it and get Use municipalities involved," Mn. Malbocuf said. Mn. Knoll said getting a uniform smoking bylaw in Halton - and preferably one Usat prolsibits smoking altogeUser in public places and work places - bas become a personal mission. He said bis moUser died of lung cancer and bis faUser suffered fromn a smnoking-related iilness Usat caused hlm to lose a leg. Also, two of bis five kida suifer fromn asthnsa and hie docsn't want to see Useir condition exacerbated by smoking. "I've had a terrible experience wiUs smoking," hie said. "im per- sonaily motivated to be on a miîssion to try to eliminate Use chance for innocent people to exposed to smoking." M. Knoll said hie receives between two to Usree e-mails a week fromn people Usanking hlm Usat Oakvulle's bars and restaurants are smoke-free. Jason Misner can be reached a: jmisner@miltoncanadian- chainpion.com. MILTON Country Depot (o l 28 Dronte St. N. m 905-878-2391 mw.o*rdmc Monday - Frlday 8-61m e Sat. 8-5pm Toronto council voting on whether to rernove DSRs e ri E npage 1 the larger issue Usat a consistent, uniform smoking bylaw is need- ed in Halton. "It's nos going to do anything to prosect Use health of Use public." Dr. Nosal's argument is based on Use fact Usat each of Use region's four municipalities have Useir own smoking bylaws. Milton and Oakville are Use only two municipalities dma currently don't allow smoking in bars and restaurants. Oakville Councillor Jeif Knoll, also, a regional counicillor, is des- pet-ste to get a Halton-wide smoking bylaw. He said Milton would be sending the wrong public bealtb message by ailowing DSRs. It's also expensive for businesses. "My message to Milton counicil is Usas DSRs are an expensive option for businesses," bie said. "We're not seeing Use mass exodus of bars and restaurants as predicted" when Oakville's bylaw start- ed last year. Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said allowing DSRs underscores Use need for a region-wide smoking byîaw, Usougb sbe'd rather see an Ontario-wide byîaw. Toronto Councillor Joe Mihevc chairs Usas city's bealUs board whicb bas been working feverishly to get DSRs removed fromn restaurants. He's astortisbed counicillors here would even consider allowing them. 1I cannot see any public policy mer-es for putting (a DSR bylaw) on Use table," M. Mihevc said in an interview. "It would be total- ly conta-y to Use direction municipalities are going continent- wide, and would be a terrible step backward." He said DSRs, ailowed under a byîaw, simply aren's Usas popu- lar in Toronto, with only 194 out of 6,900 restaurants baving Usem. Toronto counicil wiil vote on whether to remnove DSRs fromn its smoking bylaw nexs week. Jason Mimner can be reached at jmisner@milioncanadian- chamion.com. No oneC seriously hurt in pile-up At least 20 vebicles were involved in a pile-up on Hwy. 401 juat est of Guelph Line Monday, sending four people to bospital and causing major basales for drivers traveling along Use stretcb. Port Credit OPP responded as about 3:30 p.m. to Use accident, which led to Use closure of Hwy. 401 westbound between Regional Road 25 and Guelph Line for about four Isours. Police are continuing to investigase Use cause of the pile-up, but so far it seems blowing snow and poor visibility were to blame, combined witb the speed of the vehicles involved. Constable Bfi Watts said Use number of vebicles involved could be anywhere fromn 20 to 35. "I guess Use stonn appeared more suddenly dma a lot of people expected, and it caught people off guard," Conas. Watts said. m e four patients were treased as Milton District Hospital for minor injuries and released. Police are asking anyone with information to cail Const. Watts as (905) 278-6131.