Gro p ow toke p p fgh ~The Canadin Champion, Fday, Apil 2003-1 agains raejertisi~ng sooner or later finds itself immune to business." By MELANIE CUMMINGS Special ta The Champion More Usan 200 ethnie popula- tions. One country. Canada is oneC of Use most multi- cultural, multi-racial nation in Use world. And for proof that haninony among them aIl is certain and achievable, look no fusilier than tse lis of award winners recognized by the Nordh Halton Cultural Awareness Council in Oakville March 2 1. Gathered in Use basement of the Vishnu Devi Temple, 80 people committed to ps'omoting cultural and racial understanding within and heyond Use coninunity cele- brated Use Itemnational Day for Use Elimination of Racial Discrimination. They're extraordinary people such as event organizer Elizabeth Carichael, wbo despite bier cur- rent struggle with cancer, "promis- es to work as much as possible toward creating a harmonious and just society." The eventing's honourees have also made inroads wids a similar goal in mind. They included Suzanne Muir of Use Halton District School Board, Rick MacDonald of Use Catholic board, Quayum Mufti of the Islamic Circle 0f North Amnerica, Sgt. Michael Brown of Use Halton Regional Police Service, court sup- port worker Adriemne Pearce, Veronica WýreUI of Use Canadian- Caribbean Association of Halton, Halton MP Julian Reed, Richard Landau and the staff who put together the CTS show Faith Journal, newspaper reporter Jennifer Lobo and Dr. Joey Edwardh of the Halton Social Planning Council. Marcb 21 was proclaimed by Use United Nations in 1966 as Use International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. for Cancer is raising funds for Sarah Burt's Trust Fund through selling Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnutsj This Saturday April l2th 2003 OnIy 1lpm -4 pm Telus Mobility Parking Loti 393 Main Street East, Milton *North Ha/ton Cultural Awareness Council recognizes those committed to promoting racial understanding F11111& $11!FroI[ SCENE 0F THE CIME- Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington, ON 905-319-0319 [DATE: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 PDRICE INCLL MURE CRIME STOPPERS $65.00 per Ticket____ ____ IDES:________ Dinner & Murder Mystery (Cash Bar)- - DER ANID MEAL 6:30 SHARP 0 HALTON FOR TICKETS CALL CRIMESTOPPERS 0F HALTON INC. 905-825-4747 EXT. 5139 or 905-878-5511 EXT. 5139 A" L RoEO)S Go ICIC ORME STOPÇFRS 0F FALTON S25 (DODTAX REOFJOT \A/ 1 FF 'ljFON RIFnFT OFr-HArrlF NO 1344T9-537ý,nRcKTO OONATECD Sy CML PqrIT SOLUTIO.NS S up ported By MIENGLINP19 On the same day, six years eari-FO eri hrsilSuhArc,6 WE SEE YOUR NEEDFO LIF'E unarmed, peaceful protesters INSURANCE GROWING EVERY DAY. dcmonstrating against apartheid L iVF ' F HI RF'Y (1 _ IV were killed by police officers. But while proclamations and awards bring recognition to peace- makers, more nceds to be donc, said Mervin Witter, who's Ontario's regional director of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. "'he reality is that wc haven't succceded yet in creating a society which respects différences between culture, colour, language and reli- gion," said Mr.Witter. As yourfamily grows, so does your need for protection. "Either we accept Uic proposition And nobody can help you provide that protection like us, Usat no one is better than another or 7 - your State Farm agents. continue to act in ways wbsch See us today. threaten our democratic pninciples. Change starts today, and everyday. We have to redouble our efforts to Don MacRae nt Cti make Canada a better place to yve, frourselvesan uchde. In thse w us of a rd recpient LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE. Sgt. Brown, Canadians will know Usat goal bas been reached when 485 Main St. E., Milton nights of honour such as Fniday's STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES, CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE- SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO will no longer be needcd. m 1M &j_ ~CRIME STOPPERS 0F NAtION PRESENT I