Blue box program will soon aceeptrnilk, juice caitonls The Canadian Champion, Friday, April il, 2003-11 Help available to assist il, finding Iamiiy in iraq By JASON MISNER The Champion Halton's wasîe experts are hoping the expansion of its blue box pro- gram that'll soon take fruit juice drinking boxes and milk cartons wil help today's kids become stewards of the land when they become adutts. Later this year Hatton elementary and high schoots, as well as Halton homeowners, wiil be able to tos empty juice boxes and milk contain- ers into blue boxes rather than the garbage can. ALIl those boxes are cor- rently going to Haton's only landfill site on Highway 25. ise program will help cement Halton as the most waste-efficîent municipality in the Greater Toronto Area. The new recycling measures, approved by regional councit last week, wiil take effect June 1 for the public at large. By September 1, the expectation is Halton's Catholic and public school boards will be on board with tse pro- gran. Rob Rivers, director of Halton's waste management division, said boUs boards need 10 give Ueir official approval but bave told hlm Uey're supportive of Use program. Tise program isn't seheduleil to start untit September because Use Region needs to work out Use logis- tics of picking up Use material, Mr. Rivers said. Small schools create less waste and Usey place their blue boxes at Use curb for pick up, while larger schools create more waste that require trucks to come on school propcrty 10 cotiect material. The contract for waste disposai at boUhscshoot boards expires tis year and it gave Use Region a great oppor- tunity to link up and provide an expanded blue box program using Use same garbage contractor, Mr. Rivers said. By brisging sebools on side, he said, Use expanded program wilI increase Haton's waste diversion rate from 39 to 42 per cent, 001 to mention Use positive sociai and envi- ronmentai message it witl send youUs. "From a social and marketing process, it ailows us to have a consis- tent message at home and at Use schools," Mr. Rivers said. "It's a high vaiue program." Taking into accounit revenues for selling polycoat - Use main materiat 10 make juice boxes and mitk cartons - to Use private sector for reuse, Use residential portion of Use blue box program will cost taxpayers about $86.000 when fulty implemented. The additionai costs will become part of Hatons tax bil, which wilI be decided by regionai council next year during tise budgeting process. The combined cost for boUs Haiton sehool boards using Use program is expected 10 be around $59,000. It's been a year of positive waste changes for Milton residenîs. More homes are having more garbage picked up at tise curis. Miltons urban boundary was changed by Town council to include more residentiai areas. Tisat'has seen about 250 homes souUs of Derry Road, between T1hird Line and Foui-th Line, and 2,000 homes, west of Fourth Line 10 alinost FifUs Line, get full waste service. Also, tise town's 15 apartment buildings are getting garbage picked up from Use Region, some every week while oUsers every second week. Jason Misner con be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- lise Red Cros is reaching out ta heip tisse affected by tise war i Iraq - and nfot jiet lise people direcly 1m hams's way. Tise intesrnationsal goodwilli ~ni- zation as curtsntly bjsing Io isclp Canadians get in contact with loved ones itn Iraq. lise Red Cross isas dedicated an arcs of tiseir mna Wel, site - www.redcross.csa.-.. 10 estrilng con- tact isetween separsbed famiy mem- bers andt t facilitate lise exchange of famltnIysews. The site ia availabin ~ Englis and Arabic. eacis aller tise most," said Marjory Gammw~e, branci manager of thse. MitonRed Cross. "Restoristg Famiy Lnks Poes aaltenttive tefang. iMes wisen moat oater inethoda of comsmuncation bave bacc wiped out", nhe Red Cross has als n itilated llseFacing Fear progras, designed to hlep cbitdtcs titre ta 16 yeara ofage d"n witcoesand anietyastise Iraq contlict continues.', lne progam is being delivered aI scisools across Cmaa, edge IL is otie Faci earea grains, log on to, or eaH (905) 875-1459. Keep your funny-bone in shape! L au-gf h. pr~o~ sbuss-iulasan HcthoeW hoaLth benefis.. Punny how thet worioe, eh? How hypnosis helped me say, "So Long Size 16. .. Hello Size 8!" MN Inme is Mae Fertal. 1' a fuit-une student. 1 toit 51 pounds in six short montha. 1 kept my weigbt off for ovrfvyas isesty you are about to read is taie and factual. t happened to me. 1 lost 51 pounds without dietmng. 15 waa easy. 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