Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 8, 2003 SCOMMENT S mart move, teachers We have to be honest. Prior to the Ontario Secondary Sehool Teachers' Federation's rally in Burlington Wednesday, we thought the teachers were gomng to announce that they were pulling out of student extra-curricular activities as the next stage of their work-to-rule cam- paign. But when the teachers announced their new sanctions, they didn't include any such measures. We have to applaud the teachers for flot playing that card in their labour dispute with the Halton District School Board. Too ofien in the past, students' extra-curricular activities have been sacrificed as the teachers try to apply pressure for a contract settlement without actually walking out on strike. The new sanctions will give the school board administration headaches, but won 't hurt the students. Overail, the teachers have shown patience and restraint in their pro- longed contract negotiations. The teachers have been without a contract since August 3 1. Their members have given the union an overwhelming strike mandate and no negotiations have occun-ed with the board since February 13. The two sides are scheduled to meet April 17. Now Iet's hope progress, if not a settiement, is tmade at the April 17 O UR READERS WRITE America'es actions morally just, says reader Local man says thanks to ail hospîtal staff Dea FÀw: wmbrs.Thse domestic laws of a:.re followîng his recent visît fo aor surgrr L'sjisdge Anes-ca's actSion Iraq cuntsy require tha its police deal with amao by centW rai ni le. No Be-eiimate a m -.u.. ,..u a... - ... . enlBent d=ises ts conszens' rgist ta life, libesty- ad pperty.Domestcaiy, fna po)licetm would Ibesitate to trespss on thse propety of a Miler whe uses it ta confine, tortum mWankWllpeole. By foecning thee nghts of Jis victinsa everycrmwWnalforfeits bis.own ilgl. It is fl)04b8V5 to t"flkthis pnnciple sud- "enY changes wbeis intenah nalu scale. Yet peace actvistsanmd the United Naions seens ta think it dacs. 0f c'ourse thsey'B!e encaurAged to do an tay thse many despicabte reginses the UN accept as m~maestic MerI, DutE mai comIBBisflt abligated ta save tise Citasens cf a foreigis dicW«tdshp. There's no ininiorality if it invades an illegitimate regime ta recaver smien ail facilities, eliminate a treat or retaiate fet the slgist support of tenofism. Its only moral concens is the cost in money and is lives it respecta. The Iraqi people ame tucky tisa, ti lie, tiseir 'enemy' Isas a rational respect for luman life and ftsedcnm Richard BrM»wef Mfi"iauga8 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oiver Publisher Neil Oliver Assoiaie Puhlisher Jitl Davis Edinor-in-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Aduertsîng Manager Steve Crozier Ciruldation Manager Teri Csas Office Manager Tim Coes Prodsction Manager Dear Editor: On February 18, 1 underwent major surgery at Milton District Hospital. Having neyer done so before, 1 didn't know what Eo expect. From he preparation pcriod Eo the conclusion of the surgery, 1 was impresoed by tIhe professional atti- tude of everyone, including the operatiasg room staff The nursing staff was comforting and gave me a real sense of reliance. Dr. Chow, the aneethesiol- ogist, provided information that instilled confidence. Dr. Punnen, my surgeon, was my pillar of strength. Once I came oui of the operating room and wao placed into the intensive care unit Tihe Canaiean Champion, published everY Tuesriay and Friday ai 191 Main Si. E ,Milton, Oit., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one cl Tme Meinoland Priniing, Publishirng & Distiiuing Lid. group oC suhurban companies wiiich H includes. Ajax/Pickeriîng Nes Adoerriser, Alibsion Heralci/Courien, Barrie Advarice, Barry's Bay This Week, Bolien Enierprise. Brampton Guandian, toi n Burlingion Post, Buriiogion Shopping News, City Parent, City nifTYork Goandian, Collingwooa/Wasaga Conneciion, East Yorki Mirror, Ein Advoc.oie/Cooniry Rouies, Etohicoke Guardian, Flamborough Post, Forever Young, Georgetown lndependeoiJActon Free Press, Ballon Bosioess Times, Huronia Business Times, Kingstno This Weeki Linidsay This Week, Manhham u Economisi & Sun, Midiand/Peoetangoishene îrror, Milon Shopping News, r Mississaoga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanee Guide. Nassagaweya News, Newmarken/Aurora Era-Banner, Northumberland News, k% North Yonk Mirror, Oalionhe Beaver, Sakoîlle Shopping News, Oinihmers r--'9 L.XJI Hockey News, On/llia Today, Oshawa/Whiby/Clarngtion/Por1 Perry This Week, Peterborough This Wnek, Pîcin Couiniy Guide, Richmond MA HilI/ThornhiIj/Vaughar Liheral, Scarborough Mirnor, Siouhovile/Uohridge 5 V Tribune. Advertisingi s accepied or the condinion Chai, rin he eseni of a typo- graphical enror, Chat portion oifCire aduertîsîng space occupieni hy the erro- neous Ctern,ogethen wînh a reasonahie allowance Cor signature. wîilICoi he charged Cor, boi the balance oi the advedîsemeontwîll he pard Cor ai the appli- cabie raie. The publîshen neserves Cire nrihCit caiegonîne adoxOîisemenîs or dechnie. The Milton Canadan Champion os a Bficpcabie Prodixe (ICU), he made sure nothing was overlooked. Dr. Punnen visited regularly- even on his day off - and when he couldn't be there, he asked Dr. Sawhney 10 look in on me. Dr. Sawhney made me feel secure during his visits. His bed- side manner was pleasagot and com- forting. Dr. Peers, My family doc- tor, visited regularly and it was always uplifting 10 see him. During my stay in thse ICU, I experienced nursing St its best. Al of tIse nurses at Milton District Hospital are dedicated, caring and tolerant people and are a credit to their profeosion. t spent six days witls tlese won- derful nurses before 1 was sent 10 the medical surgery ward. 1 only hpent two nights there, but' again I received first-class treat- ment by the nursing staff. I wit- nessed some amazing feats of dedi- cation and caring. I feel privileged to have received my medica] este at Milton District H-ospital and would like 10 extend my tha.n]s and gratitude toaaIl of thse staff at tIse hospital. My sincere thanks also go out to my wife. who was with me tlsroughout thse entire reeovery peri- od and is truly my Isero. HealtIs este is alive and well at Milton District Hospital. Keep up the good work. Ted Pierrepoint lve your say with a' letter to the editor. E-mail lettersMto niltoned@haltonsearch.com or fax ta (905) 878-4943. by Steve Nease I-~i ý 1 - t "Ç-- y PAW17-- jjrl?àpjxlm 1

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