Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2003, p. 28

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28--The Canadian ChamPion, Tuesday, April 8, 2003 HALTON IL SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 (905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.com Q:*My hisband has recenly .ruffered a stroke and nox, has phyn- icaI/communicatlonsemotionaîi dîfficulties. Oîur family and friends are having a dîfficuli filme talking f0 him, can you gise us sonze suggestions? A:Unîike othie ilinesses like cancer or Alzhiemers Dîsease. strokes offere lle ime lu prepare. Tise sodden 0uset s leaumatir for bols tise person and tise family as yon rope seit a srokes ofien pisysical andi emoîjonai chaunges. Tise sndden emolionai onîbursîs or ose of profane language lisat somnelimes orrors following a stroke is unsetlling for naî only lise individual lismselves but also for lisose aroundt iem. Il iv diffiruli tu fine sperifie sugigestions for your isusitaîtt as strokes affect everyooe diffrrently. Homever, bere ure sonne gutielines tisai mold se ieipful. 1. Communirate in quiet spores ils minimal distractions; do nul try ta, talk over tise tenision andfor iave more titan one persan talking ut once. 2. Speak âlol and conrreteiy 3. Respect tise individual's preferenre for pisysical spore and tochfit may iave risauged folloming tise strokef 4. Avoiti frustration 5. Use furtional commnuniration fie. pîrtures. sriting) 6. Encourage tise individual 10 rommuniroîr lisanti gesoures, isody/eye moveraruts) lu decrerase feeling of lonliness and isolation. For individuals misoliane rommunication diffiruities faiioming a stroke, rerovery continues 10 iappen long afler dîscisorge from lise bospitl. Tierefore, it is important te, keep morking on communication skiils and try to kecp discouragemeni nu, a minimum. A Speeris-Language Putoiogist rau provide sperifir tierapy tusks aod support as wecl us beip modify tise envîroument to make optimal nom- munication onror. Our Centre, in parnersitip wîtis lie Heurt and Sîroke Foundation fo Ontario iHalton iraucisi and Georgetomn and District Memoriai Hospinal offers a Living wilh Sîrnike progruo. Titis iv a in meck prograrn aimed ut provîding sîroke survivors and titeir famiiy valu- able andi practicai information anti offers tisem tise opportuoity to mcci anti talk to otre people ondcrgoing ties ane challenges. For more infor- mtion pieuse feci free tu rail. eQ9MFI INTEORS nCarnet nVînyl u Ceramics * Hardwood Paint n Wallcovenngs Sbowroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Garaldine Heaketh 845 Mml. S. I. MiII.. wî.S73-428@ Kids Have Rooms Too! When il cames to our offspring frora birth onseards there are s0 many stages o room con go through. Nursery cuti be short term, so bu careful flot ta overdo il. A border cati bu chungoti a lot enier Ihun 4 walls of movie characteru. Checks & stripos are long-lived andi con be dresued up with bright trim or simplifieti with the aider chilti. Also il cati ho mode la look feminine or masculine uing greens, yellows, blues. Remomber, primury colours ure livelier, sa if Junior is hyper, muted lones would bu houter and bright colours us accents con beusoed. Ciouds on tho ceiling ure o nice effoct and con ho put with lots of themos, be il jungle, nauticol, floral. York Wallcoverings have great kidus books - trees, caties, birds - con be used on jug one seuil leaving the rent of tho room simply painted. Toenagers tend ta have defiio ideas - usuaily black ccii- mngo & red seuils. Why flot? Whatover the choice, make the roomn more of o studio thon u bedropam. If toruge spaco is flot a problom, ciosets con ho opened up ond tumoed into trooting spaces. Frora muent- ing the bod, chonts, but-in TV etc. Use coloors like soed- pod, o soft yellow-groen. Do the adjacent tseo walls in grasohoppor, on opple hue, and thon use souvenir, o lilac, on the fourth wall. White trim and fumnitore frora Ikea ond add lots of cushions in those loties. Put differont coloured knobs on fumniture. Lighî lotie lumitiate seood floormng frora Comfi ond fiish off wiîh a sisal rug. Came ond 000 thoeleuI in lamitiate or click sysîomn floors on solo! Or chooseoOnu of the latout designs in horhor or tex- lured loopa. If you hiave any questions these proesjon-~v; in~C "Ask'The Professionals' d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 Conani.Fyno 17 Wilson Avenue PHYSIOTHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) Q. l've heard thal because 1 use a computer a lot during my mork day, that 1 mighl gel carpal tunnel syndrome. Whai v Ibis and how dol1 koow if I've got il? A. Carpal tunnel syndrome is very common today wiîb repetitive work using the hands in offices and manufactuning environmreniv TTle ternu caepal- refers to the wrisr. the crpal tunnel vs you mîgist guevv iv a tunnel creaied b> the wonsi, carpal notes (te bones of te ban andti mosi) and the carpal ligament (a broad baud aceovv the plm surface of the nvit. There are sructurevs tatrmn tiseougi thec ai tunnel i cluding tendons that attach to muscles in the foreaem and bend tise ingers. and a nerve. tise median nerve. Repetitive use of tise bauds and wnvîv rcau cause tbese tendonv and tbete muscles to ecorne inni tated and inftumed. Oser tine, if inflammation and v eling continue anîdtbe tendons start to tiiclien tise spore of the carpai tunnel, gris smaller. Some peuple espenience pain over the muscles and tendons of tise forearm. Other peu- ple wili espesience sympiomu fromite compression of thte medîau nerse dliai fies throug thtie tunnel. When the mediau nerse iv compressed, it caunot fonction proper y to pmovjde stimulation lu tise muscles of tise baud, espertait> some of tise muscles of te tltumb. Because cof titis. you may notice weakness in te titumb or wben pick. ing ug objecîs. An meti. the medtau neeve supplies sensation to tise tbumb, 2nd, 3rd. and 1/2 of thte 4tit fioger. Wisen tis eurne iv compressed chauges in sensation, surit au loss of sensation, iugling or pain eau ocrur. Pltysiotiserapists aud Occupational Tlherapisis ofîro treat cuepal tunnel. Modalities suris as ultrasoundl or acupurcture, aiong idi tissue massage, joint mobilizaimn if nredrd. streicites and tise use of muscle stimulation mis caeefully geadrd sirrogt enerives are brlpfui. Resting or mueiing splinîs aie ofien providrd to provide support aud rest tu tise mosi and bnlp redore sympîoms. its importaot m address relaird fac- tors sucb as posture aud baud position ubile morkisiof as weti as mork station set up audito b presention mînded aud take breaks fromt repetitive ssork to do grolle range of motion enecnses ai te %ossi as weil as sîreicses, If youu hiuk you base ympîoms of carpai tunnel. vîsît your family pitysîcian or pisys. otisenapisi for more information.

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