without -advertisiug 4 4à hiw what you lre. do i but WE'RE GIVING AWAYGDI)EURO.PRO Model 7545 SEWING MACHINES ... THAT'S 1 SEWING MACHINE PER STORE PER WEEK F01 3 WEEKS! Just corne On and fil out a ballot each week and deposit On ballot box. No purchase necessary. We're also giving away 35 $35 Gift Certificates per store. Full draw details avoulable n-store. Birthday Sale in effect April from 7-27, 2003. CANADAS LARGEST FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR YurRe 19mOW79.y O-SAp 0l 1 McALSPTEN 2.4Nen An n e gua Pr-.e Sale On effect Aprl 7-27, 2003 on selected in-stock merchandise only. Sorry no specal orders. 547 Main St. E. MILTON- 878.0931 If youi have any questions these professionals can answer, please Write to: "Ask The Professionals"i d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E., Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 , w ýq ý or Fax ta: 979-4Q4.' Compiete Design & Construction email: info@macinoon ts.com Tel & Fax: (905)) 876-2836 wwmackinnonponds.com Ceit: (905) 876- 317 I Opening Your Pond As the mater nom starts ta warmn up after the cotti minter, ice ou the pnd ixegins ta disappear.MTe pond tie-icer morked mcii ail minier, but nom cati he stored away unjil next faîl. Tite fisit are moving dloser ta the surface but you had better check the mater temperature hefore you start ta feed thcm, aud remember, it still gets cold at night. Water must stay ut t0 degrees C. Remember ta, use vegetabie based food and add vitamin suppîrmenîs ta tl every ten days. Thie fish are really stresseti at this tîrne aud this miii hclp ta rebujid titeir immune systemrs. Ftsh miii 6e proue ta diseuse at this time due ta thetr weakened immune sys- terri SO prevention is thte best medîcine. Treut the pond with a distnfecîanî. 1 suggesî a produci called CYPRINOPUR. Wheu huds Stant ta show ou your plants, the mater is probably marra euough ta mark iu. Nom you cao take your pond dowu by a third. Move out ail the plant materi- ai ta, gîve yaurseif room ta cieau out the ceases aud twîgs that hase failen iu axer the mîuîer. If you had used micro lift (fai trealment) it wouid hase bren working during the wiuter ta break down reaves and debris in the pond. At tii time you cuui re-pot any ptants that hase outgrown their pots. Divide liliex when they show roats outsîde their pot. lu aoy plant material used in your poud, the uarger the pot or grow hag. the brîter resat you'll get from the plant. Take the coutainer you provtided for the frogs out of the pond and store it for uext year. Mlter plants are divtded, re-potted. fertiized aud placed b7ack in their summer spots. and 16e pond is cleaurd of mast debris. you are ready for 16e nent step. Put the pumnp iu place and fil the pond back tp. Now because yat titi more titan a 20% mater exchange. yoa nerd ta treaith1e mater. Agaîtt I saggest micro lift bc used. i hase useti il avec the years and ftud it ta 6e au excetleut proti- uct. A lot of ftsh that snrvived 1he xstuter stîl die in the spring bet.aase they cao no longer ftght off diseuse or parasites. -Me extra prevenlative measUrex wili gIse yoU more years of enjoymertt from vOar.tqaatic frientis. AlgUe is probably the ftrst gramth you will sec in the spring. Not ta worry, ibis is a naînral occurrence ever year becaase the algae has nothing ta comn pete mtth. once the pond plants are growing and if 16 ere are enangh of (hem, you wili sec the mater clearintg as your pond cames toto halance. For nom and for future relerence. ta caiculate how much mater is in your pond. ibis formula mili 6e very close: rectangular pond iength x midth x avec- age dept x s7.5. round ponds 1 /'- diameter x 112 of 1he diameter agaio x aver- age deptit x 3.4 e 7.5. Enjoy your pond for anotiter season. fl75 Main St., Ste. 10 Milton Medical Buildings ti 905-878-0800 Jillian Suil Caihies McTavlsh (Hom.) B.Ss. BUlT AMT Ryan Weaver Registered55 MasgeTe Pp Q: Hom dors muscle contraction mork? A: Muscle tissue consisîs of hundeds ta tixousands of libers (relis), connective tissue, blooti vessels, anti nerve libers. Each muscle liber is composeti of myoiibriis. which are bundies cof contractile filaments rai myofilamrnts. Ail libers and filaments in a muscle cr11 mun parai- le] ta one anotxer. Ail roaibrils are separaîrd ino contructile units calird sarcomneres. Wbrn a muscles contracîx, ils individuai sarcomneres sixorten, resuit- ing in sbortening of lte muscle cr11 as a mixole. Hom dors itis sbortening occur? The sliding filament theory mas proposed in the 1950's anti states that tiuring contraction tIm protein filaments slide back Io ils resîing position of very litile overlap. If you point the lingera otf cacx handti owards racx other anti pusx tem together so that t6e lingers siidr past one anotixer unlil tixey ail avec- lap. you miii have a clear picîtire of hom itis morks. 'Me normal acîiviîy of muscles is absoluîely dependent on ils une suppiy anti ils rich bloond suppiy. Eurh muscle liber ix supplird midi a oerne ending that contrais Ils acliviîy. Tixe contraction of muscle requires ixuge amounts of rnergy anti caoi oniy occur midi ils continu- Oas supply of blooti. Withoat the presence of calcium anti ATP (molecular energy) contraction crases anti muscle filaments stick togetxer causing rigor martis (the stiffening of muscles 3-4 boues after deatx) Homever, mixen muscles lîgixten up due ta injury or spasm, itis pre- vents an adequair blooti supply froro reacbing te inside of the mus- cie -muscle libers stick togrîber anti metabolie mastes builti up, catus- ing patn. Thxis is mixai me eati a "kuot'. ant Iis "knot" must 6e baos- eneti tcrease t6e suppiy 0f blooti anti relieve 16e area. Piease cati Ryan or JItasa ai the Milaon Therapeuiic Massage Clinic, if yon hure any queutions concerni .ng mnassage therapy or would Jike ta book an appoininient. 878-0800. CM* II.wr Mm-Mo 8-8 e alt 10-2 * MMt aMhy arafess-iona for Atiditietnitf,.,,,;, Sales e Service s Accessories a Case Mois e PC Garnis 153 Main St. E., Milton Tel: 905-878-5529 http://www.cravesystems.com Chris Drksen ave Briard - dbrlard@craveeyalern.com nierîsee@cravesyslems.cem Q: Whai cao 1 do ta proîct my computer tram viruses? A: Computer viroses have breome a very seriaus issue during recent yrars, anti midi gooti cause. Any computer is ut risk of becoming infect- eti iy a viras. A computer virus cati be receivet Irougx an e-mail, fromn asiug file shariug programs oser t6e intemel or eve froro uning an infect- eti floppy disk. Computer viroses are calleti sucx because tixey beitave in many mays like biologicai viroses do. A computer viras is speati froro computer 10 computer tike a iiological virus passes froro persan 10 per- san. A viras milI aller the way your computer morks rangiog from minor aggravations 10 sysiem crashes anti ioss of data. Thxe brsî may 10 protect yonr computer framn viroses is by purrhasing anti insîaliig anti-viras software sucit as Norton AniVirusn or McAfe Anît- Virus*. These are bath mcel kuoms programs anti cao be parcxuseti ai most places that selI software. Not ouiy mili iustailing anti-viras software pratett yaur computer from any future direats, il aiso has the abiliîy ta sean anti dean your machine of any carrent Ours thai may aireatiy exîsî. losîalling the software is important, but il is ouly the first step. The sec- ond siep 510 moiake sure thal the anti-viras software iv kept Up ta date mîtx 16e most recrut viras delinition files. Tixese files are mixai ideuîify anti protect yaur computer frotn 16e hundretis of 0cm viroses, e-mail viroses, worms, anti Trojan horses lixal are creaieti anti dîstrîbutei rach day. Homever, most anti-virus software today has the abiiîy 10 uptiate ilsetf as neeieti white you are connectet lah1e intemnet. The secooti besI way of proîecîîng yoarsell anti youe cotmputer futrn a virus attack is by asing some gooti olti common yeuse. Il yoa sec a sus- piciaUs cuxait front a person yoa'se neyer heard of, don't open il. Delete il immetiiately anti emply yoUrtlrash. Even if yos reccîve an emaîl from a persan you knom andi there is an aitachrocot inctUieti mixic yos mere not expectiug tor unfamîliar wilh, contact the sentier anti check ith the person 10 make sure lixat tl s safe 10 open. Educate yoarseif anti aIl of 16e computer ascra in your housexolti or business regarding thxe dangers of computer viroses. Visit your computer -qqq qqMORE THAN IF $200.000 WORTH 0F PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN OUR FABULOUS 35TH BIRTHDAY DRAW!1 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 8, 2003--27 HERE US JUST A SIMPLE: Special Purchasel ONLY 9W~ rn -VVhil quanlilies lastl Special Selectîontl FLEECE RONANZA CLEARANCE 150cm mîcai Stock sp nom for Fat) Our Reg. 16.98-39.98 m No 50-70/ Off Our Regular Prices Specnt Selectionl PLISSÉ PRINTS 115cmn mice, polyestercoton blond, Fun prînts in bnight, vioit coloura. Our Reg. 5.98 m NOW 388 m Spectal Selection! FASHION PRINTS 107 115-150cm wtte, 1 00/ polyester Large nelecion of Spring designs. Our Rog 10.98-14,98 m Your Chorcel 4.99 n Specmal Selection 'Celebniy'SATEEN SOLIDS 140cm wide.