Mavericks hoping to build on c re dib 0 02 By NEIL BECKER Special to The Champion With a breakthrough campaign behind them, the question in deal- ing with the 2003 Milton Mavericka is, what can they do for an encore? After a two-yeax lacrosse hiatus, the Jr. B Mavericks, according to general manager Jim Goertz, exceeded 2002 expectations by flrting with thse .00 mark as &8-- 2, flot 50 mention making the play- offs, where they lost in the fis-st round. "We made se playoffs when everyone pegged us as fmishing i last," he said. "We have a couple of new coaches, and we'IlI e lookmng to solidify Use defensive play, and we're confident Usat we can play .500 lacrosse." There will be a few changes that Use searn will have to work around if they are to huild on last year's success. Thse firsi involves a rule change where ihere will be a 24-foot arc tisas will represent the only place on the floor where contact can bc made with a non hatl-carrying player. A second change is Use realign- ment of divisions. I addition to norUs Halton rival Halton Hilis, Milton will now bate the likes of Oakville and Mimico. With only eight tearus in each conférence making the post season dance, Use Mavericks know Uat'Ill e any- thing but easy. "We'I be in tough for sut," said Mustons GM. "The experience and being a more well-balanced eain will real- Iy help us." Open against national champions 15 wilI be bapsisrn under fire for the Mavericks, who'll begin the upcoming campaign with a couple of sough weekend home gaines including a isome-opening clashs Use defending national champion Green Gacîs April 25. 'We'll be tested rîght away. which is a positive for tise seam," said Goertz about Milton playing their firot gaine againsi Use Green Gaeîs. The teain bast tisree players due 50 over-age status, but the nucleus is still strong and developing. Kyle Goertz did Use teain proud last season by picking up rookie of the year honours, while Paul Pedulla also showed his abilisies by placing second in Mavericks' scor- ing. Stili, if succesa is to come Ueir way, is will be much easier if Use talented Mats Decaire comes back 50, tise teain as opposed 10 playing Jr. A. Among otisers expecsed back are Kyle Hagel, Drew Petkoff and Rick Gallinger. Looking aitheUschedule, Milton wiIl enjoy home advantage to full extens, as six of the tirs seven gaines of the 20-gaine achedule will be played as John Tonelli Sports Centre. The Mavericks will host expan- sion London in exhibition play April 17 as 8:30 p.m. Thereli be an awfuilots of police presence at Milton Memoria] Mrena Sunday. Bus don't worry folka, is nos in anticipation of hav- ing to defuse any on-ice akirmishes. lnstead, officers wilI be Use ones lacing up Use skates as Eddie Shack's Battle of Use Badges is ses so invade Use local bain for a 4 p.m. showdown. Halton's fines wili square off againat their peers froin Toronto, wiUs Shack - among Use NI-lLs mos personable alumni - donning Use zebra stripes to oversee al the action. Aaising lin as linesmen will be former NHLers Jack Valiqueste and Mark Napier, botis of whom enjoyed lengthy tenures in hockey's innermnoat sanc- sun. Proceeds fron Use Sunday afenoon consess will benefis Halton Crime Stoppers. Tickets cos $1 2.50 ecd, or $44 for a family of four. Tickets are available as Sports Traders on Tisonpson Road, or as Use door on Use day of tise gaine. Running clinic starts Saturday Hoping so go on Use rmn Uis year? If so, Uere'a some help nearby to help you getstarted. Oakville'a Runaing Company is once again offering isa 'Firat Step' clinic for beginner runners sarting Saturday. HeId in downtown Oakville, Firs Step' is a six-week prograin geared toward recreasional mun- A ning. Each session begins at9 wiUs a 30-mninuse lectur-e fol by a half-hour supcrvised runi and optional question and ai period afterwards. "We address Use fears of turne runners and stress tise fi tise sport," said clinic ditg Brian Bidwell. "Tisere are no predetenninec Inner5ancVum Il begîns Monday April 7, 200 MONDAY. 1200 -1:00prn Piltes 600 - 700 pm Pates TUESAY 930 - il:00 arn Yoga - Segnnet 545*-715 prn Yoga - Internediate 730 - 900 pm Yoga - Beginner WEDNESDAY: 030 il:00 arn Yoga - Intermediate 545 .715 prn Yoga - Beginner 7.30 -90 )prn Yoga - Experienced THURSDAY 930 -1100arn Yoga - Beginnet 1:00 - 200 pm Yoga - Moms & Babes 545 - 7:15 pm Yoga - Begininer 730 - 9:00 pm Yoga - Begnner 5ATURDAY: 9:30 - 1100 arn Yoga - Inermediate .000 - - 12:45 pro Yoga - Beginner 15 Mart4m Strect, #3 (Carrlmfl Square) Mltto Otaro 9a.m. tance goals. It's an ideal and 'uLJitact l lowed proven prograin for beginners of An>' nex, p /walk mos ages. Tise najority of partici- Vsm. Conti îswer pantsa wiII be able so rmn 5-kîlome- tres atthe end ofthe prograrnL..$, tirs- The prograin cossa $40 plus GST 'un of per person and registration can be recsor done by calling Tise Running [ Recycle Company, 118 Thomas St. in this I dis- Oakville as (905) 815-1952 . ae ý\h %ehe ih e oZ.oy! from Il 299"* LAmZmDOY URTURE@ QLW &WNSM*T.15l33-U kSaOu-6pns Susloa-Spe The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 8, 20033-23 First recruits sign up !or1 VIton girls hockey, unibrella, while returning rep players wiil continue competing for tisherby Hilton HuIs TWisters. Al local gaines will lie plasyed as tise new twin pad ars astdise corner of Demry Road aid Commnercial SSte Ibe asew league's brassamare opiag to sectare about 10 hous a week of ice sUne. nterested playe=shave until Miy 31 to sigis up isefore a ite tee is clsarged. Regiatrason cunSsty cash $255 per player. To sigas up or for more infonsiaion, cail Coulonibe as (416) 5803930 or e- iai lin at dvouombe@> WSsan t es naysPar iatnleoat.4s5ong Air.a Liquideo REP TRYOUTS LIMITED SPOTS ON GIRLS UNDER 16 TEAM (premier division of SRSL) DATE: SUNDAY APRIL 13 TIME: 4:00 PM TO 6:00 -PM LOCATION: E.C. DRURY HIGH SCHOOL (South Gym) "Iéam aHead Coach Iony Macluri at 905-827-8046 players who are interested in trving out for Rep soccer tact Martin Wdrner Rep Convenor 905-878-5698 Thse Halton District Scisool Board invites thse community ta attend an Open House for the new elemnentary school in Milton. Chris Kadfleld Public Sohoal (opening September 2003) Drop-In Open House will be hosted at: Robert Baldwin Public School 180 Wilson Drive, Milton Tuesday, April l5th, 2003 between 7:00 pmn and 8:30 pmn -Meet the newly-appointed principaUvioe-principal *Leamn more about tie scisool currently under construction at 1114 Woodward Avenue in Milton *View thse architectural plans *Speak witf, Halton District Scisool Board trustees and staff Halton District School Board D.L Papk eEthel Gardiner Director o!f4ucaiaon Chair ofdwi Board 2050 Guelph Uine, PO Box 5005, BwIinguia, ON URf 3Z2 (905) 335-3663 (905)9142-3014 (903)8-11,431 wFax: 335-9802 b.dzb.xa Gamne on, ladies. Milton is slated to enter Use girls hockey scene this comning failiand now lias ils first recruts - with abouat 5( locils, already signed up for 2003/04 comipetition. Tise lion's sbire of tboe registered at Milton Minor Hockey s HouseLkague Day of Champions Mardch 29, witb oti- er addlng their naines over tise pais week-and-a-Isalf. Initial nuassiers isidicate tise local bouse league ranks wil rmach tihe antie- ipated tirget of 100 girls. Miton's seis wiil fall under tise nosth Halton Shack's Battle of the Badges set for Sunday at Memorial L(905) i876-0551 % weammnut4lo" 10- Cali for information aýnd to regist 1- 1 i n - - ýi