iS-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 8, 2003 I * r5kII111PMOp.. po--University W om en's Club book sale i a jg br asi eanainction ud m mmo r antm i 8 O t o c o ~ s i n taSIt IowoneîWt ore JO years of agi or r. "' '-' e 'FN'-'P.W f rs lo i Sh F.S A ' Mako ypur appoinimnt ioda7.! Fo i. eareauîs iicii: ,j~2t.itt2 .~5;IJ.e. 4 Vext year's sale __________________________________________ ~ Y" ~ to include CDs, 1-800-668-9304 ( vidéeos, audio tapes 4 DAYS ONLY I WsdnsdaAP. 9t lrdyApr. 121 * *25% OFF SELECTED FADRICS IN STORE 1 IHCREDIBLE DISCOUNTS IN WAREHOUSE W Bookworms flocked to the recent book sale held by tihe Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - Milton dis- trict - and nothing demonstrates the enthusiasm clearer than the money rased. 'he sale, held Match 28 and 29 at Milton Mail, raised more than $8,000, which is an lacrease of 60 per cent over funds raised last year, without an mecrease in botok prices. According tri the CFUTW, thse events suc- ceas is due to thse generosity of book donors as wel as thseIsard work of 30 CFUW members. This was the 3Oth annual book sale held by thse CFUW. Proceeds will he used tri flmd university scholarships for graduaces of Milton high schools. In addition to thia, a ignificant donation of books was made tr tise Vanier Institute for Women, which recently relocated tri Milton. Next year, tIse sale wilI expand to i clude more tIsa juat books, with CDs, videos and audio tapes alto being made available. The CFUW is a national non-profit organization thaïs comnimitted rtIse pursuit of knowledge, tIse promotion of education, improvemeit rif the statua of women ansd human rights, and active participation in public affaira. :j Photo by GRAHAM PAINE :zt~z. ~ Claire Blinn looks through the biography section at the annual Canadian ~"'~ Federation of University Women book sale. ~ww.herbalmagcsystem CILiAM 2002 COMM "A Night of Hg Granite IR 9503 Dul Cocktails: 6:00 p.n Tickets: $6, Cal it 9054 to reserve, COMMUNITfY GOLD Dufferin Aggregates Kwi SKD Comapany Psl Toroi FRIENDS The Doaaldson Financial Group Inc. Kalena Flowers G.S. Die & Design tac. Loblaws Markets McCuaig tnsurance Ltd. Milton Canadian Champion Miltowne Insurance Agency lac. Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Agency WordSong Communications r!mIILTON [UNITY AWARDS ronour & Celebration" (, APRIL 12, 2003. kidge Golf Club ili Limelto M. Diner: 7:00 p. m. 65.00 pp (GST mnci.) te Chamber at ,878-0581 your tickets today. (AWARD SPONSORS SILVER BRONZE wik Kopy Printing Johnson Controls age One Services Prosperity One Commsttty oto Auto Auctions Baskisg asd Fisancial Services Roxul lac. PRIZE DONORS Brancier Jeweller-Gemologist Don Bell, Shoppers Drug Mars Donna & Noria Coulter Harrop Art Gallery Harrop Restaurant M & M Meat Shops The Wine Rack point? Sameday, yau'II be sttered a cigarette or be tempted ta smake. Betsre yau stat, think about il: every drag yau take screws up your body. Smoking can cause permanent damage ta yssr body. Once a persa starta, il becames extremely tosgh 10 quit. And did we mention ail that cash yau'll be blswing in the pracets? Sa, if yss're tempted ta atart, ask yasrself, ',whai's Ihe point?" This message braught ta yas by: Canabian -à