Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 2003, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday Apri 4, 2003 HIGH SHOOLFRT "TEROYAL REPORT"Pý Jenna Mascjantonio Meredith Murphy DISHOP RIOHIG1E SCEGOL Listen Up BR! Sarah Gleeson needs donations!! She will be shaving her head for Cancer research Saturday, April I 2th at 1:00 p.m. Money goes to Sarah Burt of Milton and other cancer research organizations. The event takes place at Telus Mobility on Main Street: "If you are nos brave enough to shave your own head, pledge someone else." The Easter Food Drive began Wednesday. Student Govemment is hoping ail classes will it the cupboards to help fanilies in need in our own community. Another "drive" is already in progress here at BR. 'Me Candle and Toy Drive was announced early thia week. The candies and toys that you bring in will join a larger donation that will be taken to the needy in third world couitries by Dr. Simone. The clats who bnings in the most per capita wins a homemade breakfast, cooked by Ms Halyez's first period clasa. So bring in your FOOD, TOYS and CANDLES!! The Write Now contesi is well underway. The OAC wriser's craft class has already started to receive entries. So gel your buts in gear and submit your entry into one, or ail three categories: poen-y, fiction and non-fiction. You bave until April 15 to enter!! WRITE NOW!! In sports action tis week, tome team practices were a lit- te delaycd. Although Mr Freeman didn't seem to bave a prob- lem having Track practice outside, the athletes seem to bave forgotten their snow pants. While it nay bave been a littie cooter than usual outside, inside, Badminton was heating up the gym. With the tcam selected. practices continue with ien- sîty. Organîzation for this years OFFSA toumnament is on the go. Hosting ibis prestigious event wilt be a tram effort beîwecn Bishop Reding and E.C. Dury. GO ROYALS GO!!. The Think Fast. whichi took place lasi Friday nigbt, was a great success. The participants and SOLL members raised $1,500 to donate to third world countries. Just $12 wil tetp a family in Rwanda cat for a week. Imagine whaîthis contribu- tion can achieve. During the evcning the studenîs were busy making paper cranes. The total came ta 500. The origami nias- terpieces witl be sent t0 the White House as symbols and reminders of peace. "14e niake the world we lise i and shape our owvn envui- ronment" -Orisan Siiett Mai-deji DATELI1NE DRIJRYj Spning is in the air, the trees are sprouting and the flowers are blossoming due to the sunny sky and warm temperatures. Ha, ha, ha... April Fools!!! Thie joke's on us for thinking that tpring was here t0 siay (in particu- lar the grade ten and eleven girls who broke out the tank tops a little too prematurely.) Yet despite the cool weather, our entire school participated in Beach Day lasi Fniday. On a lest fortunate noie, the trip to Tuscany is officiai- ly cancelled due to the current political situation. The voyageurs who planned on travelling to beautiful Italy were holding a raffle ibis past week in bopet of reim- bursing the money loti due to the cancellation. Another group of students wbo are craving the warmer temperaturet of Italy are the toccer teams who have ttarted practicing recently. Even Tuesday't snow covered ground did not stop thete athietes fromn endur- ing their daily runt. Run! Don'i walk to sign up for a chance to be nexi year't "Wbat" magazine Teen Correspondent. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for future atpiring journalit. (like us!) There it currently information on this Canada- wide search in the L-Bay. We hope ihat the seniors are searching for thai special sonteone to escont him or her to this year's prom. If you can't find that special someone, jusi grab somebody because tickets to ibis culmînaîing event will be on tale soon for sixty dollars. Another beart-pounding occurrence ibat will raise your blood pressure is the distribution of College and University acceptance forms. As well, grade twelvc graduaîing students only have a short time to get their community service hours compleîed. A good way to accomplish this requirement is by volunteering for the Canadian Cancer Society. Apri] is Daffodil month, and every little contribution helps! Hopefully. in the nexi week the weaîher will change for the better and the mercury in the thermometcr will rite. Ire. NILTON DISTRICT Hle SCEGOL "1MUSTANG MESSENGER " Siudent Services Highlight! The nice ladies in guidance are here jusi to help aIl of the students find their right path in life... right? WRONG! They are bere to do a lot more iban that. They organize evenîs, and keep up to date with flyers, resources, and scbolarsbîps. This week we are here to outline what guidance is aIl about for the nexi couple of weeks. For starters, Mrt. Schoefield would like to remind students that community service hours are a requirement for graduation, and thai ail the information for ihem can be found on ber desk. Tour Canada is coming to Ontario April 8ih - 1lOth, and will be bringing personable and knowledgeable reps from many Universities in the Sîsie. These will include, Webber International from Hlonda, La Roche in Penrisylvania. Ohmo Northemn University, Columbia College from Missouri, Graceland University in Iowa, SUNY from New York and the University of Mairie. They will be at Milton District HS on April 9th St 10:45 s.m. If you are interesied in going to University further south, than ibis is something that you do not want 10 miss. Alto fresh from the guidance office is the fact that 6 co-op students voluntarily ieft their placements at Allendale due to SARS. They are temporarily placed regional elementary schools. Finally. we have a highlight on three new programs being offered ai Centennial Collrge. First is the software design pro- gram. then the integrated accounting and information technol- ogy management. and the Ihird is computer and communica- lions networking. These are ail applied degrees that mix prac- ticality witb theory. They nerd primarily university require- menîs. If you are interested. it s a great opportunity, and because it s new. you are able to apply now! From this weck in the guidance office. comes a lîttle reminder, a bit of information, and a couple of new things to check out. Have a great week MDHS! 4Ž ,ONTÂRTO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE LTD. 99 20 "Your First Choice in Mortgage Financin g"' PURCHASES *RENEWALS/TRANSFERS * REFINANCES* IADi',. - EF - ER 4c -7 AR 5R *TELEPHONE/ONILINE APPLICATIONS* CALL TODAY!!!IM 35* VisrT OUR NEW OFFICE IN ti 0% MILTrONMALL SHOPPING CENTrRE 'i (905) 875-2333 IIALE- W O.L.RATES SUBJECT TO CHANCE WWW.OMAC..MORTGAGES.COM HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCLIFFE RD. LONDON -1 9 Regan Cavon SIOPh Creighion 1

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