Country Council approves grants of $25 each for ail The -ana an--amion, Fniday Apnil 4, 2003-7 SOUR READERS WRIe- soldersservng n Ber War Parking-problems in Milton haeve been Tîme Capsules'are gems a] information- around for many years, stresses reader exp-oc ted fram pasc' issues af The Milton ax2ý Champion and other public atians c'a pro- ~ Dear Editor:weepeetathtmtgadsîfwokafryugclrnt s'ide a wîndow mb Mto n's paspeen tthtmetngad shf wr.t erYn cidrnt Milome pst O page 10 of the March 25 cdi- advised councîl they were aware oftcoladpougevnsfrs sided ta pace temiuain inontext po asls nfhCaminh nthe prableuss 25fausîly social get-togethers tc Ertcpelanato Tow saffsp p I h ac 5atceteeaeenjayment of the fruits of workm8g DuigUcJanuary 1900______Capsules _______ efforts ta deal with parking woes.", thrce statements attributed ta staff, long haurs nuch as recreationai 1 have a question - why doca The first of wlùch is "Residents vehicles and hobbies. Dui g t eregular m eeting of Cnunty nets here and wîll do stîll better if it pays thit article sound as if Uic above ar o usn th i g rge b c u e T e tr v îi- nf ki - Cauncil a resolutian was approved that Uic Milton a second visit. rhe n - ,---r o sn hi aae bcue 1wh~ îi~~d sum of $25 be granted ta each resident oi the county who bas volunteered and ha been accepted for active service in Saut]. Africa and that the treasurer be authorized ta purchase a draft and forward it ta col. Otter to pay the following volunteers the above amounts, viz.: W.J. Williamson and Mr. Johns of Burlington, James Ballentyne of Georgetown, W.J. Moore and W.j. Gould of Acton, alto R.J. Cunningham of Milton, aIl of the Caunty of Halton. (Volunteers were being called for the Southi African (Boer) War. It was the first war in which Canadians fought outside the coun- tny.) A letter from Pte. R. J. Cunningham, with the first Canadian contingent la South Africa, reported that he was in camp at De Aar, a pretsy large camp. The only thing was that the dust was terribly deep. He dis- embarked frous the Sardnan on October 3th and went ta camp on Green Point where stayed over night. The next day he took the train for De Aar, a two days- mn. "The Boers are not a great distance from us here. Our outposts captured four to-day ontly about five miles out. We got our trans- port mulet today. It is fuse to tee those Kaffirs driving ten or twelve on one wagon. We have had one court-mantiaI already, and the offender got 35 days bard labor. Day before yesterday five British rebels who will probably be shot, anived at this base." The Empire Stock Ca. (entertainers) appeared at the town hall on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. It is decid- edly above the average of theatrical organ- izations. It produces none but standard plays, ta which its talented members do full justice, al abttaining frous the coarse jokes and silly 'gags' sshich are thc chief stock-in-trade of too mnany so-called actars. The campany played ta good busi- h At Tuesday's meeting of the county d counicil Jailer Vanallen resigned bis posi- 1.tion as caretalcer of the court bouse and e county offices. He had held it for many d years at a salary of $ 100. In 1898 the care e of the registry office was added to is duties without an increase of salary. Hence b is resignation. He withdrew it, however on the counicil agreeing ta the introduction at the next meeting of a by-law ta increate bis salary ta $125 a year. On Toesday evening, a gang of Milton boys, it is alleged, and two men fromn Guelph, tea agents, pelted with snawballs the bouse and shop of Cus Lee, an inof- fensive Chinese laundryman, Who had tuf- fered similar outrages previausly. WMen they broke one of bis Windows Cum Lee made a sortie and captured one young ras- cal by bis hair. Next day he went ta the public school and identified three of the boys. These, when they found themselvet la trouble, gave the namnes of six others of the gang. The fine, whose ages were fromn 13 ta 17 years, were paraded before Mayor Deacon on Saturday. Cum Lee, on being swomn, again identified the three. Six of the boys were then swom and the whole story came out, each telling on bis companians. Before giving sentence, His Warthip ece- tured the culprits severely. He hoped that the penalties which he would impose an them would have a salutary effect. in the case of the six boys Who had been proved ta have figored la thc snowballing, he impoted fuses of $5 each and costs or 30 days. %l'e three were fused $3 each and costs or 30 days under by-law No. 4 of the corporation for thc suppression of nui- e tances, including laafusg on the streets. An information was laid against the two. d This materiai is assembled an behaif of p thce Milton Histaric'al Sac'iep,' by JinmDil/s, wtho ('ait be reac'hed h-v e-alt jdills@idire<ci'c'am. -mila proennsJUsL ocen Oscovered'? Parking problems in Milton have been around for at least 20 years. The members of town counicil and staff push it around Town Hall for a few monîhs, stick the same miles back in and make commenta such as "We will probably be deal- rng with it again in six montha." In JanuarY of this year, they renewed the three-hour on-street parking bylaw, set up a lisi of bureaucratic miles ta ensure non- conformity Of Parking regulations in the town and stock their collec- tive heads back in the sand ta wait for the next round of parking prob- lems. It didn't take six months. Last month The Champion had a story on an establjshed area of town with a parking problem, and now there's this article on the new subdivi- sions. At the January council meeting, when the three-hour bylaw was re- blessed, concerns were raised by a number of council members on potential applications for new sub- divisions. Senior members of Town staff they use it for storage and they aren't large enough." lising a garage for storage, other than a car, is difficult ta argue against because that's what they are constructed for. Garages which are allowed ta be constructed that aren't large enough for the purpose of parking a car defies reason. How do you justify demanding a resident park a vehicle in a garage when the vehicle won't fit? The second statement is "Residents are storing trailers in their driveways." How big a problemn is this and if it bas been a probleus in the past, what actions were taken ta allevi- ate it in the Planning sessions for these new subdivisions? The third statement is -On the average, residents have more than two vebicles." What a surprise. Tis isn't new. A simple drive around town would have indicated this a long timne ago. There are many more reasons why residents require different solutions ta parking allowances. Lea ve other people'-s property atone, says woman to person who tried to steal her car at GO Statin ,lt -. ,,v,.. ,01 iltiut s 10 provide a community in which the residents have a pride in belonging. There are solutions and they're being used by neighbouring com- munities. One of the main problems with one of these solutions is the redue- tion of revenue for the Town in fines, as it would be legal ta have restricted, on-street parking under specifie conditions, allowing for the safe movement of emergency vehicles. In addition to the lots of fmne rev- enue, it would eliminate the three- hour parking bylaw, and this would mean the Town wouldn't have a uniform parking bylaw in relation to the other Halton municipalities. It's time members of counicil and staff took tome time and found solutions ta the probleus They have spent money to pro- vide information, and not only bas the original problem not gone away, it bas grown another head in the form of the new subdivisions. Yet we appear to be no dloser toaa solution. Dear Editor: Last month someone tried valiantly ta, steal my vehi- cIe from the GO Station parking lot. Hey bozo, it't time to get a life, get a job and leave other people't property alone. You may not be 50 qoick ta steal or cause damage when the property is your own. l'us alto sure your par- ents would be prood. 1 allow usyself one loxury, and that's my vehicle. 1 Ion 't secus ta reusember anyone helping me make the payusents or boy gas recently. My independence and )rivacy bas been violated because of yaur actions. Having maveil here recently when usy office closed, chs ilo s 'susdt u paîl nwn er',, e ~ an ltoun MORE POSTIVE CHANCrFS qllccv~cc I have been very accommodatlg ths far ta, newcom- ers. That is, until now. Tanks so mch ta Const. Bill Glennie and Det. Brain Smith of the Halton Regional Police Service, Jeif and tow driver of Durante's and the guys at Ken Weeks Pontiac Boick in Fergos for getting me back on the road. And to the person who tried to steal my vehile when you 're doing yur cousnunity service, hopeful- ly handcuffed ta a pasi ai the GO Station watching for any suspiciaus activity, (what a concept) yoo can listen ta the uusic yu alo tok fraus me. Enjoyr . 4 i a ! "22 L s. IN 12 W E E K S" the î',,j( ý i i îl /i fil , i fî 1 l i I'f "f , /Uî ' -,1i-/în l;3e pi 35 Lattîîî . M e'lpa intîrc wîîy "îî /Lh ai/l2aî'î'îI/hllengloîiî ami l i'ipîThn h,îrnîiaahi b ltl -niild rný»e1cv 1 h vi lle fiaIfa îu ellele en,,I'î Icli , cliceîI 1 1 / if tc moahs Mydr as i'drppmaii' I l] i i <i'iin'iaiii i &% ,lYO' "aAMliP 'l a ZvI"l,GIY AS L it MuT WA trama ioadehin'tt seS i mpe ieIia i' ad'aIa?,'ii, , h/J, n-lIlnolf/itii' il, fîm'îî,/Ih il"îIl am<tiiîly îhange the ,%aî 1îni SI,îî'î/1 I'avngsîtnd Je"'I£,'dlin"a',,,a, "2l Las. litt8eW elle a/'iaii'uhuii/ l'ai odpI5îdpî nd, in"N1 E w B /e GJeýi' n(1" I i. i sli lllhp llii"38 5tiii.l5iiiiiWlii lokep as t an. rod 3 thie tre he 2LiîîJîai î,12 piiii1iîî'îelleup- l, îaî'îhîîd. i Nîîhaneî,i Miai,'i aîh I wayt !M yhappiess . îlîtîîtilllîîîîlîîiîaii. Rem aillant/ w i eA îîî i1ana ~ ii p d a ' , l a from a 16 o a shapev mze 8.îî-aîîsA'îîuf la' 35l'î,undý nd 'î,ia t, he, ai el "'11%1 aie/ha hal/ a 1, ev P o sitiv e 1su p p e a h p i t a e v e r I l .%l/i l/ îi ,î ta bl up alu, i " u ' î î a dlPî u î a a u e,îî îî ua nidS ha't'itud'ehi /a l e H p n o s s C e t r e 'ni 5ipauuî,îlt"N wB GINNG"6 B. NaiîE Sice i, ,hbeu/ lc Myepgt las s prttdIni Rjal he ita a PluuuîaI i f fn.> li agali ts. tp m kigAfioiFe t)î'îîaliî'sîî',îuîiediin îîîî îaulu/lin t e illit'îîîî1 (,',I "n"'fi(, /lii t,k f 0iuai i , l , , uI o ii c 1 ugiiiy si o vry u p in Ii î ý,îîî a i"ul 'i!, îu'î v 'iiii/ i fualiv fie, eleî ' )ii,1,, S one. iptiais bi Ilypo(905)ntre W/ee Rc St* uippen m [0 'n eo 1 ri 1