Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 2003, p. 4

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I 4-TIse Canadien Champion, Friday, Aprîl 4, 2003 Nosal thankful "West Nile program aliready in place from SARS on page 2 mri1rr -- . [ 110e wlormOitaliy work in the smoking cessation prograin, for example, are helping alleviate the tremendous worload that SARS prevention has become for thse communicable disease control section. Staff are stili monitoring other potentia] com- municable disease outbreaks in long-term care facilitates than they normally would. Medical Oîîcer of ilealth Dr Boh No>? h >a! ment so far duning these crucial times- said he's juat thani lthse Region was able to ready its programn last mOntb to combat West Nule virus, wicb bumans contract from mosquitoca. "Stating thse obvjous, to deal witb the two of these (SARS and West Nule) at thse same time, bas bad a majôr, major impact on staff, and I'm glad we submitted tbe -plan (to battle West Nile) '.o iii. Nival said, in between count- less staff meetings and teleconferences with Minisnry of HealtIs officiais updating tbe SARS situation. The plan involves larviciding catcb basins and standing pools of water in Oakville and Burlington to kilI larvae before they mature into adult mosquitoes tbat risking carrying West Nile contracted from an infected bird. from these two emerging infectious diseases is thse importance of surveillance. He said last August Ise waa told of a cluster of encepbalitis cases indicative of West Nule infec- tion. TIsat was part of a sound surveillance prograns tIse Region Isad establisbed, be said. Jason Misner can be reached atjmisner@mil1 toncanadiancha»m,,ion.com. The Community Services Department invites you to, participate in a COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE- regarding Melanie, Fay & David Thompson Parks Are these persa meeting your neetis as a park user and local resident? If you have commrents, ideas or suggestions regarding improveenaU for one or more of these pauls, Town staff would like to bear from you. Wednesday, Aprfil Oh, 2003 Leisure Centre - Meeting Rooin 1700 Main Street Eust 6:.00 - 9:00 p. Ths Open House offe ru an opportunhty to provide stafwitb infonnaion about poten-. ial upgrades Uda would be Most appreciateti in tbese parka. During tbe session, staff wali also take time ta share ameas of safeéty concens and ask for your juput on recommendations to make Use parka more accessible andi atractive, wile keepsng in mind a cost-effective mahntenance program. Pieus note Usait are will be a P*fflfution and i dscussiont stgrtîng ai 7:00 pm.,but feel free to drop by at any Urne uing te bo nmdbourss b speak direcy with 9saf. Ifyare 548qab2et. 1atotenbts to e- ig o mm, plas otact Liu a Vnderliet Ifnat 9- n8-b52et. 16aog e nd ut itoeij REQUEsT FOR BID #03-181 Surface Treatment #03-031 Mudjacking #03-230 Roofing #03-231 Sound System Bids on forma supplied by the Town of Milton willbu receiveti by the Coaporate Service DePatmenî, Purcbasiis unil 1 :00 e.m. local uirne on. April 23,2»03 Biti docwmnus may bu obtaned ai the Town EHlCorporte Services Deparimnt Purcbauing, 43 Brown Sutr 2nd Floor, Mikon, Ontario during normal business buts,' Monday tbaugb Priday, 8:30 a.m. to 430 p.m. There is a biti document fee of: $28.00 (hWci. GSI for reguar lds or $55.0( cw. GSI') for bals witb drawings. Paynmnîcen ie matie Witi cash, chaque, Interac OrVisafMasîercas&j Any m ù in piesrmg du ~balmay bu directetaPuttbasmg eat <905) 875-5404. Mfyou wouild prefer the bld docunmt sent by canier, pieuSe coinpetth qusfoBi Docuewntfonn on the Town's web site:. pWX d QiePUsenReqesanfo rr anti upcosning bals are aso postetonU enbtsite. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO T E-SOKING-IAL yW January 27, 2003 Coinscil of Use Town of Milton tiltei.saff«eo bing forwast an amend- ment ta Use smsoking by-law un permit Use ipeetdno eiue mkn oe (DSR's) by January 1, 2004. If ibis aanimente is approvedby Councit, Use effect is tha on January 1, 2004 no smoking will bu Pernittod in any public place or workplace in Use Town of Milton IJNLBSS IN A DESIGNAUjD SMOKING ROOM. Ail public places anti woakplaces would be permutteci ta installa DSR Usaimua i me certain criteria already establisheti (sucb as ventilation rates anti seating capaciuy). Correntiy the only establishment eligible to bave a DSR ta a bingo bail. The proposeti by-law will ala permit an exemption ta thse smoking by-Iaw for the Royal Canadie Legion.only as well as require open wali space i oui or enclosures bufore smoking would bu peansitteti in Uhe enclosure. Shoulti you wish to comsment on tbese initiatives, please forward your commenta in writing to Use undersign by April 22, 2003. Ail commenta receiveti by Usai date will bu forward- eti for Council consideration on April 28, 2003. Troy McHarg, Town Clerk lise Corporation of Use Town of Miltons 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 (905) 878-5022 fax ttoY.Moherg@twn.milon on ce NOTICE 0F HERITAGE DESIGNATION BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE nTHATbeCounc of lthe Corporation of Use Town of Milton bas enacteti the following Henutage Designation By-laws pu=uant to Uie Ontatio Heriuage Act, R.S.O., 199, asi~edeRd ,Milto A copy of Uis Hesuage De-signaton By-law may bu obtaineti from tbe Office of tbe Town Clerk, Town Hall 43 Brown Street, Milton. OntamrioLT5fo ytlpoig8875 ext. 2133.5H.O Ytlpoig8-72 Dateti au Milton ibis 4th day of April, 2003. 'Troy Mdfasig, Towuns Clk RL-hR-NDý 2R-Xnl JIL-IM t na" March 24,2003

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