The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 4, 2003 - 2 BrOokyll.iWev Ladies Fastball to of bée own batt Chrysisrdurtng Saturçlcy's Nous. Leagu. Day -0f Chanplons., For fuil MReciS Of 811 the <aye action, cee Photo by GRAHAMPAhME Whitlock sets another world record maybe tiia uiin r unner breaks official I1,500m mark, but- University track. He bested American Austen Newman's 5:27.4 record by nearly three seconds in February and then decimated botb performances witb a 5:14.15 finish at the Ontario Masters Indoor Track and Field Cbampionsbips March 8. But just one day later the new record bolder discov- ered that bis mark may flot necessarily be the best ever delivered. Tbrough coverage of the European track champi- onsbips - held the very same weekend - Whitlock found out that Scotland's James Todd ran a 5:13.1 more than a decade ago. For whatever reason, this time isn 't recognized as the world record. Whitlock wants to know why. B STEVE LeBLANC The Champion E' d Whitlock already holds his fair share JJof national and international rnning records. So the idea tbat is recent world record-setting effort in the indoor I ,500-metre might flot stand up isn't too difficult to swallow. Ini fact, it was the 72-year-old Miltouijan wbo prompted an investigation into whetber or flot is mark is truly tops. Need a little clarification? Okay, here goes. Since rebounding from knee problems that kept him sidelined for about a year-and-a-haif, WVit1ock bas twice beaten the 1 ,500m indoor world standard in the 70 to 74-year-old division - eacb time on the York finds better time overseas "I told the powers that be about bis time and tbey're Iooking into it," said Whitlock, who owns three other officiai world records and a couple of unoficial ones. -Tbere's plenty of reasons why it may flot be considered officiai, but if it is he should get credit for it." The fact that this would overshadow bis own accom- pl isbment isn't much of a concem. Added Milton's age- less wonder, "I'm flot too uptigbt about it. Perbaps if it was my first world record I'd be more uptight." And if Todd's time proves to be a legitimate world record, it presents the locai racer witb another challenge to conquer. After ail, he did consider tbe old 1 ,500m bencbmark a bit soft, and improved on it two times in as many months. se. RUNNER on page 24 4Clarke's4 ww.clareglco DRASTICALLy SREDUCED " CALLAWAY Steelhead Plus, " TAYLOR MADE 200 Series, @PING, *TITLEIST COLF BACS * iZzo * CLEVELAND * MIZUNO & more f~ .................................~. ,.~ *~~4~55~4 '~s~ * ~ - ~ 55 Ed Whitlock