Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Apr 2003, p. 12

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12-Tho Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 4, 2003 1HEHP F Featuring -lemu, Meine Freude" by I.S. Bach, - and a selection of madrigals ta welcome spring SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 3:00 P.M. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sonja van de Hoef - Diredtor John Covedas - Accompanis Thomas Colins-Pailet - Cello E.C. Drury Concert Choir - Special Guests Tickets at Delacourts on Main St., Paper Zone in Milton Mail. Or caîl (905) 876-2401. Visit our new website at www.miltonchoriçters.com 1I SHOW ME TRE CR 7 I'd need a football nickname before I hit the old gridiron from JUST on page 10 Maybe 1 could take a turn at bat with the Senior The other dilemma is what nackname 1 should give Milton Red Sox. myself for football. 1 thought of Sweet Moves Or maybe a golf pro (hint, hint) could give me les- Townsend first, but my oldest daughter thought il sons (and free golf) to see how many strokes he could sounded more like a pick-up artiat namne than a football shave off my gaine in one summer. player. Then 1 settled on Sweet Feet Townsend, but I've already had free lessons for tonies 1 did for The now l'in wa.ffling on that. Trains make good nick- Champion in snowboarding and curling, with mixed namnes for football players. Night Train, Freight Train, resulta. Mixed meaning horrible and terrible on my maybe even Go Train. Wbat about Slow Train part. As for the football, inm leaningtoward giving it a Townsend? shot. Ibis whole weight losa haa opened up a number of The Oakville Longhoma or the Markham Raiders worlds for me. better watch out. Slow Train Townsend is on the move. MuIWa Townsenffis Lifestyles columnapers every second Frklay. V.MLALd - J .m.I ."J . .F L>k> Lf. Zwwtu- Po iGa o irn His plight was desperate. As a young. sin- "I cant remnember. My mom and dad told like a good plan? That day. the sight of the cross eradicated 7051 *t~ hM , .1t1e81 MM kd'tMyRId year-old boy he found himself lost in the me what 10 do if I cas ls, they told me The young boy wiped his tears and nod- punic and brought peace tr0 a litile boy's downtown, urban core of the cily. No the way, they told me chat 1 needed 10 ded. Together, they toi mbt the police car. heart. The cross made the difference! SnaArl620 mater how is parents had trained him knoc ... but 1 just cant remember!" He As they cere driving, the young boy fran- It still does today! Find yoar way 10 tbeSudApi6,03 for tis kind oif a situation, panic struck. cried and cried. tically looked out tbe cruisers wndow cross and yos %vil] ftnd your way borne!8:0oniupae His mind blanked on him. He forgot The officer pleaded, "Son. yos must s-y 10 for some landmark he right recognize. Allow us the privilege of showing you the 10:30 Moly Communion everything his parents had instilled into remember. Do you know your telephone Suddenly, be sac it! cross. Multons eburches are here 10 belp 10:30 Service ln the auditorium with him in the fear of tbe circamstance that he number? Unless you remember. 1 cant Standing taau above ail of tbe other roofs you find peace for eternity. Make plans to Ouest Speaker Roc. Or. Trevor Walters found himself in. help you.", was a church steeple with a cross on the vîsil a local congregation tbis ceek. Nursery and Sunday School provlded Lost and alone be starled to cry. Visibly distraught, tbe yousg boy crum- top. Service imes and locations publisbed in1 Fontunately, an officer of the law came toi pied int a little bail. Wisely, the kind and "Stop. Wait. Stop the car." the Religious Directory below. Wednesday, Aprit 19 - 10 ar. im and said, "Son, whal is the mater?" gentle policeman put him into is croiser île police officer braked and quesîioned. Service of Moly Communion "1'm lost, 1 can't ltnd rny way home!" be and said, "Son, 1 arn going to bring you to "Son wbat i t I Submided by Rev. Dan Rogge, Senior Rector: The Reverend Canon Chartie Masters sobbed. the central station. Hopefully, your moîh- 'Meli tîle boy chimed, I see tbe cross! If Pator o! New Lufe Church, Milton For more Information cati M5-878-1363 The police officer said, "Tell me your er or father will caîl soon and then 1 wtll you can just get me 10 the cross, t cao find Visil sur Wehtîteu address '-III take you home!" be able 10 take you home. Does that sound my way home."wwsgogsovleogadwwrle.o MitnBps hrh MILTON BIBLE MLO KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH __Ü, TYhi-1VW r Bo S>VENTH DAY 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 900 Nipissing Rd. C HI U R C H Ab s Minister - The Rev. Joseph Gray (905) 875-1626 ÀM HRH Drco of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Meetng @Inites yu to uta ld ky Sabhih icesCai 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sohool Meig@HagiFoite HaIt, 43 Bron St. Milton udyW rhp1:0a for ail agea Milton District High School Sac.I9:30 a.i.- bathScoiNusr 11 :00 a.m. Worship Service FRas BIBI-E SCHOOL SeronTtte:10:00 AM Bible Discovery Trail Di..vir, he arnazin Bible ansvenii iallfe'itioiolxiig quesion,, Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 a.ni. Sro111:aiiîhe ioierto a happy life Yuh..Gae 71 :iam For FREE BIBLE LESSONS. oCite: PO. Box 23012, otClsGrds719:0a. Journeying te the Cross and Easter; 11:00 AM Worship Service S5 Oniario S., Milon, Ont., Lai 5B4. CldtSevthLo" open to the incredible fulineas of God. On the INTERNET, http//www.vop.coaid~ CJe ev h od "A new church for a new generation." Oc.amCazngfat.og/bbhol/schlban.asOp Aitar weioetwww.miltonbiblechurchca FoCrCmore informaion ahbotout sCrvceaid prigCaCi, pleae ail. Wheethat itac and wlroonp.e ft wSIAM.(905) 876-3586 91 amoftft i.rtadwrhp SOUTHSIDE COMMUNIY CHIJCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL li.ri i 2850 DERBY B.D. 36Otalât.N 8 83BRWAI rAIun Phome 878-5664 36OtroS.N 7-83 LO *' C -O -O10:00 A.M. SIJNDAY SERVICE -lirtageDrmaTe 10:00 a. m. -The Lords Supper ufitDeoon&Brlas * . 'Adveoîureliiid' for kids 3 gr 6and niirsn care up to ge 2 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 10 - 12 arn. Sun.. ApUri 13 SOUTSIDS IMGE TOUR MSMS 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Dawn Prayers & Pot Luck Breakfast. - -Tiesda » s 7pin - "The Safai" - gr 68 Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. I*orfl of The Baha'i Faimh and lis Teachings Sri r asor ".Do RoueWednesd.o 16:30 Pc -'T'he Oicuîack' -kg-gr 58 mWe.Api9,6230 noalDsuin Chiltdr.n Mro. Ntelle RoueTîcurda v7pur, "The jtngle - gr 9-12 Prayer and Bible Study8pmWe.Apl9,.230InoaiDsusn Aae-ltairt/Worship M rEsherKstie See the theoce! _Extrenie Fiin, lotrerne Pssio, Etreote ife! youh/utrac Mr TM SevnsFor the Son of man is come Bd illiVon1TV. a.m .EaiyWorhl Srvce The Purpose Driven Life coming .... Apri] 201, 2003 to seek and to.save 12:30pm and 10:30 pm. Monday, Aprîl 7, Ch. 37 9 m.- atyWoshpSevie CalI 00w toi register for Hfigh Power Sacrer Camp that which was lost. 9:,30 arn. - Sunday SchooI for AUt Ages oigAus1-5t,20!Lk190 For local infofmaliion: 905-875-2923 10:45 a.m. - Second Worshlp ServicAesr1IIîh 20! uk 9.0 a Recording 1-8W-433-3284 www.bahoi.org A.P. - A MEASUgE OF W eloeo o. JE5U5' IMfl4CT Grace Anglican Church Weeloe>ot.. 6:30 p.m. - Praise & Preaching37ManS.EMtnST PA LSRA WA B TSTC u H Superviaod Nursery il Dynnmic Cildren'ateCus nteHl N T D C U C I 103 Martin Street Progeama available during ail services! Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 123 Main St. E., Milton c4/' é 905-878-1629 a . .w w w . g r a c e c h u r c h m i t o n . c o m a . A . 5 , 1 3 . . S r n e mP s o W l t r H I a k - ~~~~~Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott St p.5 :0pm pigTa atrWle sa Rev. Amy Cousineans Sun. April 6 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour rie moment lintlme chanioM tVhe SUNDAY SERVICES 9 a.m and 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP 11:00 arn. - Mornîng Service coure of human hîctoryl 8:00 amn - Holy Communion Heavens Gate Chuoh School oPrayeruî10.3Oa.m. 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Ani Eaeter Muelcal 10:00 ain - Sung EucharistSatAp.1,- m Fse&Lov Dnr Gooe~ rldayat 4 pm. & p.m. Church School & Coffeot Hosîr St p1 ,- ..Fse ovsDn e C7ood Fray a 4 .m. 7 pni.Our sanctuary is opeo daily roc 000010 1P--. r nyonoaMo Eacter 5un4cay at 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY woald liko lu pray for poaco. Al alcome Tbursday Website: www.newlie-milton.org 10:00 amn Holy CommtTunionl Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter 70 ..BbeSuy&Pae .M. ; aviàemwwm srlaaslaParkincg 1tnt b)olrs Ctsurch office: (905) 878-8895 "You'll always find a friend at Graceway" www.stpauismilton.org St. Georuela Anolin-mn 1

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