MiLTON 'UILIC LUBRAÎ *Marh 31, *April 6,2003 yhea Y"e9" eme: 9. Kep a journal. Write clown what you have learned, your prescribed ll let miedications, readtions ta ilreatment end qutions as ibey occur.. OWý Fe.Img ume* M elm.d? Pieuse sMMse. 10. Tboomany questions?. Too much information? Confued about treat- ment? tu Feeling rushed to make a decision, or just anxious and emotional? iin Please let your ition doctor know what is making you feel uncomfortable so we con work ectogether to make il better. Neyer be afraid to ask for a second opin- r ion.' Canada îour of the dedication and commilment of Halton physicians to the heal-th and welI-being of our community. to take a moment to think about Halton's dodtors, and the important role they play in our lives... (our own doct or know who muchyou appreciate them being here for you and your family? ~ Dr. Kamouna enjoys working at MDH emergency To say Dr. Mustafa Kamouna has a lot on his plate is an - understatement. Managing a busy family clinic on Main Street, as well as workmng in the emergency department at Milton District Hospital, a busy day is a normal one for Dr. Kamouna. Fortunately, he loves il. Dr. Kmouna"Most of my days are divided in haîf between emerge Dr. Kmounaand the clinîc," he said, adding that aI the end of the day he's exhausîed. "That's the way I like il." When he's working a day shift aI the hospital, Dr. Kamouna said he usu- ally tries 10 work the momning ini the clinic and the aftemnoon in the emer- gency department, or vice versa. But when he 's scheduled for a night shift aI the hospital, that means a 14-hour shift. "You gel adjusted, but I stili fmnd il long." He said lie gels great satisfaction ouI of helping patients who have been suffering for a long lime. "It feels great if I give the riglit trealment 10 a patient who's been suifer- ing for a while." Dr. Kamouna started practicing in Milton two years ago, and said he enjoys working here. "It's a beautiful town and the people are nice," he said. He decided the emergency department was where he wanted 10 work after doing his student residency there. As for when he decided 10 become a doctor, that goes way back 10 his childhood, he said. "I corne from a medical family. Both my parents were physicians, and il was always my dream 10 be a doctor," Dr. Kamouna said. One of the problems he sometimes experiences is typical for doctors, he said: "Sometîmes there's flot enough time 10 spend with my family." He said he doesn't think the average person realizes just how busy doc- tors are. "They know we're busy, but I don't think they know what kind of work iwe do," he said, adding that the influx of residents int the new section of Milton maris even busier days for doctors. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 1, 2003-15 ELAYNE TANNER & ASSOCIATES UNO. MSW.;RSW.;Dtp. Soc. Adm.;C.Ht COUNSELLUNO & ....PSYCHOT.HERAPY ... ASSESSIMENT, MIEDIATION, PARENTINO *Adults* Children * ndividuals* Familles *Couples Thank you to ai our physicians- for keeping our community healthy. Working together to keep you well. "Helping You HoIp Yoursef" Conveniently Located CONFIDENTIAL CaIl:905-854-0801 Fax: 905-854-3350 AMicE Lom & JANDNE Myisu Na*e* ôla9k Tom" lad* usc6 aIVEnD 5Y mog amfoe R& fll4aim n Region of Halton Social & Community Services Department 7Services for Seniors Division Allendale Long, Term Care Facility 185 Ontario St. South Milton, ON L9T 2M4 905 878-4141 Hoeritage Safoty Products Ltd. R.M. (BOB) Harrison mlton 905-876-1111 617 Main Si. E. 1-888-829-9922 Milion, ON Fax: 905-876-2023 - ~-~-