Te Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 1, 200,1-13 TOWIISCId admits at one point he lookedat cat's food from CHALLENGE on page 12 I lhînk my rneîabohism is starting t0 click in trom the exercise." While last month she was working at a begmnner's level of weîght training, shes now progressed to an intermediate level, meaning heavier weights. 'The weights tone and increase the metabolism," Ms Smith said, addmng that weight training is also a cardiovascular activity because il increases the heart rate. Lea Ann Page These days, its no longer the temptation 10 est that Lea Ann Page has to guard against, but the ever-growing urge bo buy new clothes. Thaî's because as she heads into the third month of The Champions Wight Loss Chalenge, Ms Page is alrcady 20 pounds lighter - and feeling better by Uic day. I have more energy, and 1 can almost kccp Up with my dog," Ms Page said, adding that she also feels more confident. I want to wear makcup more. Before, 1 didn't rcally carc." The desire to hit a Chinese buffet has subsided, Ms Page said, and its becoming casier and casier to stick to Uic meals planned wiUi her nutrition counsellor at Herbai Magie, 15 Martin St Imr in a routinc, sol1 know what 10 shop for and cook." Ms Page said shes continuing 10 visit hcr food counseior lhrec limes cach wcek. Each ime shc goca shes weighed, and then her counselor checks ber food diary. "That way, if I'm 001 losing weight, they can figure out why." She still hasn't made any intentional slip upa, Ms Page said, although she did admnit 10 eating a forbidden food by accident. I was at my grandmnasbouse and 1Ipopped a pepperette into my mouth. My boyfiend was like, 'What arc you doing?' 1 said, 'Oh yeah'. 1 sloppcd and gave it b him. He gels 10 cal al Uic stuf I cant." Ms Page is almost balfway 10 ber goal of losing 50 pounda. Although she said she isn'î losing wcight as quickly now, she shows no signs of giving up. "(The wcight lots) isn'l as fast 00w," Ms Page said. "Thcy thought I nught have to switch programs, but 1 bavent ycî, because I'm sth11 losing (weighl)." Ms Page said ber boyfriend is also continuing 10 lose weigbî, probably as a result of the ever-present cbscken and broccoli for dinner Qmai,'doaaj roys, Dames î- A etMie Selected as Canada's 2002 Toy Retailer OfthO YoaWO'N CelebratI5741104 Fra. kab OS pwttbrh aswe! GATMonth-Sfld Draw PrIZeSI 223 Main 5t. E. Powntown Miton 905-875-0084 5hop Our secume weIbite aV: www.NatureceFire.com, Is humble Pie On Uic list of foodt Murray Townsend is allowed 10 cal! He secms 10 have caten quite a bit of il lately. Gone is Uic Mr. Townsend of last month wbo joyfully boatted, I should be a poster boy for wcigbî lots." In is place is a more subdued Mn. Townsend, entering bis third monUi in The Champions Wcighî Lots Challenge on Uic Bcvcrly Hilîs Weighî Management program., "Ive bit a bit of a plateau," he adtnitted, as he cxplaincd Uiat hes now lost a total of 28 pounds - seven more since lasI monUi. I ttayed aI (26 poundt) for a week or lwo." The main problem? Those nasty cravings. I fought tome discipline problems. I had gobhlc atlacks. I couldo't stop cating everything I could fmnd. I was crazed. I was even looking at thc cal's food." But he doesn't tee Uic "plateau" as a huge problcmn. d ' 1KPicup hi ý oa difficpities as some point. Il's bard 10 sîay on track ail tbc lime. As long as you gel back on track... Il's a constant battle. You bave 10 keep aI il. You have low points, then y0u gel through thcm, then you have high points." Mr. Townscnd is continumng 10 mccl with a nutritions] consult- ant tbree limes each wcek for monitoring and assesament. The "gobble attacks" are definitely 001 wortb il, Mr. Townsend said. "Afler I'm fînished a gobble attack, I'm mad at myself and I swear lIIl neyer do il again. I feel tenrible and 1 pay for days after trying 10 make up for il." If he wasn't held accountable for bis intake by Uic folks at Beverly HuIs, Mr. Townsend said he would have gaincd weighî during Uic course of Uic Challenge. As far as bis menu goca, MU. Townsend said he now bas a defi- nite liking for fat-frce yogurt, fat-free salad dressings and vegeta- blet such as snow peas Uiat he cani munch on uncooked. Hes alto continuing 10 enjoy Beverly Hills' protein supplements, especially Uic bar, he taid. liee Friisbngs for