2-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 21, 2003 ,/Miton's Father Cri îesmsaeo ec wivtli concerts ini Flori*da amidst war countdowni (The following article was wriaten Wednesday afternoon, just hours before US. President George W Bush officially declared war on Iraq.) By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion With the waves lapping on the beach and students gathering for the yearly spring break vacation, Florida doesn't seem al that different at first glance. Until you tumn on the TV and see a countdown 10 war in tbe cor- ner of tIhe screen. Or see lineups of people at a grocery store buy- ing botded water and other emnergency supplies. These are the observations of Multons Father Mark Curtis, otberwise known as Canada's singing priest. For the past two-and-a-half weeks, Father Curtis bas been giving concerts and doing speaking engagements in Florida. As the countdown t0 war continues, being in tbe United States bas been an eye-opening experience, he said.î "We're on bigb alert bere," he s;aid in a phone interview Wednesday. "Theres a different spir- Mark Curtis it here than in Canada." He said everybody's talking about war, and newscasts are telîing people bow 10 prepare. And Its backl $0Security Deposit on ail Leases!! LaeRatea on fermas of 24 to 48 montis. Ses MiltonTotafrdais 400 Steeles Avenue (nxt to Goru's Auto Group) 905 875-1700 www.miltontoyota.com (e usgnn,îpa nlonTooaCeJtaadm0A 144O C Olers vaif on l200313 tesle.594or drc14190y Mrc31 32W<3 P "47' 4ad Wse,, aencv,,î,v, , ,gh! anPD E OS S Sl10l$101 Si 110S 1260 Pegitand PD E loiI'5E, M îS RP BSo60IEE,,or, Ecino ffla1 l oa4%1d,5oel B129A or B123PAI 5seo 4 mo ~s akfl esa a ateof 59% onCo,c,a 4 5 o u, odsî,l BsR32EMB y BR32EPB K34EMA orK934EPA) OD4MZ ~o15$025133$11$4 173 Ecm ~Comlla Ma", Cm" EF îîlpayr,îl, 3fey E4E4OP o 9 W KS 1.5î2035î0W Eî54î lot îvE S ) d l4îPJ K Cnde010 15 appâubte M S P I114 OM a, $15025 S187341900 0925 o $1925 Iv ZOlE e V Osi Mo00 al0 9."3 91,49% pe aruTeluaS E33309 59r>5598 6 -o7îm î î3E 10, îî36 £0,lhsC90 8 s 278S I2M2,154 72' otllgaton of 2027 8042225 2412154572 ACCoîdng I torî s e guafonan 33 a ý7 Oettlme61 Tooa oCl lalîE 1 = PQ 00%9%,3 9 31 0-O' cPase. I r D In 4' 3 6 mn yl9 l ab393l on 1 203 ft3 14l,91 e' , I "I 2e for c fD 6.l 41l"0 EE,îisa , 9al r e243 RAVA an, H 111 11119hianof eak f;eï M c <,l Y O4 f fS cl g1 "Theres an anticipating fear, but theres also a quiet victory. Tbey know theyre gomng to win the war, and they think it will be quick," Father Curtis said. Sporting events, like basebail spring training, are continuing as usual. "It seems like life goes on, altbougb it's a highly protected life, and everyone's looking over their shoulder," be said, adding that tbere are very few Canadians on vacation in Florida right now. Father Curtis released his latst album, titled Peaceful Sky, in September. It's a tribute to the victima of 9/11 - and the songs of peace and hope are particularly welcome rigbt now in the US., he said. "People are glad I'm bere talking about peace. Tbey dont see me as an outsider." From wbat be bas observed, Father Curtis said it seems the majority of Americans are in favour of US. President George Bushas pro-active stance towards Iraq. Father Curtis said its particularly bard to forget about the tbreat of war wbere he's staying, Cape Canaveral, because it's near two air force bases, and helicopters and figbter jets often fly overhead doing exercises. 'We're in a powerful nation - a nation on edge," be said. Tbhe firsî week be was tbere, Father Curtis said tbe U.S. military tested a bomb just 10 or 15 kilometres from bis condominium. He was Iying on tbe beach, and bis entire body shook, Father Curtis said. "Its different being here than being in Milton. Its a different cul- ture here." Father Curtis said be bas made only one concert faux pas. He was invited to sing botb tbe American and Canadian national antbems at one of bis concerts, and chose to do tbe Canadian antbem in French, as be said he often does. Bad move. Several people groaned, reflecting the current atti- tude of some Americans towards France. Overal. being in the U.S. bas been a positive experience. Father Curtis said. giving him a different perspective on the Iraq situation. Father Curtis wiIl be retuming to Milton Sunday. Stephanie Thiessen can he reached at sthiiessen@,ntiilîonc(aniadi- anchanmpion.coni. GARDENS Join us for an hour of song and ighthearted humour! The faIýuloui5 'Women of Note" wilperform a 5cIectiori of cIaci5ic ishow Vunea. AIeo the tdynamic ar1cd ver-y funnry speaker "Judy buke" wili dive u5 her hurmourou!5 arid critertainiirtq outlook otn ife'i5 upi5 arid dcownE A Corne enjoy eorne -~entertaInment and1 fellowehip. Tueeclay, March 25, 2003 at 2:00 p.rn. Royal Gaiaclan Leglon 21 Charicg 5treeV 1Mltoni S.élng Ilmited. To meglster pleasecalI Eily or Donna ut 905-693-8592