10--The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 21, 2003 REPO)RT TO MILON AIAYER - [IIiKM ITII I Wiih., M ____ EDUCATUON V Created a modern curriculum for the 2lst Century; V Expanded co-op and apprenticeship programs; V 13 new schools buiît in Halton and 10 more significantly upgraded since 1995; V Expansion of Sheridan College, McMaster University, University of Guelph and other post secondary schools to cover double graduating class; Vl First province to cap class size; V Created Early Years Children's Centres in Halton communities to provide additional resources for preschool aged children. HEALTH CARE V 1,664 new long-term care beds for Halton; V New regional cancer care clinics to bring treatment dloser to home; V Tlehealth Ontario-free health advice 24-hours-a-day at 1-866-797-0000; V Free flu vaccinations for ail Ontarians, the first such program in North America: V Large increases in medical and nursing school enroliments; V Romanow and Kirby reports say other provinces should do what Ontario is already doing in home care, drug coverage, improved access to diagnostics and creation of family practice groups. ENVIROMMIENT V $70,000 for Milton Mill Pond restoration project; V $1.2 million for environmentally sensitive land acquisition in Halton; V Led Great Lakes Heritage Coast tourism and land protection project, part of an overaîl project which more than doubled the amount of provincial Park land; V Stood against CN Rail's intermodal development in Haiton; V Kept Toronto's garbage out of Halton's solid waste disposai site; V Defended Niagara Escarpment from intrusive development projects; V Voted to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine months before the government came around and backed protection legisiation. RICREATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY V $399,450 to Mountsberg Conservation Area to build a permanent eco-tourismn visitor centre; V 43 new police officers in Halton and 1,000 across Ontario; V New family court mediation centre in Milton; V $1.5 million for a new home for Halton Women's Place shelter. Please tale a fewe moments to ftli out the Information below-your input will help me to better represent you and your famlly at Queen 's Park. Thank-youl Pieuse fax, mail or drop off pour comments to: Ted ChudI.igh, MPP 192 Main Street, Suite 100 Milton, Ontario L9T 1 N8 Tel. (905) 818-1729 Fax (905) 878-5144 E-mail: tedchudleigh@ontla.ola.org