Toronto Police say hands tied in murder cs no jurisdfiction e ram HORNBY on page 4 The penalty for capital murder ini Trinidad is death by hanging, but Ms Bahen said if Doorgadeen is found guilty she doesn't want to see hlm die, "but certainly to pay for what he did."> > "h doesnt make sense to me that this is the only person involved," said Ms Bahen. She said she wonders if the murdera were planned to take place in Trinidad with the knowledge that Toronto Police would flot have the jurisdiction to investigate fully. I guess their (Toronto Police) honda are tied, wbich is too bad,' she sid. In early 1994, Mr. Bornes and Ms Impero-Bames told family and fiends of a business opportunity in Trinidad. It would involve a free tip to the island to look mnto setting up a business, they soid, and it was Mn. Gopaul who was doing the arranging. Det. Sgt. Terry Wark of the Toronto homicide squad said Toronto Police have been assistmng police i Triidad on and off since the murders occunted, but it is in their bonds completely. The offence took place in their jurisdiction. " "We cannos loy a charge, it has to be them," said Det. Sgt. Wark, who bas been frustrated by the Trinidad police investigation. I dont know where the stumbling block is," said Det. Sg. Gore answhatnd EC Wark ""They (police iTrinidad) dont follow througb for some DBameigh S, ho attand hed iE. reason. ShDrleAIpry ig coiarnds wif Det. Sgt. Wark said Trinidad police told Toronto Police t Seele n Ipel-Brnsar se dence - including photos from thse couples camera and Ms here et their wedding. Ms. Imperio- Imperio-Bamnes' jewehry - bas gone missing. Barnes was six montha pregnant Aithough Trinidad police have said they would like to spa to when she and her husbsnd were mur- Mr. Gopaul in connection with the murders, they baven't formol- dered in TrInldad aimost fine years ly requested he be arrested or be held in Canada for extradition. ago. One man remains in prisai Des. Sgt. Wark bas been following Mr. Gopauls wbereabouts, pending a re-triai in the murder. The and recently he was arrested in Newfoundlond and charged with irst triai resuited in a hung jury. domestic assoult. Coping with thse murders bas been bard for the family, especial Thil a yul ly father Tom Barses of Georgetown, said Ms Bahen i Im. Hils wife had died 10 montha before the slaying and bis sîster possed away just weeks before. And the family was eagerly awatt- ing the birth of the couples baby, the frst grandchld. "From Uheic ni*g we tried to put it out of our minda becauseb it was 50 horrific," said Ms Bithen. 1 1 Ms Bahen said they were able to "kind of put it awoy for a liu1e while" but thc murder trial bas brought it ail back. CTV's ivestigotive news prograrn W-5 intends to air o feature OF U on thc case tonight. It stifllburts as mucb as it did Uic uirst day because we bavent been able to put a close to it," said a teary-eyed Ms Bahen. We hope Uiat people Uiat are respniled aygfowhthy bave dune." pnil edu ayn o wa i She sad ber broUier, wbo grew up in Homby and attended E. Drury High School, was a good kid - a happy, very trussîng per- D son. "He jus wanted to believe Uic best in everybody," she said g -with filesfrom Torsar News Service U ie W g 't Br The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 14, 2003-5 g a Quick Lube Service We use Quaker State 011 and Fram 0Oïl Filters VOUR CAR REQUIRES Safety Checks ~ Hidden Hitch Brakes Exhaust 214 Wheel Aignment 'Suspension Servic Cooiing Systemt Service ' Tire Rotation a Ralancing Engines 5 General iresONALS E'Quaker State 011, Lube & E' ransisions & Service DRIVE Frai,, 011 Filters [H Electrical CLEA E'computer Analysis ' Air Conditioning Accredited Test runlie Ups E'Shocks a struts & Pepair Facility Bsins slk Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed eFresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: e 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, drieci fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, speciaity flours * Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes *Herbai Supplements, Heafth Foods and Organic Products Canadas largesi bulk food retailer & more. now 70 locations and growing Franchise locations available in Ontario and Atlantic Canada - (905) 8U6-6756 I. I.. ROe pi e s PO ast On avetIsed Items we reserve the rght to lSmllquati, e.Noa bai p liose Milton Mailw Ontaio St. S.(905) 693-9207 ww. blbr.a Qaiyvauan eeto - e . . e 98 1 9 m 1*1 m