6-lb.e Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 11, 2003 SCOMMENT Let's flot be in denial about homeless here The controversy over the location of an emnergency homeless shelter i Oakville gave rise to the formation of Halton Region's Emergency Housing Advisory Group, which developed a set of criteria for locat- mg a site for a shelter in the comnmunity. Last week, Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline announced in Milton that construction of the shelter could start withmn the year even though a location hadn't yet been picked. Last summer, many opponents of the homeless shelter questioned the need for such a facility. They had trouble comprehending that people in a thriving commnuni- ty such as Oakvile could fmnd themselves on the streets without any shelter. Others blamned the homeless f'or bringîng their misfortune onto them- selves, either through drugs or alcohol. Currently, there are no plans to build a shelter for homeless people i Milton, but we're sure that will change i the not-too-distant future. We hope Miltonians will respond more openly and not be i denial because yes, there are homeless people i this town and, with growth, there probably will be more. r - NW M'5REFUSING 1ME AYS IT'"S To TAKE FRENCH A 4POLITICAL O UR REA4DERS WRITE ir.s fot teho os fouit, itps mine:-reader Selfish thinking big problem in smoking issue: reader 1lovedogs, âoent everybady? lhe mswer ta fdma quesion is r«aly Do- Masspeople like pets wadieshy're their own pets.However, wbeos tley belong 40 sotnebody else then it's a degreOfMlkthat's MoM appropriate for tbeanswe Am 1wroog? 1do't d"so. We as pet ownersare supposed ta be ln canicite contra of our pets. Net are we always?1Idon't sd"ukso. A lady oum fur a busk walk tdmeother day met my dog. She didn't reall watt ta, but tde bad no choice. My dog enswred that by running ouI ta visit with her on the road. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifieti: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Pubisher Jili Davis Editor-n-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Adverising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Cama Office Manager Tînt Coles Production Manager I was cleary m nos lu c ont f My pet. ThaugbIdis nîce lady aeepted my apal- ogy, dma doesn't let me off dise haok lu my mimd. My dog auld have declded ta vst amoving car ortruck instead of this nice lady. hast because1 live in the Sau- try does't give nise the rigbt ta not be in contraI of nsy dog. Cyclists, walkers, nimers, car, tueka and imsuer neighbours expect us as responible pet owners ta be lu complete contrai of our pets. Sa why aren't we? 1 know one thlng - it's fot tise dog's fauhtha's for sure. Roboet (Bob) A. B.y.f t CmpbiMIIo Tiie Canadian Champion, Putlished sserY TuesdaY and Frday at i91 MainS 5t. . Mitoni, Ont., LST 4N9 (Box 248), is ose of The Metroand Printins, Pubishing & tîstribtting Itd. îrsstt of ssburban csmpaeies whit isctsites: Aja/Picierng News Advertiser, Athîston Herad/Cosrier, tarrse Advasce, Barrys Bay Tiis Weelt, oste Enterptise, Brampton tuardias, tsrtîsgtss Post, tsrtîsgton tShopping Nes,. City Parent, City of Ysrkt Geardias. CligwostyWasaga Cossectios 'tast Yorkn Mirsse. Erin Advocate/Country Routes, Etobicoke Guardian,' Fambsrsugit Post, Forever Ysung, Geretsws tsdependetUton Free Press, Haftn BusintesTimes, Hssonia Business Times, Kigston This Weet, Lndsay Tiis Week, Mattttam tcossmist & Sus, Mdad/Peneagsisitene Mirror, Messn Shopping News, Mississauga Bsiness limes, Mississauga News, Napanes Guide, Nassaaweya News, Newmasietihrsra Eua-tasser, Nrthsmbterland News, NortYrk Miros, taktitte Beaves. Oaktîtle Shopping News, Odtimers HockeyoNews. teiltia Te<iay. OsiawaWititiy/CaisgttsjPoPenThytiis Weeit. Peterorough Tiis Weet, Pctes Csssity Gaide, Richmond iillThrstitIVVaughan literai, Scartsrtssh Mirtte, Stoutvile/tttsidge Triune. Adtertisisg is accepteS sn tite condition ttat. inte eseet et a typo- gsaphicat erres, that portisneoethSe adveetising space eccapied ty thte erso- tests item, tegethet sith a reasesahie attesance tes signature, witt est te citargeet tor, but the balance et tht adverttsemest site pad ttr at te appli- catie rate. Te puttisher recettes the rlgit te categorze advertisemeets tr dectine. The Miltee Canai.,C&7po n oa RacyviaitgePineia e Dear Editor: Smokers don't have tihe saine righss and freedoms as non-smok- crs. The opposite of this was stated by Mr. Timbers in bis recent lester to The Champion in response to Mr. Radcliffe's lester regarding the smoking bylaw issue in Milton. One question by Mr. Timbers was "Wlsat if these establishments shut down?" Weli this is an option that shouldn't have to be entertained, mainly because it won't happen. lnstead changes wiIl be madie, I can assure you. Another question was "Wlsy is only smoking being target- ed? He stateti that alcohol kills so why flot ban booze anti cars. Booze and cars have been banneti for some time now. l'mn assumning you mean tiriving while impaireti, which incluties boats, ATVs and snowmobiles, anti the driving while intoxicateti issue is being enforced thanka to oui local police force and the communisy as a with 'Operation Lookout'. Smoking and seconti-hanti amoke is causing more heaitis issues anti tieaths today than drunk driving crashes. On the issue of rights, amokers tion't have the right to give blooti, ife's fuel. This tioesn't mean we should look tiown on smokers. They'rc equal, and as i stateti in my lester publîsheti by The Champion January 1, 2003, smokers theus- selves will be making choices nos to smokc as have thousantis of cours- geous people, resulting from knowletige and education. 1 useti to smoke and gave it up. I know people who smnoke outdoors or make an effort to accommotiate those who don't smoke. its Uie seifish type of attitude that remains a pars of the probleus, either for Uic smoking ban or diinking and tiriv- ing issues. Having moveti to Milton last1 April frous Brampton, we hati just gone tlrough Uhit sane non-smok- ing bylaw issue with Uic amall bar owners and Uic large bar owners,1 and bingo halls having to make( changes aftcr Uic saminiùtial argu-1 mcnts that we're seeing here in Miiton. Talk about deja vu. The end result was business as usual after a ton of moncy was spent neetiîessly to try andt Uwart off Uic incvitable - gooti healUi. A fricnd of mine who just reccnt- ly quit smoking aftcr trying six imca said he becamnc ircd of bcing askcd to go into an cnclosed area like cattlc to have a smokc, feeling, pîcase notice I said feeling, and flot ticateti, like a seconti-hand citizen. Dcsignated smoking rooms tumcd out to be only tcmporary in Brampton as second-hand smoke was gesting into the non-smoking arcas. As humant, we don't like change, cspecially when we're establisheti in our homcs or busincsscs. However, when Uiat change is for Uic better, we havc to prepare for tome tiitcomnfort. 1 applauti anti cncourage thc smoke and secontihanti smokc free bylaw enforcers here in Milton to continue towarti a tobacco smokc- fiee enviionmcnt. Paul Foreman Pud by Steve Nease THE CANADL4N CHAMPION IL 1 -f ..ooý 1 Alo-ld4âe- 'f'n k\N JQ N, l,ýl