26-mhe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Trust ks the basils of her redaIionshjps as a Sate Earm aeent. 2003 marks Heather Solie's third Anniversary at her Derry Rd. location, and her eighth year with State Farm lnsurance. Her experience with State Farm ranges from being a dlaims adjuster to an Agency Training Specialist. Her desire to open her own agency came early on in her career. "State Farm is a world class organization that is dedicated to the community, from our 911 simulator presentations, Bicycle Safety Rodeos, Educational Kits, develop- ment grants, funding directed to improv- ing vehicle and roadway safety, and sup- porting disaster recovery services to being a leader in industry reform, State Farm is more than just an insurance company, which allows me to be more than just a risk advisor." Heather runs a few community pro- grams in her own office, including her "Good NeighBear" program, whereby she will donate a bear for every financial product sold to local charities that support children in need. "lt's a small thing 1 can do to give something back, and clients feel satisfied that the product they pur- chase helps them to achieve their finan- cial goals and will also put a smile on a child's face". Apart from community involvement, Heather's success can be attributed to the solid relationships she bas built with her clients and other local business owners. I am proud to say that, in my opinion, 1 1 9 - - - - - à,U a su lwaR have some of the best clients in Milton!" In turn, many of Heather's clients have become her service providers. "My accou ntant, dentist, lawyer, doctor, mechanîc, plumber, local pub - ail clients! The relatîonships that 1 have built have been tremendous". There's also something very unique in Milton that makes her career rewarding. "lt's rare in larger towns or cities to have a client pay you their insurance premium when you see them at the grocery store, or have a client ask you about disability insurance while you're in mie at the bank. This happens here, it's great". There are many services, products and values found in Heather's agency, ranging from Heather personally handling your dlaim and writing the dlaim cheque right in ber office, providing evening and Saturday appointments, an insurance and financial review to help clients understand policy, coverage and industry changes that are affecting rates, and friendly, knowledge- able staff. The most important service Heater feels that she provides is a cover- age review. "I start off with what is fot covered. People are taken aback at first. Nobody has ever told them what's not covered. My job is to help people recover from the unexpected and manage the risks of every day life, and if they are expecting coverage for something that is excluded in their policy, they have a right to know before they buy it. People truly appreciate this, and it helps to establish the trust that is the basis of our relationship". The prod- ucts that State Farm offers go above and beyond home and auto insurance to include life and mortgage insurance, mutual funds, car boans, disability, critical illness and business insurance. "We're a one stop shop. My clients are amazed that 1 can have a car boan approved, write the cheque, insurance the car and put life insurance on the boan, aIl in one day, all in my office!" So for A of your insurance and financial product needs, contact your Cood Neighbour State Farm Agent, Heather Solie. t h * MutualF=n& DONA1JJSON -Sae ud FI NANC IAL CRO U P *Rgd eiret 51>1811 GCLIENTS SCE 1978 "v< MPm Helena Donaidgon CFP, CLU, CH.F.C. Edward B. Seduikis CFP Thomas F. Tamblyn B.Sc. Economica 101-310 Main St. Est Milon, Ontario Ml91P4 Tel: 905-875-3366 Paz: 905-875-3574 SCARTIER PARINERS FINANCIAL SERVICES " Regd Nettement bIcorne lunde " Annulties à Ufe bicorne lunds " Advanced Ptnancla EsAUte Planzsng " Lite, Terni & Dlaablity Ialutance " Ensployee Beneflte/Group plan " Guaanteed lnvestrent Certificates " Long Terni Camcritical Mlines a hanne 'Ptostded b,' Cartter Partners Ftnanctal Seniîces. Jut a oipleof teuemy ne"usoff oe .ei *ChUm Fond *3u9 P~JI..$9 .*1d WE SEE JUST HOW QUICKLY THEY GO FROM BABIES TO BABYSITTERS. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE- Is aangKtds grow up su fast. Is your life nsurance keeping pace? To hel e absolutely sure vour fantily's grosstng ftnanciaI needs aren't outgrowtttg your coverage. talk to someone who understattds you antd your life. Heather Solte tI~IJ905-693-1400 LIKE A <.0< o NEIGNIOUI heathersolie.jfs#statefarm.com STATE I'ARM 15 TIIEREa 3006 Derr.v Rd W. Suite 204, Miltn a*sfmteh.pt A, Par* hancheon or d*ue. Cten*sd menus. oàwiq r1 occasions IOkOFF AIl Wine Kits Available to be mode on premisel S4utSLL2, MASSAGE THERAPY CLTNIC C.ATHERINE WILKINSON CR, RMT Rehab,1~?~ KERSTEN REINHARDT, RmT ,, Q"' m z.:. " Chronic Pain " Motor Vehicle Accidents " Whiplash " Headaches " Sports Injuries " Shoulder & Neck Specialists " Stress " Relaxation " Reflexology (foot masage) HANDS ON REHABILITATION SERVICES laurier Meical Centre 497 Laurier Avenue Suite 8, Milton, Ontario 905.693.9 127 for a ppoi-tmenc 1 ; LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR t STATE FARM IS THERE.'0