The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. March 1il 2003V-15 It you nave any questions thet "Ask The Professionals" d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 UREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D.- cH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST .350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, 19T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1lA Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Larec (905) 702-1611 a. Se., D. Ch. Member of the Ontaro Society of Chlropoollaîs and The Ontario Collge of Chlropocllsts Q. What are hammertoes? A. A hammertoe is a fixed bend in one of the toe joints. As the toe becomes deformed, it rubs against the shoe and the iritation can cause painful coms. Coms may also develop between the toes. These are usually due to a rotation of the toe, rather than a contrac- tion (buckling). This can cause the joints to rub together and may create small bone spurs that cause coms in similar manner. In addition, the skin can break down and become infected. A severe hammertoe may create downward pressure on a metatarsal bone aithfle bail of the foot, and add to the cause of cattous. A hammertoe may be present but nol always painful unless irrtated by shoes. One may have enlarged 10e joints with some thickened skin and no redness or swelling. However, if shoes create pressure on the joint, the pain will usually range ftrom pinching and squeezing to sharp and buming. Cramping in the toes, foot and leg may devel- op from muscles and tendons tunctioning in abnormal positions Tony H. Wan MiltnM i-5 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Choosing a Dentist for You and Your Family There are many factors tisai one sisoulti use when selecting a famnily dentisi. White many people select one based upon couvenience, referral, yellow pages, location, or referral from a fantily member or friend, one should also consider tihe following when selecting a dentist for a long terni healtlt cure provider relatsonship. How long has tIhe dentist been in practice? Do they practice carrent infection control procedures ut teir office? Arn I offered different options for treaiment? ls tise dentisi available for afier hours emnergescy coverage? Are thse fcilities nezanid cleasu? lu tise referral source one tisai cao ise trusted? Does tise dentist do a vartety of procedures "ia-office" or wil lis e referred oui for many procedures? Wisui hours are tisey open? Do tiey treat children? Dors tise dentisi involve tise patient in the treaiment planning phase? Do I need spectal assistance or cure such as wheelchair uccets, nitrons oxide, pre-medication. etc.? Whitie tiese are factors tisai ose igisi wis Iota cInde when selecîîng a dentist, tise decision is a personal one and yos need ta ise comifortaisle witis tise dentist you cisoose. It s tiseir responsiisility ta et yon know tise answers ta tiese questtons as well as expIais tise advantuges and disadvatages of tise treatiment options tisai are presented ta you. In addition, you have a rigisi ta know tise castins advance and have tise procedure explained in a way tisai you cao understaitd it. Y4àMFI INTERIORS WIfhere maka you te&l at home" Carnet *Vinyl *Ceramics e Hardwood *Paint Wallcoverings, Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geraldine Heaketh 15Ml fE iiu ,a8S48 This month ta a good ime to talk about Gluelosa Flooring. It'a hero 10 atay & we are inataîling & slling il 10 tise D.I.Y. market ut a furious rate. Witconart have now gone toîally glueteas both in wood & tle producta, with enlry level right up 10 classic estate. Wiîh awesome choices 10 chooe from for those who find ceramic tle flot suitable, thon lauinate tle ia an excellent option. For mont areas, ho il bath, basement or kitchen, tir it together wiîh tise plank effect & create the mont elegant or mastir theme for your home. We also now have a nese underpad to insulate & deaden the sound. Large titra with sharp groullinea. Only today I visited a client for whornser juat inaîalled gluelesa tles. I have nover seen anyonr so rcaîatic! The ontire kitchen juat camne alive with the colour & texture. Another client used the Witex tito in a sharp blue/grey satî in their basernent around a bar area & into a bathroorn, & did il themarîves! Witex ia available with ita own comfort backing attacheol to the back & haa Iota of design coloura, looks & good war- rantira, oven good for schoola, rtc, which we are inaralling soon. Mannington Laminate Woods are trxtured in their Natureform Collection ao whichever ia your choice wr fret you will ho quite content with your drciaion. Bring your ideas & wr seilI certainly help you put it att togother & romember the quiz question of the rnonth: What is Anaglypta? Have a gueaa or come in. Wr have it here in the store in a book. IHawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street Soutis, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) ___ Debbîa Hawkins B. Se., DVM Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 U l MOSOUITOES AND FLEAS Spning ta junt around the corner (l hope!), and with spning cornes att thoar horrble lttîr thsngs calîrd ".parasites", "monquitora" and "fleas". Sorno mosquitoos carry a parasite which causes hoartworm diseuse in dogsaund recently, cals. Heartwormu are long worrns tisat accumulute in tise heurt and tunga, and au they grow thoy cause obstruction of tise heart charnhors, oventul heure filure and finally deuIls. This dineuse in now very easy 10 provone by tise monîhly administration of a tablet or dropsaupplird o tieskin. Flous are parasites tisat use our pets us a food source. They enter our homes in our pets fur, ansd once in the house, may leuve our pela fur and lay thossaunda of egga. Evrnlually, these eggs will isaîci und result in a mnajor infes- talion in our home. Tisis can ho next 10 impossible 10 remedy. I have hoard some horror stories frorn clients who have hud t0 go 10 extreme lengtisa 10 erudicaîr a flou infestation. Contrary 10 popular hlief, our pela do flot nord 10 ho in con- tact with other pets 10 pick up floa. Tise mout common source is tise ground, wisotier il in lise grass on Use tawn or sussd. To ho blunt, uny dog or cal tisat sets foot ouldoors is suscepti- ble. It migisî puy 10 check wiîh visiîing pet owner frienda, who bning tiseir pet mbt your home, tisaItisey une flou proven- lion. Thero are rnany producta on tise market 10 provent flous ansd heartworm, eitherr ingularly or logother. 1 would advise you 10 talk 10 your veterinarian soon 10 find tise product hoat suit- ed for your pet. Tel: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario 19T lP9 LIdMCPR Q: 1 missel] the RRSP deadline again! Now l'Il have ta pay extra ia taxes. la there anything hat t1oado Ca prevent Chia fronthap- pening again? A: Mfissing your RRSP contribution cao ho isotta fruutraing and costly. One simple solution is ta set sp a plan where you cao automalically pst away a portion of your annual RRSP contribution eacis manth - without having to wonry about il. If you put $200 mbt yotir RRSP eacis monts, yau will have added $2400 ta your RRSP aver tise course of tise year. Many people flnd Ibis a botter way ta maos for tiseir future witisout iaving ta find a lurge lump sum amouim ai tise tant minute or having ta isorrow Io da their RRSP. Ibis apprssach in calîrd Dollar Cost Averaging and il it very flexi- ble. Plans Stant as taw as $30 per monts with some institutions and even attow yau ta skip a monts or put in entra wben yau want ta. You can also divide your contribution betweon différent funda in order ta divensify your inveutinenta. Dollar Coul Averaging gives yau tise added benefit of not isaving ta, warty about timing tise market. Wisen market values are dropping as tisey have bren recrntty, yaur contribution wîtt buy mare, so tisaI when values increaur in tise future, your invealmoent will have ramn greator wartht ian if pniceu were gaing up aUthie tinte. Witis Dollar Coul Averaging yau cao plan your RRSP contributions and make tisern part of your regutar budget.- sort of ike flnancing your future retirement tismugis an instatîmnent plan tisaI yon contrat. To tern marc about Dollar Coul Avrraging, pIeuse contact Money ConceptsataI905-876-0940. %,àEGON. Dealer Services Tina Donay 1 isnA eu ConnfiO Frannoz (orerofWilson Av& u PHYSIOTaIIRAPISTS cre f isn&main) 876-1515 1 hurt the outaide of my wriut whea I was nhoveling unow hia week. Aay suggestions? Certainly tisere was a grea deut of snow ta sbovet tant week, wisicis is isard work if yoa are not urd ta it. Yaa may bave trained same of tise tondons on tise autaide of your wrist and tisusIs area, as tisertondons are uttucised ta muscles tisat iselp ta stabilise your wriut and prevent il frora bending wisen you are carrying a loud of unow. Once tisase muscles become ires, as witb a repelitive movement like sisoveling, il beconses difficalt la boîd your wriaî straigist. Yaur wrist starta la bond in funny poitions, wisicis pela a strain an tise tendons and muscles aroand tista rru. You are proably like ail of us, and tisink "Jast a few mare sisovel-fuils of unow, and i wilI h ail done." inuleud of itoning ta yaur body and taking a break ta reuI yaur weary aima. Shoulders, etbows, and hacks are atmo vutneruble ta Iie repeti- ive movemonta of sisovetmng. Wisuî cars you do? Well, uuually ice is tise bout remedy for an scute injury. Apply il urveral fines a day for ton minutes ut a lime. Alto, naving yaur wrist genty, ta make sure is dora not stiffra up wil iselp. Give tisat poor ariig wrisî a reut for a few duys, aod avoid artivities tisat boIser it. If Ibis dors flot isetp yaur painful joint after a few duyu, tises consult a physiotherapiat for furtiser sasesament and reaussent. Pieuse contact Tino or Connie at the Hliton Comînunily Rehabilitation Centre, 17 Wilson Aven ue, Milton 876-1515, for questions a.bout physiotherj>v. i