Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 2003, p. 14

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14-mhe Canadian Champion, Tueaclay, Mardi 11,.2003 If you nave any questions these professionals -an 1l "r n i sï- ri 'Ask 1 he Prof essionals' d/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 &s Consruction Tel & Pas: (90,5) 876-28,16 Cr11: (905) 876-5317 Should 1 add a pond to my garden? If so, how deep and how large should it be? What is the best location? These are just a few of the ques- tions being addressed in landscaping books today. Yes, any avîd gardener should consîder a water feature. In your garden, nothing cati be more relaxing than the sound of water tumbling over rocks and pebbles. The wildlife both in and around the pond is very rewarding. Imagine our famous red breasted robin splashing about at the edge of your pond. Imagine beautifully colored Koi or Goldfish swimming through the maze of plants below the water surface. Because 1 have been building and maintaining ponds for many years, I feel that I cati help with all of your questions. Caîl with your questions to 905-876-2836 or e-mail questions to mackin- nonponds@yahooca 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594 Maxine Sianil "Providîng a Natural Way ta Better «Health and Wellness" i ii havfld Just about evewy dIet in thi estm thre Yaers, and Icent enom to keap my welght off. Why la thet? A: The anawer la really quit. simple: dieta don't workl Unfortunately, there are a lot of 'quick4lx" promises, rang- ing tram "fat-eating" pisatoalal-pratein diets to muscle stimulation instead of exercise. mhe cammon deetominator among these la that they affer shart-temin solutians toaa lang-term welght problem. Most meke unpraven claims af "weight lasa", and cen b. potentiaily dangeraus ta yaur healthi At Herbal Magic, we understa.nd that achievimg long-terni welght loas resuits requires facua an the underlylng cause of weight gain: poor eating habits! There must b. a change in the way ana approachea food on a DAILY basis. Wth this in mnd, HerbaI Magic has deslgned a sensible, well-baanced eating plan that uses only your own gracery star. bought foods (no shakes or pre-packaged meals). Safe, ail natural herbai supplements are used ta halp con- traI appetite and bocat metabolic rate, making it easier ta adapt ta a heaithier, eating lifestyle. mhe trained health caunselors et Herbai Magic know how bard it is to break aid habita, so one-on-ane counseling and guidance is pravided each and every visit. For more information, stop by or cali us at: Herbai Magie, 15 Martin Street (Carniage Square) 693-9594. Maxn. Stanley hec e 8-&. ln Sociology and an .8.W. ln Social W* 8, h. ha, woeked wfth bii. Herbai Afagic program for over six year#0 and ia tslnod nutntlonaicounsellor. Complèie Desig BARROW FAMILY1, CHIROPRATICl 180 Ontario St. S. Milton 91, (905) 878-4994 Dr Agols a oo Fax(0)854 5 B.sac x:05)8754C. Email: agbrrw&ypaioc US CNIROPRACTlC SAFE? Chiropractic care ts a safe, effective healîh rare sysîemt for the whole family. While no health care is compleîety risk-free, few can match chiropractic's safety; uts gente, non-invasive, dnîg-free methods bes- rfi att age groups, fromt newbomn infants ta seniors and att ages in beiween. Chiropractie is Use largesti aturaI health-care profession for a reason... us safe and it workt! If we're going ta te meassring safeîy, Use statisties musit e put ino perspective. Osr standard reference is modem medicine. How Sae it Medicine? Most people run ta iheir phytician for every serapesniffle and fever but few realize the inherent risks of drugs and medical care. Sttidies show Ust as high as 10,000 Canadians die a year as a resaIt of medicat error. A furtber 10,000 deaUss result fron infections acquired in hospitais and unanticipated complications fromt medications. Add Uhs ta an estimated 20,000 medicatiin-related deoîhs in non-haspital sentings. That is 40000 deaUss per year. ht is the equivalent of a jsmbo jet crash every Uree 10 four days. 40,000 deaUss per year makes drugs and miedicat rare thse 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. WIsat about Aspirin? Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin casse 3000 deaîhs per million people by bleeding ulcers. Aspirin, the anc-a-day habit, bas tees shows ta cause up tel7000 strokes per million people using i. The risks associated with a ciropractic adjusîment are ta minimal, they are seacly impossible ta meastre. A lai of media lies and political deceit bas ssrfaced. A sîsdy pubtisbed sn the Casadias Medical Jourmal sasd seriaus adverse reactions are estimaîrd ai approximatety t is 5.6 million adjusîmesîs. To pst ibis in10 perspective... any gises persan ix more likely ta te strsck by lighînisg multiple imes lIen suf- fer any pernanent casseqsesce tram a chiropractie adjusîmesî. The trulIs of 1he malter is thse mosi commos aulcame af chiropractie rare is, by fac. improved health. IJALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE r7~'Ç1 Northview Centre I1 U 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 II~ . Il Georgetown L~IJ (905) 873-8400 ww.haltonspeech.com j'): My niece is getting extra helpfrom a speech Ian- Sguage pathologisi- because she has an auditory proces.eîng disorder. What is auditory proceseing? A :To answcr your question in simple terrus, auditory pro- ccssing ta our hraîn's ahiliîy 10 use whaî il hears. This is actually a complex process and involves more than juat "listen- îng'. What we hear or receive through our cars can be called an audible signal (sound). Some people bave difficulty pro- cessîng the information carricd hy audible signaIs. The difficulty thcy bave is 001 due 10 a hearing impairment or level of intelligence. There arc techniques that can be used 10 improve a chld's ablîîy tb absorh or procets auditory informa- lion. A child who has difficulty processing what he/she hears may appear 10 be eanily distracîed, have difficulty following direc- tions and may not understand what was said to him/her. He/she may have difficulty "tuning oul environmental soundu" or extraneous stimuli. Generally, a child wiîh an auditory pro- cessîng disorder bas average or aboya average intelligence and has "normal" hearing. He/she may do wcll in a one 10 one situ- ation yeî may have noticeable difficulty funcîioning in a group. Auditory processing problemu may be more difficult to idenîify in a quiet, shy child hecause he/she may not mishehave in response 10 difficulties, A child wiîh auditory processing dis- orders may appear 10 he inattentive when actually he/she is working veiy hard 10 understand. Thank you for your question. If anyone would like more infor- mation on speech or language issues, feel free 10 caîl the Halton Hilîs Speech Centre. metm Opnoid0h7 asaweek Carfage Squa're, 265 Lain St. E. O 905-878-4492 TifORNTON My baby bas diarra. What can I gave him? A: Diarrhea is most often caused by a virus and so cannot be treated with antibiotîcg. Usually it s mild and clears up without treatment in 3 or 4 days. Children should be neen by a doctor in Use following instances: -if your child bas diarrbea and is less an 6 monhss of age -if your child bas bloody or black stools -if your child starts to vomit and is stiîl vomiting after 6 boums -if your child bas a temperature greater Usen 38.5 C -if your child bas bad tessthUan 4 wet diapers in 24 boums -if Use diarrbea does flot improve in 3 or 4 days Mont children sbould cat a normal diet wbile Usey have mild diar- rbea as long as they are flot vomiting. This includet breastfeeding, formula or milk. If your cbild seems bloated or gassy after drink- ing milk or formula, ask your doctor about a temporychneo diet. cr hneo Diarrbea can ha dangerous becaute it can lead ta dehydration. Symptomu of dehydration include: increased thirst. dry mouts & tongue. lest uine output, lack of tears, sunken eyes, and a sunken soft spot an the infants hcad. Severe debydration can ha life- tbreatening. Antidiaerhcal medications sbould not be used in children lessthUan 3 years of age. Instead, diarrhea replacement fluids known as oral rehydration fluids teg Pedialyte) sbould be given 10 treat minor debydration. These specially formulated products offer Use correct balance of water, sugar and minerals. Sugary drinks such as Kool- Aid, fruit juice and pop sbould not be given. These contain the wrong amounts of water, sugar and mineraIs and can malce your child's diarrbea worse. Question? Ask your Healthwatcb Pharmnacieî v71 fl 75 Main St., Ste. 10F 1 Milton Medical Buildings stI 905-878-0800 ,llllan Guard Cathisen McTavlsh Ryan Woavor (lions.> B. Sc., HMT RMT BBC., Hidi TENSION HEADACHES Tension headaches are described as pain associatrd with thse base of thse skull or any oer part of thse head and face. They are differenti- ated from vascutar (migraine) headaches and are patients' most frequenty made complaints. Due t0 the many causes of headaches. a case history must be carefulty considered to ndle oui organic disease and te ascertain thse cause and type of headache. Common causes of tension headaches inctude tnigger point referrat, muscte spasm, cervi- cal subtuxation, postural stress, and enviroumentat stress. Symptoms include a stiff and tender neck, and acbing or vice-tike pain tn one or more areas of the head. TIse patient may atso experience ringing of the ears, reduced attention, and photosensitivity. Referred pain in thse head most commonly occurs as a resulttof trigger points in the neck and shoutder region. For instance, thse upper trapezius (shoutder muscte) is thse muscle considered most tikety te devetop trigger points which refers pain behind Uhe car mb Uste tem- pte. Tnigger points in the sptenîi musctes (base of Use skult) refer pain upward te cause a deep-seated headacbe that concentrates behind the eye and often exîends to the top of the head. Additionalty, sternoclei- domastoid (V-shaped musctes tn the front of the neck) irigger points not only refer pain to Use ear, tempte, and around Use eye, but may ,ilso cause dizziness, disonientation, and Use symptnms of trigeminal neuralgia. Treatment of tension headacbes will include Uorougb asseusment, trigger point tberapy, and bydrotberapy te reduce pain and muscle spasm. and increase circulation to compromised tissue. The Uerapist will stretcb sbortened muscles and encourage Use patient te be aware of and minimize contributing factors. Please cati Ryan or Jiiian a( the Milton Therapeutii Massage Cliaic, ifyou have aay questions eoncerning massage therapy or woutd 58e to booki an appoininueni. 878-0800. C I HM : Ma.-Mi. 8-8 *egmt. 10-2 e Cla mai Y enail ifomacknsspons.eco Wwwmaciamasposds.o

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