Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 2003, p. 7

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'Dominion Government moves Thanksgîving Day up a mon tii; decides Nov. too fate and c MTme Capsules' are gemns of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place thse situation in context. October 1899 Thursday Use 19Us of ibis month bas been praclaisned by the Dominion Govcrnment as Thanksgiving Day. In former years many complaints; had been made Usai Use middle of November was tuo laie in Use scason for Use holiday and Usai Uhe day was usually wet and cold. The Government bas consequcntly made Uhe holiday a month carlier ibis year. Milton band won Use firsi prize of $30 ai Oakville fair yesterday. The competition did nos amnount to much, Mcadowvale band being Use only oUser one competing. The band boys enjoycd Useir trip and arrived home about 9.30. They have a bigh opinion of a Mr. Secord, a farmner living below Palermno, who furnished Usesn wiUs a lantem for Useir home journey, il being very dark. We would suggesî Usai our county agricultural association offer a prize of $100 for a band competition ai our next fair. The citizens would, wc Usink, readily make up ibis amount. Have Use competi- tion open to lown and village bands. Have you been out mushrooming yeî? lits more fun Usan puiting up stoves or beai- ing carpets. The Rev Mr. Gillespie bas moved inso Manscwood and occupied Use pulpil of Use U.P. church an Sunday lasi. The date of bis induction bas flot yes been fsxed. The trustees of Use church have given Use manse over ta a painter, who is now rcpainting and re-papering Use dwelling from cellar ta garret. Owing ta many requesis and inquinies, Mr. HigginboUsamr has decided ta sake use of bis new gramophone for public entertainments. It talks, sings, laughs, reproduces music of ail kinds. The recruiting office for Number 2 The Canadien Chamnion. Filay. January 3 2003.-7 ** OUR READERS WRITE old for holiday America owed an apology for "bastards" ___________comment made by MP Parrish, says reader Milton , Time Capsules Military District, will be apened at the Armories, Toronto on Friday morning ai 9.30 for thic enrolment of men desirous of serving in the Transvaal contingent (South African war). The 2Mi Lomne Rifles are in ibis district. November 1899 The Canadian contingent, known as the Canadian Royal Contingent sailed fromn Quebec tinder sealed orders on Monday afiemnoon ai 4. 10. Ii's expecied that the troops will flot touch land until Cape Town is reached. Quebec was lhronged with people and gave the contingent a right royal send off. Bob Cunningham, sergeant in Campbellville company, 2Oth Batt., is joined with the Toronto company. Dr. Robertson, President and Robt. Coates, Secretary of the Halion Historical Society, visited Georgetown on Monday and organized a branch socicty in that vil- lage with Ninian Lindsay chairman, Lachian Grant sccrctary and a working consmitice composcd of Messrs. R.D. Warren, R.D. Coutîs, Harlcy, Search, Kennedy & Sons and others. They purpose going right to work in gathering Use traditional history of Use neighborhood and putting it into tangible fors. Georgetown has a vcry intcrcsting histo- ry in ils churches, schools and factories with many other items of interesi. The buildings ai Uhc Canipbeilville brick- yards have undergone a complete renova- tian by Use energeîic townsman, M. Crawford and have been fltted with up-to- date macbincry for Use manufacture of lumber, lath and sbingles. Mr. Crawford commenced work in bis ncw mil] on Monday. This material i.s assembled on behai of the Milton Hi.storical Society by Jim Dills, who can be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. Dear Editor: One tends ta be a little discon- certed la hear an entire friendly democratic nation referred ta as "bastards," but since ibis seema ta be acceptable parliamentary lant- guage - ai least wiUs MP Carolyn Panrish - let's proceed from Usere. First, lei's gel a few primary gea- political points straight. The mosi matcrially-successful economy on earth, Use United States, rima on ail. Canada shares in Usai success. Any nation controe ling Use supply of ail bas uts Usumb on aur windpipe. The U.S. concemn wiUs ensuring a stable supply of ail isn't immoral, as some would have us believe. It's prudent and neces- sary. If Use U.S, or Canadian govem- ments don'î attend ta it, Usey're derelici in Useir duty. Thousands of years of trade have shown Usai peaceful progres dependi upon lwo fundamentals - private pmoperty rights and Use rule of law. While few nations are perfect, wc might ask who are Use bcst proponients of Usose principles. WiUs whom would you raUscr irade, Use U.S. or Iraq? Wbich anc bas recently killed hundreds of Usousands of iii awn and oUser countries' citizens? Wbich anc has built palaces for ils rulers and alomic reactors ta make bamb materials, while uts own babies die by Use Usousands of malnutrition and disease? What might happen ta us if Saddamn were ta dictate Use ris of Use ail trade, as hie casily could if hce contralled Use Middle Est? Think of bis gîce as hie destroys us withouî firing a abat by sisnply ii- ting in Baghdad, Usrottling down Use ail supply. Saddasn would tbink Usat was mere entertairiment. He's now probably chuckling hyslerically, hclpless wiUs mirth, rubbing bis handi over what hie fondly hopes is Canada's view of Use Americans as "bastards." Tbis madman bas Use world dancing on bis string, wbich hie jerks occasionally ta watch us twitch. Ms Paxrish illusirates anc of Use better iwiiches. Fcw now are aid enough ta rcmember Use moar of "Seig, heil! Seig, Heil!" Usundering across Usc Sportspalasi in 1936, or "My lasi territorial demand in Europe" in 1937, or Use six years of blood, toil, lears and sweat we expended because we blinded ourselves ta Use lotalitarian Usreat for years. The U.S. is excrcising incredible restraint: wbile the UN diUsers down Use paUs of Use League of Nations. Few of your readers arc aId enough ta have been wiUs Use Usre men in my family who spent 10 years doing aur part ta put down Use megalosaniac Hitler when a tenUi of Usai work would have been required if it had been applied five years carlier. Enough already wiUs snide innu- endoes about Use U.S. supporting Ustis or Usai unsavory regime in Use pasi, and Usen switching sides. i happens routinely Usroughaut bis- tory, including aur own. We viewed Russia suspiciously as a half-enemy (1917-39), a full- blown enemy (1939-1941), a friend ta be supplied wiUs anyUsing we could supply (1941-45), a Usrec-quartcrs encmy causing us ta build bomb shelters (1945-89), a hopeful, if dcfeaied, quarter-friend (1989-2001) and flnaily a talera- bIc, if rowdy and delinquent, asso- ciate on aur planet (2001 ta now). And yes, wc and Use U.S. did change sides ai Use end of Use Second World War. The U.S. launched Use Marshall Plan ta help a dcfcated, carpet-bombed, ruincd, dcmoralized and exhausted Germnany back ta uts feet. Canada sent millions of care packages ta German familics. Wc Western allies enabled Berlin and indeed ail of Germany ta survive by provid- ing Use Berlin Airlifi. Our men, money, and munitions gssarded Germany for years againsi Use ireat fromn Use East. There probably neyer bas been in bistory such an example of iernational genemosity, help and goodwill as was spearheaded by "Usose bas- tards" in Use U.S. afier Use Second World War. There was a rime when a U.S. presidens was cheered ta Use echo in Berlin by declaring in Gersan, 1I am a Berliner!" And now Germany, too, bas forgotten. Canada bas forgotten Usai we were sheltercd under the U.S. umbrella when Use shadow of Soviet bombera loomed over Use Arctic. We probably owe Use U.S. aur freedom, if flot aur lives. Sa Usere's a word we ask ta Ms Parrish ta study. She may flot have heard of il and in any case would flot likcly have Use grace ta use il. The word is "Thanka." Since she won't likely utter it, I feel h must; and so ta aur good friends Use U.S., Usanka for cvery- Using and sony Ms Pamrsh repre- sents anything Canadian. Really sonry for Usai. Thank God for Use peace demon- strators, who show us Usai we live in frec countries where Usey won't be shot. No, my fricnds, fia anc in bis right mind wants war, leasi of ai Usose of us who have been Usrough anc. To ascribe ta us some burning desire for war gives us cause ta ponder whethcr Usere's an unspo- kcn codacil ta your "Pcacc, not war" mantra Usai goes, "Peace, for me and my wife, mny son John and bis wife, we four and fia more." We can only hope Usai Americans understand Usat Canada bas ils share of unthinking screw- halls. Perhaps Usey can sec Usraugh Usem, or beiter yct look pasi Usem. But do puty Canadians; wc have ta put up with Usem. What ail of us hawks and doves alike had better be praying for, shouting for, dcmonstrating for, is Solomonic wisdom tha wiil enable us la put an insane buily into bis rightful trait jacket without destroying bis or aur peophe. But tuns our backa ta Use bully we must flot. Frank Guo Burlington How HYPNOSIS HELPED ME SAY.. ""So LONG SIZE 16 ... HELLO SIZE 8!"" Out of Control lonely and afraid. 1 looked ai my I was on an endicis dieiing roller family and saw fia end in sighî. coasler. One stupid diet after Being overweight hurt. another. Take a Instant Change litlle off. Put n mmed iaey after sy firsi hypno- more back on. i starved an shakes. Gained weighî with diet pilla. Pain, auf- Sfering miaery. I went out leas and lesa. I sat home, ais session I noticed changes. 1 stopped thinking of food all the lime. My cravmngs totally van- iahed. My self-confidence soared. 1 feli gung-ho about life. No more cravinga. No more bingea. 1 was amazed when the hunger pangs vaniahed. Now I amn on tihe go al the lime. 1 an getting A's in my I'm sharing my slory with you. do college courses. 1 feel comfort- what 1 did. Cail and ichedule your .able around everyane I mcci. free hypnosis screening. Whai Cai Now Without Risk have you gaI ta, laie, but a lot of I believe in hypnosis because it weighî? Cail now, you can tell gave me my life back. that's why thens Mai-nie sent you Positive Chainges Hlypnaosis Cenitres Stress M4anagement Stop Smoking Aicohot Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown o ixe'l<îg~ (Two doors sosth of the TD Bank) Po_______________________ (905) 877-2077 "Wbc h utýHpe ýMýAD ÎAN Il CHÀMPRON 'THE

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