Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 2003, p. 6

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6- he anaoanChampion, Fniday, Match 7, 2003 6 - The Canadien +THE CANADLI1N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editoojal Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifoed: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Assou',ale Publisher Jill Davis Editor--în-Chief Karen Smith Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager The Canadien Champion, publisired every Tuesday and Pnîday ai 191 Maie St. E. Milton, Ont. [91 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Tire Metrniand Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. group of subueban companues suich includes: Ajax/idPcliring News Adventiner. Allistnn Herald/Courier, Barrie Advance, Barnys Bay Tis Week, Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Guanlian, Burlîngton Post, Burlingian Sirnpping Niews, City Panent, City ni Yorki Guardian, Cnllingwond/Wasaga Connection, East York Minron, Erîn Aduecate/Country Rnutes, Etobicolie Gnandian, Flambnnnugn Post, Fonener Ynung, Genegetown lndependeniiActnn Free Pens. Halian Business Times, Huennia Business Times, Kingston This Weeli, Lindsay This Week, Maelntam Ecnnmist & Sun, Midland/Penetanguîshene Mienne, Mitnn Shonpuing Ndews, Missîssauga Business Times, Mînnîssauga News, Napanen Guide. Nassagaweya Newn, NtwmanlietJdurnna Ena-Banner, Northrumberland News, Nnrth York Mirent, Oaliville Beaver, Takvîlle Shnpping Newn, Oldlîmers Hnckey News, Onillia lnday, Oshawa/Wliitby/ClaringtnîPnn Penny This Week, Peterbnrnugh This WBek, Pîctîn Coney Guide, Richmnnd Hill/ThrnnhillNaughan Litral, Scanbnnnugn Mirent, StnuiisilleffUthnidge Adaetising is accepied on tht cnnditinn tirai, in the event ni a iypo- geapnicai enne, thai portin ni tire adueriing space occupied by tire een- nenus item, ingetirer witfl a reasnable allnwance fnn signature, miii nni te cirged fnn, tut the balance ni tht adveetîsement wîll te paîd fnn ai the appi- cabie nate The publishen nenemves tht nîght in Caiegenize aduerîtismenis ne decline. The Mi1tte Canadien Chamine isa Biepelahie Pneebe Comment by MP _________ really embarras sing OUR R FADER S WRITE It was less than 18 montbs ago when tbe world. looked on in stunned horror as terrorists struck at tbe beart of the United States with air- borne assaults on Washington, Pennsylvania and New York on September 11, 2001. But in tbe year-and-a-half tbat bas passed, our closest neigbbour has gone from receivmng tbe world's sympatby, tears and unwavering sup- port for its declared war on terrorism to feeling its scom. Somewhere along tbe way tbe victim has become tbe one on trial. Nowhere has tbis been more evident than from our federal govem- ment. Last week, Mississauga MP Carolyn Parrisb proclaimed ber batred for the American "bastards" but suffered no repercussions for ber actions. Instead of asking ber to resign, our prime minister blamed tbe media for making a big deal out of it. No matter wbat your position is related to a war in Iraq, we need to ask ourselves wbo we would tuam to for support sbould Canada ever fail victim to a terrorist attack. It's fine to be opposed to a burried milita-y action against Iraq. However, tbat cbildisb, anti-American cbeap sbot served no purpose. It only embarrassed Canadians and terribly offended our closest ally. Fîrst annulal Milton Mayor'qs Christian Frayer Breakfast was a huge success, says organîuzer Dear Editor: I'd like to tbank 'Me Champion for the article written by Stephanie Theissen and publisbed February 11 to prornote the finit annual Milton Mayor's Christian Prayer Breakfast. The event came about ight on sebedule Friday, Feb. 28. The pur- pose of the event was to0 provide an opportunity toi gather and pray for Milton and Milton's leaders. The breakfast was a fabulous suc- cess. More thao 200 people came 10 Rattlesnake Point Golf Club, most of tbern well before tbe 7 arn. start finie, toi enjoy a sumptuous bot buf- fet breakfast. Two hundred people on a Friday morning is remarkable. Werner DeFilla and bis staff at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club did a bang-up job. Guests present included town counlcillors, elected sehool trustees, superintendents, principals, teach- ers and administrators froni botb the Halson Catholic School Board and Halton District School Board. His Worship Mayor Gord Krantz greeted us as only he can. Her Worship Ann Mulvale, mayor of Oakville, delivered a chaI- lenging keynote speech. You had toi be tbere toi bear it. Ms Mulvale received a standing ovation. Awesome seemed t0 be the buzz wqrd around ber speech. Those wbo attended will not soon forget ber challenge. It's the belief of Christians that tbey're called to pray for those in authority over theni. This was done witb gusto. We're looking forward to tbe sec- ond annual breakfast around the same tome next year. To quote Mr. Krantz from bic greeting remarks, "Mhe faith coni- munity pisys a major noIe in tbe life of the Town of Milton." Thanks again t0 The Champion for making tbe cornrunity aware of sucb events. William MacKlnnon Milton Mayor's Christian Prayer Breakfast That new car smell is beautiul scent offreedom Ive neyer been able to understand car owners. Probably because - until now - I've neyer been one. Ive neyer been able to comprehend the myriad of idiosyncrasies tbey seem 10 inherit the minute tbey become part of the car ownen's club. Last montb, wben t was banded Use keys 50 rny 2003 Conolla, t suddenly found myself a full- fledged memben and Use scales were lifted fnom My eyes. Suddenly, 1 understood. The following are a few of Use car-owner quirks r've detected in myscîf s0 far. 1. The "don't change my seat position or else" attitude. Yes, 1 experience a surge of impatience wben my seat isn't just so. Thaïs because I now understand Usere's nothing like sinking into Usat soft seat and feeling instantly at borne. 2. The "Usat poor person" look given to pedes- trians. For 24 years t was on Use receiving end and bated it - 1 didn't rnind walking. The saying "ignorance is btiss" is soi true. Now, no amount of life-saving cardiovascular exercice could make me give up Use power of Use stick shift at my fin- gertips and four tires under my feet ready so manoeuvre at my commnand. 3. The 1I could neyer gel into a cold car in win- ter" snobbery. Raised as a frugal person, 1 always wondered why drivers would waste gas idling Useir vebicles for soi long before getting in. Ifs witb a sheepich look Usat I admit Ini a culprit, too. It's just Usat there's noshing like Use pure lux- tory of geuing inso instant heat. Although Nve now joined Use club and adore rny Conolla, l'm glad to cay I baven't gone 10 Use extreme. Toyota aficionado, absolutely. Vebicle- crazed lunatie, no. When I vicit the International Auto Show, drool boyfniend. Let me illustrate. LacE week, I approacbed a gas purnp as Use sta- tion and got a little too close 10 Use curb. My boyfriend, wbo was alreadý as Use tank - we A runddrove separately - and r:ady to punp with a bo n eard a sligbî senaping Sound. to n Hic dishelief quickly toarned 10 mourning as h bent down 10 my window and said sadly, "Oh, you've completely wrecked your hub cap." doesn't escape frorn Use corner of my mototh lske I gos out, expecting 10 chase a crurnpled hub il doca for so many of Use men I witeessed. And I cap nolling down Use Street. The dainage? Two haven't yet taken 10 fantasizing about being on a iybakmrs deserted island wiUs Saturn's new Sky concepttiybakmrs car -althougb I cersainly would look on Use "Is Usas ail?" 1 asked. brighs side were Usat to bappen. I've changed. I used toi Usink new cars srnelled And fortunately, Usere's stiIl a vast difference like sardines. Now il's Use beautilul smetl of free- between me and my horsepower-adoring dom. COMUMENT

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