The Haydar just 'enjoying moment' in AHL next ca/i-up to Nashville will corne By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Darren (Mini) Haydar is gcnting a little antsy Uicsc days - but flot for Uic reason many mighî Uiink. Duriîtg a Wcdncsday aflemnoon interview, Milîon's NHL hopeful misunderstood what was being askcd by -Are you gesling lircd of playing the walsing game?" His response - white nos Uic one cxpcctcd - was a cîcar indication of juas whcrc his focus lies. Evidcnîly his impatience has 10 do wilh whcn his AHL Milwaukee Admirals arc going 10 start cnjoy ing somie sustaincd succes raUicr Uian whcn he can expees to fmd himsclf in Uic NHL. "Il's been frustrating. Evcry limne il sccms like wc'vc (Milwaukee) turncd a comner, wc fait back," sald Uic star winger, who made a couple of one-gamne appearances with Nashville in November and December. "Wc haven't pus il al a bcat in ternis of individual success. Heading into tonight's home game against Cincinnati, he sits first on the teamn and ticd for fifth overail in scorrng with 24 goals and 39 assists in 56 gamnes. He's currcntly the AHL's top-producing rookie, white his plus-23 rating is among Uic bcsî in the league. "Positioning has been my biggcst irnprovemnent Uiis year," said Uic 2002 Hobcy Baker finalist, who amnong his many scason higlslights was a two-goai effort at Uic Ail-Star Gamne --just a fcw hours aftcr undcrgoing a moot canal. - "I'm, fot running around as lsydar much and Uiat makes il casier (10 capitalize on scoring chances)." Despite having playcd about twice as many gamnes as he did at Uiis point Iast ycar with New Hampshire University, Haydar says he hasn't 'hit Uic watt' yct. "Evcrybody gels a little lircd around Uic 50 to 60-gamne mark, but togcUicr yct." Whcn Uic 'waiting game'question was clarificd 10 mean the lime before his next call-up te, Uic Predators, Haydar simply said, "Oh - Uiaî's ouI of my control. I can's think about thal loo much or iî'll affect my game here (in Milwaukce). 'Tvc gos to concentrate on whcre 1 arn now. Besides, I'vc gos a lot of lime left. Hopcfully l'il gel , more of an opportuniîy/ (wiUi Nashville) ncxs year." Darren Iî's Uiat attention to Uic moment Ihat has allowcd the Merchans' ail-time lcading scorcr 10 maintain lus star status since his jump from Uic NCAA 10 Uic AHL. White Milwaukee has been plagucd by inconsisscncy in recent wccks - flot cnjoying a win strcak longer Uian two gamnes since Uic start Canadian Champion, Friday, March 7, 2003-29 gos 50 frnd ways 10 recuperale each wcek." Milwaukee is in Uic midat of a big stretch againsl many of ils division focs and has a golden opportunity to move up Uic standings. Thcy current- ly hold Uic cighth of 10 playoff spots in Uic Western Conférence wiUi a 24- 21 -12-4 record, afler lnimming Houston 3-2 Wednesday nighl. Haydar would like noshing betier righs now than 10 hclp Uic Admirals secure a post-season berth - sonne- Uiing Uicy failcd 10 do last scason. Bcyond Uiaî, he'l jusl cnjoy Uic moment and take whaîcvcr comes. And whaî shoulti cvcntually comne - according 10 Nashville assistant gencral manager Ray Shero - is a sustaincd stay in Uic NHL. "His lime and opportunity will come," Shero rccnîly bold Uic Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "Righs now, hc's rcally cnjoying the moment here. Hc's gos Uic vision, hc's gos Uic hands, hc's juat gos Uic instinct to make plays wiUi Uic puck. T'his bas been a greas story for Milwaukee." Who Does lt..., ACONIGSRIE ACCO lutiffon Outsourced Accounting Solutions 10+ Vears Expenience Reliable and Trustworthy " Bookkeeplng & Accountlng Services " Monthly Financlal Reportlng & Analysis " C.F.O. On Cali Services 909-875-1052 -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - --- - - . 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'KpeeWees sùill perfect MtNiktonas A liuiJor pecwees drew a 5p clow clic a bethtothie ri County finals by doublingup Arthur 4-2Tukesdagy night. ?aîker Mon provet 1 be the greas: equalizer, as the Liebert Canada Winteslsawks wcrc oul-shot 35-20 but sIlill managet o pull out the vie- tory antd improve 10 3-0 in round- robin play. Confident fromn a recest 8-1 shel- lacking of Orangeville - highligh- ing by a Daniel Lewanddk hut- brickr - Millet camne out strong with Jordan Haggart scorirng on a se«-up by Kyle Joltîace ad Dffr Ba& Two goals ln thse finalîaminute cfib secon pmMt gavie de loA lads a lad diat would stand up lthe rest of te way, willî Bra4 Mazzocto addimg a 11111e inssîra at entrwt Uirne. Lewandowalci nd Eric Gotwlsored goals two and twee. The A major pecwee teck on Fespa last î11ght andi 11i1le Actsas _-B M -