28-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 7, 2003 Admnstrative Assistant Oakville Halton Caird Insorance Brokers, part of HUB Interna- tional, 10 curtently seeking two Adminitrative Assis- taots. The succestol candidates will haue krowledge of Agency Manager and strong generai administra- tive skiIIs. Euperience in commercial insorance or le! grop benelitls is an asset. To apply send your resumne by-Match i-2 to31: The Hub Croup (Otria) Inc. Atm: Homan Resoorceo 8 Nelson Street West Fao: 905-459-7955 LEmai[: bjagger@thehobgroup.comii BOOKKEEPER Beardmore Leathers Qf Acton requtres experienced bookkeeper. Must be a team player with strong computer skilts. Responsibitîties to include: N/P, A/R, monthly financiat reporting in a muiti-cornpany environment. APPLY BY FAX 519-853-9494 OFFICE ASSISTANT REOUIRED FUILL/PAFiT-TIME FOR EXPANOING AUTOMATED MACHINE BIJILDER. EXCELLENT WAGES. Il ynu are înlerested te a career vvitl' one ni Ontarto's largent volume dealerships then we are int.ested In you. USED VEHICLE SALES SPECIALISTS Lncated in a Ford tactory lnwn, we etter a career wîth strnng management support, 80 plus vehi- cie invenitory and a top remuneration package inciadisg a pensin plan and cnmpany car S Suhultj'nr rarne te: Lazo Borola Used Car Manager e - Oak-land Ford Lincoln Sales Limiied F,"O Lutedî 570 Traflgar Rd. Cakvilie, L6J 3,J2 Ihoroia@oaklandlordiocoin.ca eFaxo 905-844-4472 SALES ASSISTANT A Weekend Sates Assistant la needed for the Monmar new home sales cen- ter in Acton. This is a busy position in one of the top setting communities in the GTA. Superior interpersonal skitts and an execeltent knowiedge of the Acton area are key requirements. Fax: 416-675-9874 or emaîl: erIc@humberIine.com REGISTERED MASSAGE IIIERAPIST Nrrdrd taamrdittry part lune in Milton. Potential fer full tüme. Phone 905-876-1515 or Fax 905-876-3737 PART-TIME HVGIENIST Requir-ed for a growing practice Please fax resume f0:' 519-853-0762 or cai: 519-853-1300 ask for Debbie Local Home Furnishing Store requires Salen Staffl Related experience necessary. Faxi resume ta: 1 905-693-0428 Sales Representative Ao oppottuetty rsists for au evprrireced salesprrsao on the Hutrcultural ledustry for a distributton campaey based a the wrst end of the OTA. Misv iv a vers esittg position wtb a fast fr00 teg -lradteg edge- caepaey. whtch otters camprtîttse salary and berfits. Horticulturul exprriecrtiset essoîial. Sales espeneerce and uetverstty educatiae is requied. AIl interestrd appîtranîs pIeuse reply to Human Resources Manager at ToIl Fee Fus 1-877-2453 115. SALES OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Fuit and part time opportunities exist for energetic individuats highIy skiited and experienced in email, MVS Word and Excel, to take charge of ail admin- istrative functions in the Monmar new home sales center in Acton. This busy position requires a very organized and detail oriented person. Superior inter- personai skiiis and an excellent tete- phone manner are key requirements. Fax: 416-675-9874 or emnail: sric@humberllne.com HYUNDAI 0F OAKVILLE SALES COSULTAWVS Due lu expansion, or award-wînnîng aoto deaiershîp is seeking highly motîoated indreidoals to jin oui sales team. Sales experience is an asset, bot sot re- qoired; hnwever, strong communication skiiis and positive altitude a must! Extensive training is pronîd- ed. Cottege training isas asset. tf yoo cas trandie the challenge & the responsîbiiity ot secceos, tao resume te 1-4571 or send to: NYUIM OF fEVIJ 1071 Sporno Rami, SÊV1lIlle LSL 2X5 Find the help you need in Itwe Cbaponi classifieds. Seli il, buy il, find that perec eploeeorjust feed your garage/craft, sle addiction. Cati 905-878-2341 FSTARttSiIFO for 6-sortin resideni cancer hospice. Communication. organî- national strilis reqoired. Palliative cari eoperîence desired. E-matil resome to: Iah@Ilsmt.cm or tan: 905-844-3074 sooks ECE qualifia tnt soppiy positions. Piease caii 905-827-1442 or e-mil resume: nothil@hotmail.cnm 1The United W'av o ailgotit, , , --n't United way of Miltonts seeking a versatile movated team player isho is results oneented. tstlling ta use initiative and prepaeed t0 work withie a cortantly chaeging pnionty based enstranareet. Must be weittefg ta mufti task aend assume chattging job responsibilities as fuedraistng campaige deadlines dictate. Position - Administrative AssistantlReceptionist 30 hours/week. Reports to and works directly with the Execulive Director Requirensents: *solid experience jn A/R, A/P & Payroll using Simply Accountieg Software *proficieet computer skills usief Microsoft Word, Excel & Access *solid esperieece ie receptiue & geeral office deties iecludieg eucelleet oral & wnittee *milling ta reare United Way sprciftc data b ase systemt -United Way rxprrieece a defleite asset *sound keowledge of the Miltoe commueity a dermeite asset. Tbis job offrs the opportuetty to work witbte a not far profit orgauizattae that evtsts to eehaece the qaaltty of life te aur comtoueity. Staff arr valued membrs of a large teate of valueteers dedicated to ils mission. Houes ai employmeoî may be vcbeduled ta seit a fantily persan returatef ta the warkplace. Resumes inciadine saiary espectations may bu directed te: Ane Eadie, Evecutive Director, Uetted Way af Milton, PO. Bas 212, Miltan. ON. L9T 4N9. Oniy individuals receiving an interview wiii bu centacted. MOVINGI Padeing. Do- meutic/ International. Free wardrobe wehite on site. Urgent jobs wvei- corne. 905-829-1282, 1- (866)666-1313. Canabuan Cijannieo (M1 878-2841 arn Don 't know what to do wedding ~ 4 dress? '1 J~-~Veil?~ or other wedding -items? Seil them in Q: Lfr »mpion classified section. Special Bridait section March 25th! Heres how it uwks .... Just cail or fax gour ad into the Champion by Mondag, March 24th at 11:00 arn. Your 25ord at will be boxed and put in a special section in the Classifieds for only $20.00 + csT. Call 905-878-234 or fax 905-876-2364 Seil ft today in the Canabian Ctianpion Hours & Locations... We're open 10 accept your ad via phone or in person at 191 Main St E. Mon.-Fn. tromn 9:00 arn - Spm. You may aiso fax your ad ai any lime. Deadlines... Monday at il arn for the Tuesday Edition and Thursday at l 1arn for our Friday Edition lIMt C~anabiap Cýampion Phone Fax 905-878-2341 905-876-2364 AffLeore' of Mton Çournrt Cateng & Event Pl'anning Mtltoavs fiest fuit service GurmtCateng& Eveet Plaunine rompueý s texpptedtep. Dur ta raptd geautb ue are cureotly lookteg tu fitl the fattowieg posittoas *Waitstaff *Itartrndrrs *Prep Ceeks *Chefs *D.sttaashrrs Please fus yaur rosume ta (905) 875-29620or emnal ta iefoCaallisonvufmilton.cote BURUNSTON 777 Guelph Lise is seekîng EXP. LIME COOKS Kelsey's otters competitîse wages, meals, and a ben- etît program wîth an excellent opportonity fot person- ai growth. Il os are interested in working in a tant paced fun enuirosment plama appi la pa ou-sita M.Uay-Fliday 16-otig. Provides a ful residentiial! cleaning service. One tâac riane avaiabie. Let us taise care of ail pour dcaniag n".d Fer a no cu, au obligation, ta bute estate please cai 905-877-3443 Mare a~er/abl rIuaan yu hink! We do our best to catch mistakes but please read your ad the first day it runs to ensure you are getting what you asked for. Thanks! Osegaca a 15 merru GARYTOMA ,n atnlo Rellax Blue Springs Roatt 905.77 mdM-,' 0, 2-4pm JACK MURPHY rn attentdance Royal LePage Meadenteene Realty 90W"101rn SuNda Maire 9 2.4p 1434 Aidos Rd., Condu;Is 34,9 SIJSAN RECOSKIE in ant Royal LePage Mesadowtew Reaty 9es-ais-ntu 158f naêiswo?$5#m DiUE MAYNARD rn aiietdanoe Royal Lepog Mhaduwiewe Really N547t-ol 8at.wdaIl Mnm, 82-4C30p 478 Coilla INA S i n atiedanone Royal LePage "adt.Ibe Raalty u&87aleua KATRIMA WAL1tMN indu RaMax att Wkhae Ne Qtatxe Coq: 90478flfM TU GOWING snalnac ReSNu eh. SMPog Re Pib Corp 1105-MflT M Pl 8& ti rM C9 12-3. Sotte G reo iooWo Reaty toc. 1-80075&.4112 JOAN TATTRIEHILG in abondance Prdenta Reat Euiaienen Conte Beaty 9t6Mit918 M--da -1e 9, 2pm Tradm Dr. JOYCE KAGEVIOR & BARBE LAPLECHE in otteoduece Royal Lei5age Meadeutoos Renity ilf-87R-81(t FAx RESUME TO ( 905) 693-M7.