Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 2003, p. 27

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Lu* i. cnne anort- haired cat, neutered, dv iawel buac frol oye. 9ù5-69,3-1686 CAREER Profeasiona, moved 20 Miion, N.S., 50's, taef, poing & ener- ? etic. Seets attractive, an-ioving companion. Pfease repfy ira criting with recent photo to "Pact-time Dad" c/o Bon 3044 Canadian Cham- pion 191 Main St. Mil- ton, Ontaria L9T 4N9. PS. Bingo espearience not necesay. IANONYMOUSI 24hIlianwerIng~ service J Phone 1-519-M3-1522 2 eiectric cott ovena: both white, excellent condition, 1 Keramore ($200), 1 Keivingion <$200). Cati 905-693- 1023. A King Piitowtop Mat- treaa Set dîth trame. New ira plastic. Coat $1 .599.00 Sacrifice $650.00. 905-567-9459 APPUIANCES Fridge, 2 door; Stove; Mayiag automnatic caater, dry- er. Alio apariment Set., Unider Warranty. Fi-* aancing avaitabte. 905- 637-8328. BED Qacen Piitowtop Mattris Box, Frame, Neyer uecd stitt pack- agcd. Coat $1.025.00 SelI $450.00. 905-567. 4042 - - BEDROOM set. Spcc ctcrrywood. Bcd, chest, tridresser, mircor, night stands, dovetail con- struction. Neyer opcncd. Ira boxes. Cosi $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-748-3993. BUY/SELL stair lifts, whectchair tis hospitat beda, scooters, etc. CaI Silver Cross 905-847- 5504. CARPET t have severat 1,000 yrds. of noe Stainaster & 100% ny- ton carpet. Witt do living- roors & taIt for $389. In- cladea carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards)i Steve, 905-39-2902 DININGROOM I 3pce cherrywood. Double pedlestat. 8 chairs, Bal- fet, hutch, semior, dovc- fall cornstraction. 5h11l in boxes. Cost 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- 746-0095 STANDARD apright piano/matching bach,. Cherry-wood finish, excellent condition. Astiag $500,00. CaI Lee at 905-875-2071. $$$$ Wanted- Att China, Silver, Crystat, Tes Cîps, Royat Doatton Swarovski, Glass,i Jewety, otd tops, col- lcctibtcs, estatea. Caît John/Tracy, 905-331- 2477. SCHNAUZER mtni. 5 montha, mate, sait & pepper, att shouose trained. $400. 905-878- 5M6. 1992 Pord Fr50O 5 I .1 VP, AM/F M/aso, new duaî fuel tanks, aoc front end, nec brakes. $5000 OBO. Certified/Eteated. 905-693-9342 IRCHARSNI ITo fesse or parchaseI pour car or Itduck Hy2S.tDmRd.J 878-2393 GORRUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITIl FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LAPGEST SEILECTION Or 0550 VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 FlInd the right person for the job wfth the Classifleds . Cali 905-878- 2341 or Fax 905476- 2364 te place your employment ad today! Rates for OakvilleI *urllngtont Georgetown aise avallable <C ComFac uo0mFacl Lorpofation Is an Uî6u3Ile based Company that serds uc/lled tradtes and lechaical professionals lu projectu aroood the world Our grealest success tris bien jr the marine and petrochemnical industries in the US. Atrica ard the Caribbean. We are Iooking for someone lu wori cith us Io deoelop the Ontario Con- struction markt including the commercial, industriai and residential sectors, IlaHiflois Technica dipluma or degîse, esperience on succeisfolly devel- oçng nec markets, iamiliarity wilh the construction indîslry, abîlity to Iravel mlerraliooally. Compensa- tion pactage includes bise salary, generos commis- sion, medical benofits and RRSP programme. Sead Resuma ta Imachaa@Cemlaclcara.cam StW W' Cabh, a payday loan compa7y, is curreolly recruilîog for a Ffr Loans Offceur For the Oakoille/Burlington locations eho is i positive and ootgoing individual Ihal enjopu deolire cuti the public. Do you posuesu strong organîzalional stls cilti o solîd attertion Io delail? Are yoo coratortable handling cash transactiors? Are pou cîlling t0 sort Salordapu? If sa pieuse fax resome: 906-333-6484. Preoios eeperience in banting and collections sould be considered an auset. INSPECTORSI ESTIMATORS lit hom o t cempiay raulne soiff-s& tar. *Full training pravided 'Car reqairid *Brlinton/Oaevile & sarraanding aria eQuaiity ltads provided Fao: U05-181-M3 Aft: Haman Resoarcas Drivers / Owner Operators OWNER OIBRATORLUNNL Nrsded Immediatepi .784Ani (US) *2200-300 mi/seet *Fature dedîcated *Ail bridge to110 puidi - Start matîng $$$ Cmii: (800)231-5209 ext.6322 Harmac Transportation Inc., a leader ira the Bîtt liqîlet industry, tas ttc foitowing immediate oppontanities for their Norifs Vont and Hamilton locations: FUEL COMPANY DRIVERS Beguiemeflao ri AZ License ni Clean Abstract, Criminat Search, CVOR ci Fiel/Tanker cap. an asset ri Mina 2-prs verifable driving espenience ni Pre-employaient drug test Wie oier ni Competittve hoîrly and milcage rates ri Neyer sate model eqîtpment ci Excellent benefîts package ci Empfoyee inceattve plan ci Safefy bonus progrars ci Fiel training provided ci Open door potîcy to management 711 Continental ahift Oîaefied appi carats shoîld contact John sf 416-642-0515 or 1-800-828-6615 Fax resmne, driver and CVOR abstract and cnîmtnaf searchtof 416-642-0933 Appty on-ltrac www.harmactransport.coms »Commifmenf to Excellence' are looking to staff the following fuit and part time positions: *Lot Manager (Full time> *Vehicle Clean-U1.1p and Detailer (Full and part timne positions available) Exiremely competitive wages. If interested please contact Andrew Gorman ai 905-875-2277 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company The Canadian Champion, Fnday Mardi 7, 2003-27 Required -- Spray loam nutinTcbian. individual ta deliver Parts as well If you are self-motivated, can work un u- as perform generai bwventr pervised and have a 'cen do' attitude witO cota dtores a good da-iving record. wilng to train. otidks Plat as m 905-301-8706. Mutst pnowlde a driver abstract. Good pay, profit sbarlng hmaUi O»O~UIf lnterested fax resume: _______________________ ax Industries LMD. NIGH CLENERS Attention 1. DiPede (905)693-1208 in Milton. Own transportation required. Fax Resume to: 905-878-9010 or apply in person Attention: GERRY DUCHENE 2705 Durante Way, Milton CURVES FOR WONEN 251requines PART-TIME HELP Are01e Guelph Lino, Burlingtan (North)> rî rendy, oofgoing, energeic, coortenus, dis- 1cree, flexible and reliabie? Thes pou may be the per- non we're iooting for. The succeuiful applicani ciii ibe responsibie for generaling and regislening new imerabers and maintaining and caring for raembership. Computer! office/ recepfion stullu necesnary. AIl training is suppiied by Curves Staff. We're footing for someone viho is avaîlable some mornîngs somne laie iaternoons/ early eveningu and some Saturdayu ap- pîoo 15-20/nrs. ceetiy. If you are interesled, Pieuse fao confidientia resume f0: 905-3I&36-3701 OoiY oucceosuo applicanfo cul tii nofified A gOS*Mdes-Etu SPRING FILIMING HAS BEGUN. THE MODEL AND TALENT BUREAU IS SCOUTING NEW FACES IN VOUR AREA. Aaditian tee $34.50 ia refandable if yoa da net qaif. Scaatiag for Movies, Commercials, Catalogaes, Etc. Wile are loting for new faces ~ aIl shapes and sizes, newborn to senior! Scrsaning Mon. Mar. 10. Madel and Talent Bareau is a Member af te BBB & COC. Cmli 519-249-0700, boissoen 9 a.m. - 5 p.m * PERMANENT JOBS e In-Baund C81i Centre Speciallst.... 32K++. Oakoiile. ln-beend calîs/custamer qenes sittin an astamated catI centre esoirnment. Ment te able te 1 aok 8-te ratating sifts between ian-8prs. B...n..a................. 341111 Oatoille. Cenversatiena FRENCH/ENGLISHi stilîs reqaireri. ln-baund calis and castemner qeeries within an autemated caîl centre enoiran- ment. Bilingual Translatai.......t Mid 30's HWp 427 /Bernhamtterpe area client seets an assistanteso seniar transtatar. French/English. For more details visit our sebsite www.theselectlongroup.com or cali 905-238-130 EXTEMU PIIIIIIIIOPT MpATEUICE FULL TM POSITIOU Self motioated individuat cho enjoy wnrting in out- dnnr enoirooment, reqoired te maintain greunds cil shopping centre Applisant mst have: " Ocn transportatian. " Minimom 2 Yerian reiated eoperience. ( snoc piocing an assit) * Vaid Ontario Drioer's lacîneus (Abstract required) D license an assit. *Mechanica aptitude for minor equipment repairs. We are an equal opportunity busineaa that offers a campre- heraîve tructload service taroughaut Eatern Canada, Ortari, Quebec and US peints. We are currently aeeking ta fil the following poaitina. Customer SereiceiDispaîcher *Lead sellcitaiee, beebing, and coerdinatioe *Cairdinate and diapatch drivera. Qualffloatises: *A minimum sf 5 yeara relateal eepenienoe in track tranaportaian *Pnat-aecandary educatian an aaaet. *Slrang carapater stilla *Strang srganizaabanaVicommunicatjen si Clarkie nifera a competi salary and benefit pacsage. Salary aril be based an qualifications and eapenience. Please rward caver letter and reaime atating yasr saary expeclataons ta: Clatie Roedranspert Atteetien: Clati Lawrence 10062 Sieses, Niter, ON4 iO 22( Fax: (90)875-1164 mel:dareao@clarlseoem Tree Farm currenty seeking 3 seasonal hcotticultural tabourers. Aprif-November Hourty wages S8.50 Please Call for an appointment 905-875-3220 PIANO MO VER requires strong, neat, rosponsible individua. TUES--SAT SFT/PT Start $11/hour Cai Jlm 905-878-6597 For busy afternoon shift. Excellent benefits & wages. - or apply in person: i 10862 Steeles Ave. Milton * viîirp t0 drive standard transmission. -4U 1~*i wn aan(bhv *Gond communication stilis.1 We offer competitve saiary and benef ifs pactage. immediatéenig infif our0 Oakville locatiet for Sabrait resume ta: aIndustriai Service Electricians Squar Ous Shapping COliîte HVAC Shoot Metal lnstallers Mapg.et Mfie 1aie cnycaitre ed * Plumbers *Ialaauga M. Ili 2cO Retrigeration Mechanics & Apprentics Fax 905-2724219 We a sa haoe some f iraîed openings je bath oit Oniy applîcants deeraed suîtabie for this Position cii i iCarabbtridgetanndd RicmondgHi)l flocatifonss Wcd setaIt becntacted. No phone colis phease. idsr tnad o aebntt n aft cork. Pieuse deliver, fax or E-mail pour resimes te: LEA H N 1 George O'Hearn, hler Group lut. for efrgertedfoodproessng lan 455 North Service Rd. East Ol) e, ON L6H lA5 forrefigeate fod pocesi plnt Pih: 90-3384090, Fa 965-33-lM in Milton. Own transportation , E-mil: goîeaisroq.ca required. Fax Resumne to: 905-878-9010 or app1 in person H A N T L E Attention: GERRY DUCHENE SE VC -C NCA 2705 Durante Way, Milton ' .UIMD IMEDIATULY. *PLUMWNO EXPRIENCE AN MM88 eil Margaret et 905-878-1979 or ilifdedsAft ct u . Apply in person: Terri, Rowvley Mechanicai Une. 925 Main St E 83 Million REMODELLERS Up la $750/ok Joîn one of the nations top tome rapair cous e Wort for poursef, 'Set paar ecn hoors. *Eadfess sont. 'Mast te prafessiona, neat and clan. Ca# Mr. Arei 90584-48 saw-Uis Golf Club neqaires F/T & P/T Pro Slia Kituhen & Malfutmnce beli Applp in person March 81h, 1O-2pm Mancti 10th- 9-2pm or Marct 131h- 9-2pm Mail resame 1401 Bronte Rd., Oataîlle ON L6M 4G3 or fao On-Me482. No phoae calis piease. JABITORIAL- Mature Perona reqairei fer night siit i :lepra-730ara and affernan shift 2pra- 7pra Uigtt-u Clean- ing in Mlien. 5 dapa per Weet, midnigtt ta 7:30ara. Qualifieti Applicatris rast haie Neat Appearance and Transportaln. Fao Re -auras: (905)637-7033 ICFUTSI e Excetllent sage & beneiff pactage; a Oppartenitp for advanoement; a In-stare advnced colting and ceiaacing classes e Eqaipracot pravided; Polluailecsale for M aspami Budîiu. location Licensce for Searo HomeCoeaia " Gas FiieWsAC Mecti " Air Dact Cteaning Technicias & Heipers We serve Ban IOule. & sarrouading aria FaoSISl-830 Att: M. Brasse eb Ucoumi toi - lu Ca"~ iv Somr cauli luc.

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