26-The Canaldien Champion, Friday, March 7, 2003 5OTH ANNIVERSARY li $50 il howigthpae IMounes conrtlefation) Mr bemg atiofe ta * Tartat hel meto the girl aiprtneam prns, Bris Catinrt Iris S oamtmee opaia with Taant Caoefa the seetfr hsne Il wasn ate adae t he YmAl ande trin a goecia partng in u'ihlie anitoa o e fa the pic-s ures t bew. ller moch cincafreing he uras abane ta Rgla heroe number ol $0al shergiin tlas the egan datng for fwmanin.Atlrbin. Btaione lef ta tour with the RCMP for nearlg a gear 14'an retumning Bill and Iris has a quiet weddmg an Mreh SM, 1953 And thse reit 15 hlsiory.. bge petcncept raoded unit toan- $$ GOVERNMENT - housa. 3 badroam, 2 1/2 Funda $$ Grants and battra, 4 place ensuite, boans information ta ga fireplace, 2d floor siart and axpend your laundry, central vac, business or tarie. 1-800-_ windaa seat in 2nd bed- 505-8866. roorn Nurmerous ipgredes Ail eppi- ances & blinde included. $234,990. 905-875- 3263. - ACTON Apertmants For Rani- 1 bedroomn avail ablea ienediete ad fu- ture occupancy. Opan 7 dayalaee. Sae Day OPEN house. Sunday Approval. Na Doge. 1:30 - 4:00. Maltamny 519-853-4374. awa.re- Toanhause. 3 bedmaom, elstar.ce 1130 sq. il. bacldng on taiein Hathorne Vil ACTON- large 3-had- aea 905-203-1871. roam, vary cean ad bgh eparirneni. $10mol plus. Aieo large 2-bdra part- ent $775/month plus. 51985350819-853- 1500 sq. iL. commercial AVAILABLE April lat. 1 praperty for teae an bedroanu, slave. iridge, Main St. Milton. 95 resarvai parking, vrueo 875-0559. sèuiy Centrai Milton. Na Pela. Referancea re- quirad, RrslItaa. $875 + hydro. 905-878-8123. AVAILABLE March lat. 2 bedrooie, slave, -AVAILABLE. Updated li ridge, reserved parking, office space in e beaui- central air, videa secun .- fui herilage building eit ly. Central Milton. Beau- Main & Martin in Milton. iiully decoraled. No 330 & 850 sq. ft. Fur- Pela. References re- nished or uniurnished.' quired. Firsat. $945+ OeIli Mike ai 905-878- hydro. 905-878-8123. 5828 x 30. Ais ian the clasilIis hauve thse t*.U . bu MMa by 3,000 people AVAILABLE naa. 2 badroata, deck, etove, fn de, reeervad parking viâde sacurity, Central Milton. No pets. References requirad. Firsat. 945 + hydro. 905-878-8123. BEAUT1FUJL 2 badroam basemeni suite. 6 ep- pliencea, compietely ranavated, parking, yard. $795 + utilities. Nan-emokar preterred. 905-876-8777. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronle Street South, Millon Wa are n0w accepinrg appliratora fan 1 bedmora apartments. For more Information malien la nme an W"678-5375 Building Mana"er Leonard a Penny MAIN floar apartment ai house in aid Milton. No smoking, ta pela. $1 050/monlh inclusive. 905-875-0678 3 hadroota bungalow in, Milton. Large lot, tive appiiencea. Averlable Apn or May 1sf. $1250 ROOM neer Multon Mai Parking'& leundry. Na shit + utîlîties Caei Andy workers pleese. $100.00/week. 905-878-088 905-878-8364. * 3 bedrooie semi on cal- lina Court- Hawthorme Village. Available Apnil 1/03. $l400Imonlh + utilitrea. References re- quired. Joyce Hagevîk M Rayai Lepage Meado CAMPSELLVILLE tantihause. Full tuiihed ta t lwne Raty 905-878. ahare with third persan. Na smokingpts. $500. Cail ACTON. Victanan sem SEEKINO roomiestes ta shara housa in Milion. * 3 badroama, Quiet, non-smoking. AvailabieMa s.Yushr * $1, 100/ieont, plus. Alsa $550 + utilities. 905-878-6495. My1f &1 bedrooie epartieenl a $600/manth plus. 519- 853-5080/519-853- 5352. AVAILABLE imme- diataly new 3 bedroom hause, 5 appliencea, cerpeta, ceramics, Mii- * ton. 1500/mo. + utilitias. Oei Femando 905-878- Worfclng Harder to stay #1 MILTON. 2 bedroom house. Ail eppliencea in- cluding, laundry, centrsa air. $295 + hydroý Available now. 905-«6- MILTON. 3 bedroom bungalow on Kinga- * leigh Court. Aveilable lies. Referenicea. 905114 878-4738. MILTON. Three bed- rooie, 2 story detce hoeaveilable now, e -k f Na pets. $1400/ieanth + utilities. 9058753750. MacDonald, Henry & Vicky (nea Cergil) of NEW Maftaiey apaciaus iMilton are pleaaed loaennounce the birif, ai their *4 bedroota delached 3sf daughier Grae Victoria weighting 8 Ibs il home ecrosa fraie park. osaet Mion District Hospital on Wednesdey Oftering immedisie pas- February 26th, 2003. Big siaiers Heiley ad session. $1700 + utili- Sydney are tunlled by her arriva. Our tiienka ta lies, non-amakera, no the nurses and Dr. Gian Hunier ait MDH. A se pet pleese. Oei Lynda ciel Thenk You ta Marilyn Scobie, tue wonderiul VER 905-826-4554. nurse who brought aur litile engel inia the worid NICE~~~ hoei ad nd ta Dr. Charbonneau wha pravided the hep- I eed a d 0 0tcroom , gara qe pydural. utilities. Oei 519-853- ca utilimth +.* litroom *4 bdrm tih $1350/ieonth . il. api. 850/ieanth + utiuites. -1 build- hadraoie $lîOOlmanth "croty, Kelly & Karen (nee Atkinean) and big t. Framn + utîlities. 2 badroota sistar Kealae Ann are plaasad toaennounce fthe 6-918- apartrnant $ll00montu bath of their daughtar Avery Karsu weigfdn 8 Tant. + utiiitie. Ail in Milton. Ibe 1 oz on Februery 11th, 2003. Everythrng b ase_ Oei Anelora et 905-875- Ilwant welli n Avaiy'e home birth B*h 1110 ext. 247. ____________ f bet- lie ad th. Ail _ _ __ _ 6-432- 3 badroori ttanusa, inny 1 3 appliances. $1150 +F G / u ti i- . i rîm e d ia e ly . 9 0 5 - 6 9 1 - - e î y t , a v m I r e icota- NICELY decoraied & 1 lDsBrlrA n u ce -e l spart- ment, garage, 5 ep- 14_WAGON Mrh pliences, N C. Available S,,1 3 1h Ap- April lai. Non-amokers, Ih OelnA plp 135+u *New in town? C li n ets. $35-+6444202 Gelting marred in 3 months or more? ties 9058444202 9 *Having a baby? M *Establishing a new business? Slorey PLEASE CALL US loi rn Caurmunlty Welcanre ine Linda 905-854-1563 - Doris 905-332-49 ainge ROOM for rent. Gentle- Elize 905-693-0313 ment. man preierred. $450.00 Baby & Bridai îlieu, par mnth. 905-878- Tracy 905-876-4330 3632. Grace 905-319-1110 Chrisie, Yvonne (nos Charlton) Itai with deepeat regret that we announce the passing ai aur mather, grandmother and great grnmter Ynne Christie on Wednesday, Maeh5ot2 03vn her 74thyear while hahidaying in Hawai. Wite ai the late Allen Christie. Laving mather af Don and his wite Adnanna, Gary and his wite Magsrt, Daug and hie alfa Leona, Harvey and his aife Mary-Mn, Gard, Shirley and her husband John Zanatta. She aiea enoydher 1 3.grandchildren and 6 great grand- c alrn Faily and friende may viait at the MoKersie-Kacher Funeral Home 114 Main S. Miltaon 905-878-4452 tram 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm an Monday. The Funeal Saevce Yail ha held an Tueaday, March lth 2003 at 1:00 pm et St. Paul's United Churc, 123 Main St. Miltaon. In lieu of flawers, manorial danations may ha made ta the charity ai orne choice. DANCOCKS: Burt William Peaceuly, at Milton district Hospital an Wedneeday, March 5 2003, Burt Dancocke in hie 61st. Baiavad hueband and beet friand for 35 years ai Rose (nea Wiieorn) ai Rocirwaod. Dear bramher af Terry and Linda af Bracebridge. Laving uncie af Meanie, Terri-Lyn and Deanna. r1- wll i eamsed by hie ieany friande ai teHk Ragional Police Service. Friande will ha raceivad ait the J. Scott Earty Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton <905-878-2669) on Friday, Merci, 7ttr (today> tram 2-4 ad 7-9 PM. A Funeral Service wiI ha held tram the Funeral Home Chapel an Saturday, March tuth ai 1:00 PM. Cremation ta to 10w. As expreesione ai sym- pathy, donations may ha made ta, tihe Canadien Cancer Society or the Tie Harton Children's Faudation. Brai Conachan March 22, 1967 to March 4, 1999 You neyer aauld have lait ua If only you had known The pain and heartache Fraie the aeeda ai doubt yau've sawn Thought ai yau, your charm and laughfer and the witty tir yau'd aay Change the nuiebneaa ta sweet memones That get us lfuraugh each day If only we could fuie back fume To aee you juat once mare There aill alwaya ha a apecial place In aur hearta far evermare Mlaayou alWays Lova Kim, IlI, Scott & Aaron Thetfanaly af tha fate Bertia Gaudon wish ta express tueir sincera gratitude ta Dr. Ivan Hunier, and mhe staff af Allendale ad Milton Plac. Their ioving and tender cae af aur Mam throughout har stay wss a camont ta us. Their kindnaaa wAil remain in aur hearis farever. Specia thanke ta Father Damian Schafiaid and Father David Withelie of Haty Raeary Pariah for thair spiritual leadership and support. REEBACES in th fro l donations ta The Milton District Houpitatl 487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 Iomo n Memoriams in the tarie ai Sil~ donations ta The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply ,ore appreciated. ClhssidCwHIDCasiid d apara 1