Elyý_ SEVE LeSLANC \t Itiot ujOt" >' e4iel i0ut ut icor satis The~ Champnop from the oese - muitnta 4-0 cuash J*avig cornse p sothitwoOQM*A ietg Mts g00b a*teeae1c tihe nigso finals witi AAA iea frpo Gueelphs bfo, Ti kbohriM w18 shap but andWatelotesead m iaor hocpk- lasgely untesed in~ thsere-bhg ey coah wffbk o a* dsam- w W- fba=& ym nule ~s piodip bld nuereber tanc - with tbis Meanwile, iton &trei emore dm~ year 's MilItS A midget - thse golden tirce doze shots; thse other way and dld oMi. a great job contaiasing tie pseck in "I'd say tisis tcam is better poised to enemy tenfioy This allowed for sec- win a chamnpionship (Ohmn tise psncvious ond and third opporteaites, wbich kept Iwo)," suggested Brennan Tsaesday ie opposiasg goalie off balance and moaxsiag, after lis local lad& booked tenable 10, slame tise door on tise pwsageo teeageetide series the pre- Wanterhawks like ise dld Stonday. vious nigltwith a6-1 victoey in Ajax. ,"We were worlcng owa gane better While tise Action Utility Trailers Monday," explained Ban. Wintetawks will no dotbt face stiff ,Kyte Stbrong was enoved olver to tise competion fa'm, either Tecumseis or wang to ailow lm te go to tihe net more, CaWeon - wiso'nc ati batding for tise mdo thenre vpaid off with tise midget' otiser cisu"nionduisp beaU,, with caaidelverig a bdt-cký TIngives Tecwnuelop twogw-mu -1tsesios hlm 49 goals on tise year ad pusbed bas safe to say thse ONHcrown il;tiseirs to season pSm ttotul eo la2 win or toSe. After ailt Milto bas bested Pi Foley mnd Clais Wisiing aWs "ot prospective oppoisnSts Ibi scason slhood ouI wilis impressivc two-way mnd remains undefeated in playoff efforts, cotb tg tsei mmozmd as actio -averting its closest bueslsit 9 well a s t ie u>moret Eade bed deféa~t wltis Seenday's 2-1 oveatime vie- the biut, asd TmMtndei. toiry ai Meeto"iAlreea. hpininto"ua=wr Clearly djeed aboesfWRieeg shy Adam Cleic al aus*., oaf sqseades thse *ot-1f-ve semiflesal Now Mi0to bu a chance totetp asis, Ajax was't able to offer the for &es iNa - whichl wil probaly saet ftslMae .deerag garne üiee stee =ex waeIs4mon hWBy aguu Under-19 Magicfall short Close only counets on horseshoes and hand grenades. But Milton's Under-19 girls are no doubt wishing indoor soccer were part of that lise - after coming with- in a heartbeat of reaching League Cup semnifmal play in Vaughan Saturday. The Sargent Farm Magîc - une of the province's mose impruved teams this win- ter - feul juot une goal shy of advance- ment, tying Newmarket 1-1 in the last quarterfinal round-robin game where unly a victory would push them through. Erinn Greenfield powered hier way to the upposing cage and buried an Amy DiPalma rebound tu erase an early deficit. But from there the local ladies could pro- duce nu more, despite a number uf quality chances down the stretch. .Providing exceptional defense were Ashley Grant, Erin Grevstad and Ruth Hamon. Coming this close to the semnifinals speaks volumes about the short order progress made by the Magic, who as league newcomers last year managed only une win mnd were in nu position to chai- lenge the province's top teamos. It's been a whole different story titis oea- son, as the teamn knocked off defending champion Pickering 2-1 in te League' Cup's preliminary round mnd were beaten jut I -0 by lase year's finatiet Thunder Bay Saeurday mumning lu start the quarterfinal round. Said assistant coach Rachelle DiPalma, -We certainly demonstrated that we can compete with turne of the pruvince's beot teamo.' The Newmarket tic was the second straight stalemate of the day for Milton. The first was of the scorelets variety againse London Forest - whu was stifled by the likes of Hamon, Erica Ercolani, Krista Lenardon mnd Heather Moon. What they couldn't stop, netminder Emma Goddard did in impressive fashion lu preserve the shutout. Up front, Ashley Rainey, Val Fazio mnd Kelsey Orpin offered plenty of pressure but just couldn't dent the twine. The Magie resume regular-season play Sunday against Bolton. mhe Canadian Championi, Fnday, Match.T. 2003--25 Skating sisters good as g .ol d at jr. national chamnpionships Viscontis' Brampton Gold Ice squad caps stellar year with Canadian titie Mission accomplished! Putting the finishing touches on a near-perfect tesson, the Brampton Gold Ice synchronized skating team - which includes Milton sisters Alicia and Melissa Visconti - realized its national gold-medal hopes last weekend ait the Canadian junior champi- onships lin Montreal. "It's really fulfilmig, a great way to end the year," said I 8-year- old Melissa. Added 16-year-old Alicia, "lt's indescribable, it's awesome. We ail cried a lot afterwards." 'Me Gold Ice contingent - whiçh won five of six events this season, and struck silver at the other - not only beat fellow favourites Burlington and Les Supremes of Qucbec, but did so sn decisive fashion. The eventuai champs had a sizable lead after last Friday's short programn, andmaintained it with another dynamite effort during the long programn Saturday. '1'd oay they were our best performances of the season," recalled Melissa. "Everything juse came together." 'Me national victory will afford the Brampton Gnld Ice team international assigniments next season. See more local sports on page 29. Alicia (left) end Melissa Visconti vdww.crenapro.com Did Yo U# a ForCin 1 iZr 4 H«key yet? Y" 1 9offli-9275 905*7370 ,W11MILTON YOUTH SOCCER CLUB STILL HAS A OV LIMITED NUMBER 0F OPENINGS FOR THE UPCOMING SUMMER SEASON. If ini'erested, please corne to our new office in the Milton Leisure Centre on SATURDAY MARCH 8TH,9 10 Am'- 2 Pm Open spots wli befilled on a first corne frst serve basis. No early birds please. Masi N e 730er p.mas Cbudeigb as Abolut Transportati Mas 9:0 am budeîg's s itaMaSor Cosruto 400 p.m.Bi Aut eir us Mrswbe LaOfsd 1000arn Hut Csyses tdge terishre ecuniestou Ety MrO 5:15 p.. Scoers Sack Garae trian Au toeas Mar7 :30p.. imbtsRed vsMabi Gee 6:30 p.m. Maiîs Tisslr e oet 0g m F ie e ogrp Ma 38700 pn is bt Whoite Oreits tut S o w 7eaSet1:45 tam. Todtral ei h and e cti K wel K errs M 8 :400 p.m. Talelit COrane u t lalt Ford 5a 8 900 pin. MCualigh vsIrsuranrontrcioce4 pm Nu-Tech Recruiters Gs Met 70a NdlrEetic os Au res ar d b 10:30 pro. Mult Fîryebt e Cl B etrsit A uto O es- 82yMr :0 arn. Scatrs auto Repair Shoppnt Au Meat 7:011.1111111111111eXptca :4 rn SesTos DntlGsu GALLNER FORD LINCOLN VM MILTON, 310A Steeles Ave., Milton Wite quantities test. Partlctpattng locations onty. AIR ILQUIDE1 Industriel gano www.airlquidecom SWmllng producte